Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reactions, Realities and Recollections

Reaction--For the record, my Shameless Christmas Begging for boobies ended on January 1 with the "Newscast" post. I am not going to publicly ask for booby shots for the private collection until maybe next Christmas. I'm not going to mention that you can send them to: osbasso (at) gmail (dot) com. I'm not going to mention that I'm looking forward to those who said they'd send me something soon. I'm not going to mention my thanks to all of you who did send in photos. All that was through on January 1st!
EDIT--Contrary to Leesa's comments, the private collection "vault" is not locked down. It will always open up as necessary!

Reaction--I was a little taken aback by the people who thought my voice sounded "sexy" on my first audiopost. I've never considered it sexy--more like nasal. Many thanks to Rachel, who thought I was pontificating (though she's had to listen to me do that in the past, so she'd know...). You can probably plan on hearing my voice again down the road. Doubt you'll hear me play my bone though...

Reality--I had burgers and beers with the ever-lovely just.a.girl last night. At one point, I felt a tickle in my throat. That was the beginning. I now am trying to fight off a cold that's wanting to settle in my throat. Which will make it down into my chest. January might be really sucky. I'll be sure to let you know if I'm falling into the depths of illness requiring oodles of concern from you guys.... I'm having beers again tonight with both j.a.g and Rachel. Maybe that will help!

Reality--I foolishly thought that when I got back from Nashville, all the crap that was going on prior to the trip would disappear upon my return. Well, that's not what happened. I'll be sure to whine about that, too!

Recollection--I recall that my infamous blue Hawaiian shirt (see here, here, or here) was sent back to Nashville to join in on a party. I haven't heard anything about that yet. Does anyone know about the party? Will I ever get my shirt back, or is it being held captive??

Recollection--I seem to remember that life was easier, slower, and far less stressful. Anyone remember that?

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