Friday, December 22, 2006

Da Count #15 & #16

Well, once again, my Count this week is this little community we've got. A vast majority of you did the Three Christmas Wishes HNT, and the diversity was wonderful! My thanks to those of you who gifted me--looks like OsTour '07 is a popular idea. Some of you went the humorous route, others of you were completely serious. Some readers got misty, others found new blogs to check. All in all, our little group got a little bit closer and a little more personal. As it should at Christmastime. And that's what counts!

If you want to read more about "Da Count", click on the button below...


This one ought to be the #1 Count. The birth of Jesus. The reason for the season.

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This is one of the basic tenets of my faith. Not that it's all that strong, but it's there. And no offense to those who don't celebrate Christmas, but that's what it's all about for me. No "Happy Holidays". No celebration of other religious beliefs. It's Christmas. And that's what really, really counts! For those of you who won't be back here until next week, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your friends, family and neighbors! If you're so inclined--I'll probably be around alot on Monday, so stop by and say hi!
--Two quick Public Service Announcements--be sure to go back and check "...the Other HNT". I made a late addition to the week's offerings.

Also--remember what next week's HNT is. No new pics! Choose the HNT that YOU'VE posted that's YOUR favorite. Click on the link up there at the top of the sidebar to get the details. If you feel the need to do a new HNT, you can submit it to the anonymous site! Regular new HNTs start up again in 2007!
She's not blogging anymore, but those who remember Lindsey (the good-lookin' redhead Lindsey!) might want to know it's her birthday today! Send her some party thoughts! Happy Birthday, Red! Wish you were still playing with us!
Hey! Guess what?? Days are getting longer!! Yippeee!

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