Friday, September 01, 2006

Oops! We Did It Again!

Don't forget about the Labor/Labour Day theme for Tuesday! Read the details here! Don't put it off!
You may remember this post from last August where my band In Cahoots and the Mob Rules Horns was voted the best local band by readers of the local paper. The voters actually had to write in our name, rather than choose from a list of bands, so it was more "scientific". Well, it happened again! Two years in a row!! Whoo-hoo!! Click on the picture to read the little blurb underneath...

It appears that the old farts outdid the kids once again! Had to do a quick scan, so the back of the page bled through. Sorry about that. I prefer this picture of us, anyway...

If any of you get a wild hair and want to hire us, we're available (and suprisingly affordable, even though we're a big band!). We'd even cross the border!
BTW--if anyone is paying attention to this sort of thing--today is Volcano Girl's birthday. Happy Birthday, VG!

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