1. Last week was "The Most Wonderful time of the Year", but what are your favorite 2008 memories? - There were four--in July, I got to meet Buzz Aldrin, which really did wonders for my inner geek. In August, I went to Vixen's wedding, and Dana came to town (twice!) during her trip to Washington to see family. In November, OsTour08 went to Indianapolis and I spent time with a great group of bloggers. Rather...friends.
2. What is the best thing you learned in 2008? - That plane tickets from Billings to Indianapolis are hundreds of dollars less than from any other points in Montana, to any airport near Indy. Means that future trips are not out of the question! But not before I get to Kalispell, MT...
3. On a scale of 1-10, how good was your 2008? - 8.5. Maybe could be coerced into saying 9.0.
4. What is your wish for 2009? What is your wish for someone else for 2009? - I don't generally look too far to the future. Continued good health for me and my family, I suppose. There's too many wishes for others to list here. I think there's one or two special friends that know what I'm wishing for them...
5. Where was the first place you ever passionately kissed? - I love the incongruity here... I'll assume that the parties in junior high don't count--how can you be "passionate" at that age? There was lots of kissing, though! From what I remember...we're talking over 35 years ago here. I'm going to have to jump ahead to college. Julie L. Mother's Day weekend. Family cabin in the hills. Oh, yes. Anything that I ever though of as "passion" before then was completely blown out of the water! Who knew that Jack Daniel's could be used as an emergency mouthwash??
Bonus (as in optional):Do you make New Year's resolutions? What is/are your's for 2009? - As mentioned above, I don't think too far into the future. Resolutions fall by the wayside as well. So I don't make them. I suppose if I were to do them, they'd include eating better, exercising, losing some poundage. But since I don't make them...
There you have it. The last TMI for 2008. Be sure to check out everyone else who's playing today!
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