Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New Territory for HNT

Something new is happening! HNT is about to conquer another kingdom! I got a note from "Tish", a nice person who lives over in Myspace.com, inviting me over to check out the new HNT group that's being started over there! Tish is the one whose picture graces the group page in her own half-nekkidity. Certainly enough for me to go check it out further!

Now I have to admit, I have mixed feelings about all of this. Obviously, if HNT can infiltrate and take over another blog kingdom, then I'm all for it! But if you haven't explored Myspace, it's a different sort of experience. There's a totally different feel, a different culture and a different presentation. Some of you might feel out of sorts there. Sort of like me being dumped in the middle of the south side of Chicago. No idea where to go, or how to get out. Well, it's not that bad, but for those of you who don't know what to expect, here's some things I've learned from exploring over there over the past year:

First off, you might be asked to sign up for Myspace. It's free. I used a 10-yr old email address that's expired. So I don't get any sort of spam, and no one can get ahold of me. The largest audiences are: a) high school students who do that weerd txt msg 5pe11ing thng, b) college students who haven't let go of high school yet, and c) rock bands who don't have the money to really do anything but free web sites. There seems to be alot of lesbians out there. Or young HS students who think they are (or would like to try). The males seem to think that this might be a good place to pick up chicks. Almost everyone puts some sort of music video up, which generally will gum up the works, and make navigating their sites almost impossible. There's a link to store up to 10 pictures on each site, a good majority of which are the "cell-phone-at-arms-length" shots. The big thing to do is to build up a group of "friends", which is where the boys jump onto some girl's site, hoping that she'll think he's THE ONE. Or the previously mentioned bands who will thank you for coming to their site, and then relentlessly get you to download their music, or come to their shows. There's sites that have +1000 "friends". For the most part, it's like high school all over again.

Now granted, there's alot of decent sites over there. And not everyone is teeny-bopper. The HNT group site already has over two dozen members. Mostly bands and horny boys looking for boobies. My guess it that most of them will be lurkers, rather than participants. But we should give them the benefit of the doubt. It could truly explode, and if someone over there wants to be in charge, that's even better! So as you do your own exploring of your regular HNT sites, stop by over there and see how it's going. I'll try to keep you updated.

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