This week's HNT is sort of a result of last week's click-through. I haven't talked much about the weight loss due to my pissing it all away last year. At my first doctor's appointment, when I was officially diagnosed, I had dropped about 50 lbs. from the middle of the summer. It was fairly sudden, though looking back on it, happened over the span of many weeks. While I was still having to digest what lifestyle changes I had to make, I was somewhat happy with the fact that I lost weight, regardless of how I did it.
My four days in the hospital were spent pumping all sorts of fluids in me, which added about 10 lbs back. And made me healthier. Since then, part of my goal to get off the insulin is to lose weight. And there's been progress, though slow. I haven't lost it as quickly as I'd like, but I've been losing, and I consider that a step in the right direction. I'm back to about 50 lbs less than this summer, but 50 lbs is also relative. Everybody goes ooh and ahh when they read about a man who once weighed over 1000 lbs and has lost 600 lbs. But he still weighs 400 lbs. Not that my numbers are remotely close to that, but the story is still similar. I'm still a big guy.
I don't let that bother me at all. At my heaviest, I never really let it bother me. But I have to admit that I like how I'm feeling/looking. Which is a nice motivation. Yeah, someone who's never met me might have one image of me; others who have followed me through this are noticing the weight loss. And I'm determined to keep it coming off. I might even join a gym (though nobody should hold me to that...).
Where it's been most noticeable has been my face. I've noticed it. Many of you have noticed it too. That's where last week's HNT comes into play. I knew there were some other pictures of me playing Michelle. It's an interesting comparison. So here I am in 2005, 2007 (during Mahler's 3rd--I can guarantee I'm blowing my brains out!), and just last week. Yeah. I'm losing weight.

"May you have warm words
on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill
all the way to your door."--Traditional Irish blessing/toast
This blessing goes out to this week's Mystery Guest. She has moved into a new place, away from her kids and their father to start a new chapter in her life. As part of that new chapter, she's also moved her blog to her own domain. Not just a figurative move, but a financially strategic move. But she needs your help. So, in a different twist on the "mystery" part, I'm revealing her now, so that you can get over to read her post and help out. Now head over to
"Having My Cake...and eating it too!" She'll appreciate your help!
I have a little gripe regarding
"...the Other HNT". Lord knows I'm not a comment whore. I used to get down when comments were lacking. I checked obsessively to see what my stats told me. I worried that I wasn't doing something "right". But that was when I was young and foolish.
I've noticed over the past few weeks that the comments over at
OHNT have fallen drastically. I checked my stats, and there's still the same number of people visiting. But almost no one is commenting. What's up with that?? Your fellow HNTers are stepping out over there, and I'm sure they'd like some feedback, even if they're anonymous! So go check them out and leave some lovin'! Of course, it's NSFW, but you already knew that!
- The Winter Olympics will be in full swing in two weeks, so why not celebrate your national pride with a Winter Olympics HNT? Even if you don't like the Winter Olympics, I'm sure that many of you have experienced some snow this year! That should get you in the mood! And if you're good, you can even incorporate some of it in your HNT! The Olympic theme worked well two years ago for the Summer Games--this one should do as well! So pull out your toques, lace up your skates, or whatever you need to do! Winter Olympics HNT in TWO weeks!