As for those who weren't chosen this week, you're already entered for next week. Those of you who are interested, you can certainly send me an entry for next week. And if you did send one in, you're certainly allowed to send more/new entries for the future! The outgoing MG and I both agreed that this week's choice exhibited imagination, and a nice change of pace for HNT. After all, it ain't all about the boobies! Other than mine. Hopefully this quick repair will take care of that!

Hope you have a great day tomorrow! Enjoy all that is HNT!
Be sure to check the comments on my prior post for some early ups, and the birthday tribute in the post below that. Go wish a belated Happy Birthday to Lizabeth!
This morning I paid a $75 fine for running the stop sign, and $25 fine for no seat belt. And it's a 30-day deferred sentence, meaning it's wiped off the books if I don't get another ticket in that time. Sounds easy, but these things seem to come in bunches for me, so I'd best behave! Oh--my car insurance DID lapse, and that sucker is a $540 fine for first offense, and loss of registration & license for the second! It's like they're really serious!
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