Friday, November 04, 2005

The Trip (by the numbers) and Lost Virginities

I'm back home. Here's some numbers for the trip:
  • 691.54--Miles from my door to Just.A.Girl's door (according to Mapquest).
  • 128--(or more) Ounces of Diet Coke w/Lime consumed.
  • 100--or more (alot more) Dollars spent on tickets, shirts, and other concert specific stuff.
  • 90--Minutes spent at Addict's shop.
  • 84--Hours from start to finish.
  • 40--(and counting) Hours since I last slept.
  • 30--Floors up is where the Portland City Grill is located. Best view in town!
  • 24.55--Approximate MPG during the full trip.
  • 11.5--Hours to get home (2 more than anticipated) due to morning rush hour and construction.
  • 6--Cans of Red Bull (why does that stuff taste so bad?).
  • 5--Wardrobe changes for Mick Jagger (might have been 6).
  • 3--Major traffic delays on the way home.
  • 2--McDonald's Breakfast Burritos on the way home.
  • 1--Bag of bite-sized Snickers (half-priced post-Halloween @ Target!).
  • 0--Speeding tickets (yay!).

There were also a number of personal firsts on this trip. My virginity was torn to shreds in a number of areas:
  • The Pacific Ocean. I touched the Pacific Ocean! I've never been out to the coast in any of my trips to Seattle (Puget Sound is NOT the ocean!) or Portland. I could live there without much problem!
  • The "infamous" Northwest rains. I thought they were a myth. I have since learned! My windshield wipers were used more in these 4 days than in the total life of the car.
  • Sushi. Montana boys don't have much chance to eat sushi, therefore balk when given the opportunity. I could like it, given time.
  • Chopsticks. You can't eat sushi without chopsticks. Actually, I've used them, but that was about 30 years ago. But like sex, if you don't use them, you can regain your viriginity status!
  • Watermelon martini. Actually, I think if you put any drink in a martini glass these days, it becomes a "martini"--I don't understand. I don't know why this didn't come in some other type of glass. Regardless, I can see that could easily knock back too many of these!
  • The Rolling Stones. Unlike many at the concert, I'd never seen them. Well worth the big bucks I paid out!
  • Ferrets. She has two ferrets. Very cute. She lets them out of their cage for about a half hour before going to bed so they can run around, play, and stretch. With me, they sensed something new, so I was a great source of exploration. Little wet noses poking around all over, their little paws crawling all over you, it was sort of relaxing. Then again, I'm a born-again virgin in that sex area too, so maybe I was liking it just a little too much. Anyway, out of the blue, one of these little skinny rats bit the back "knuckle" of my right big toe! The little shit drew blood!! J.A.G. grabbed him and sent him to bed without dinner or something (what can you do to an animal that just sleeps all day in a cage?). The next night, she lets them out, and without bothering with the "play" time, the little shit went right for the LEFT big toe. Two honkin' fangs embedded behind my toe! I sort of kick him off, but again--he drew blood! Rabies treatment starts for me this weekend (just kidding!). I've got a picture up on my other blog if you want to check out the damage.

There were some other things that did or didn't happen. I didn't get to see my sister who lives in Portland, or any other longtime friends. There were some questionable HNT pictures taken involving another woman, angel's wings, the ferrets, and a red silky thing. My guess is that you'll never see those pictures.
Due to alot of people who wanted to do a HNT Mystery Guest picture, I'll still take them for next week. So this is the absolute last chance!! Get them in to me by late Tuesday night. Any new submissions, and ones that weren't used during the Mystery Guest run, will all be posted. As well as the names of all who entered.
There's been alot of response to the Frappr map. The link button is over there in the sidebar. Go check it out, and if you haven't left your mark, please do so!
I was tickled to see the number of you who want to meet me! If I could do it without worrying about the financial end of things, I'd start setting up "OsTour '06" right now! I, too, would love to meet many of you! And if you have the chance to do such a thing, I highly recommend it (with someone you "know").
I'll be spending time over the weekend checking out your comments to my HNT. I made it through the comments of my earlier post. Now it's time to hit the actual HNT post. Looks like alot of newbies!
Those of you at Klineapalooza--wish I were there!
Many of my Oregon pics are up at the other blog. Be sure to check them out! And check out the rest of them if you've never been there!! Have a great weekend!

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