Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Alfred Hitchcock Would Love This...

Many of you will remember my weekend of bird killing last July. If you need a refresher, check it out here. I'll wait...

Well, it's apparently that time of year again. But I believe the birdie elders have been teaching the young ones a little better. Apparently, they are jumping out of their nesting area and flapping their wings immediately. Directly through the open door to the balcony. Flying around my living room. Normally, I don't think I really mind too much. The door has to stay open, because there's no A/C up here (it's Montana), so I've grown to accept that things may fly in. Mostly bees and the occasional moth.

My first birdie friend visited Monday. He was so cute. Just like a terrified 15 y.o. girl who's behind the wheel of a car for the first time. I think the bird had its eyes closed. It would fly beak-first into the wall. Then the TV. Then it would poop. The wall again. The CD rack. Every time it did this, it would fall to the floor in utter exhaustion. Breathing heavily. Eyes big. Then it would poop again. Exhausted to the point that I could get close enough to actually touch it. But as soon as I did, it would find the strength and courage to get away from me (alot like the women in my life....), flapping its wings for all they're worth, bouncing beak-first into new obstacles. And pooping some more.

I was successful in finally herding it out to the balcony again, where it ended up near the drainage hole. The same drainage hole where previous generations of birds fell to their eventual demise. But this time, it was different! Mustering all of its little birdie strength, it ran through the hole, and FLEW!!! Out in the great unknown! I watched it fly all the way across the street, until the crow swooped in and grabbed him and landing on the roof of another apartment. Would he come back here? Who knows? Didn't get the chance to tag him...

This morning, as I'm getting ready to go to surgery, one of his siblings took the leap. Still running beak-first into things, but this time I was near my camera, so before herding it out, I snapped a picture. He made it to the top of a picture frame on the wall.

I finally got this one out the door, but I didn't see where he ended up. Hopefully the elders are getting the word out--STAY OUT OF THE APARTMENT!!! But if you do--don't poop.

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