Just having an opportunity to check in, as I know you're all terribly concerned! Rehearsals haven't been too terribly bad. Some minor hassles, but certainly nothing to get worked up over. Tonight's dress rehearsal will be an open rehearsal (meaning there will be an audience). We don't normally do that, but those in charge worked out a deal with our two major sponsors of this concert to open it for them. Both of them work with some social charities in town, so they've invited them to come. We'll have over 800 underprivileged kids/families showing up for this! At first glance, that's thousands of dollars of free tickets going out. Though, in reality, a vast majority of them would not come if they had to buy a ticket, so we're doing a good thing. I think we're going to milk this for all it's worth!
Not looking forward to Sunday, however. The high for the day is forecast to be -4°F. That's the HIGH. Wind chills are possibly going to get to -50°. I am SO not looking forward to loading the equipment truck. Fortunately, I should have some help (I'm screwed if I don't). I have about 90 minutes from the end of Nutcracker to get to another performance. I have to have everything loaded by then. I'm not overly optimistic, but I think it can be done! If the truck starts...
Big disappointment about tonight's rehearsal--the Griz are playing their semi-final game against James Madison TONIGHT, not Saturday afternoon. I can't begin to tell you how bummed I am about that. The game is on ESPN2 tonight, so please watch and cheer for me! Texts with current scores will be greatly appreciated!
Still behind on surfing, and will probably not leave comments this week. Just no time. I'm glad to see that a few of you have mentioned the themes for the rest of the month. Go check out the details for each at the top of my sidebar!

Today's CD is really one of my favorites. I mentioned in a prior post that country Christmas music is really not something I like, but this is nothing like country music. With a somewhat limited selection of Christmas songs (really, how many different ones can YOU name?), I'm always on the lookout for different and original versions of the standards. And SHeDAISY has a winner here with
"Brand New Year". These aren't your standard arrangements of songs, by any stretch of the imagination! And barely a country twang to be heard! Personal favorites include "Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Carol of the Bells", "Deck the Halls", and an original--"Santa's Got a Brand New Bag", which can be heard during the closing credits of
"The Santa Clause 2". This is DEFINITELY in my top 5 for Christmas. Go buy it!

Sad news from California. Pin-up icon and early Playboy Playmate
Bettie Page died yesterday. Her images were found all over as the sexual revolution of the 60s was ushered in. It's estimated that over 20,000 amateur pictures of her exist, doing the most mundane things. Bettie Page putting on stockings. Bettie Page walking the dog. Bettie Page sitting in a chair. But she always looked good doing it! A timeless beauty. You can check out her obituary
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