Be sure to read the post below this one first!! It's my "Lows" list. Makes the "Highs" list much better (most have links back to posts).
"The 10 High Points of 2010"
(from less high to highest of the high)
(from less high to highest of the high)
There you have it. My "Highs" for 2010. Many of you are probably already at parties as I'm posting this. I'm staying home and watching movies all night. I hope that everyone is having a safe but fun NYE! Looking forward to a great 2011!!10. Date w/My Niece - In late January, I took my niece to see the touring show of Jesus Christ Superstar in Missoula. It was nice to have a dinner conversation with her outside of the family setting, and I scored cool uncle points when we walked in and were ushered to the front row, absolute center, seats!
9. Carroll College Fighting Saints - Despite the disappointing season of the Griz, we were able to cheer on the Saints as they won their 6th NAIA national championship of the decade. They defeated the University of Sioux Falls, who won the other 4 championships of the decade. And it looks like the streak may continue well into the next decade!8. CHS 35-yr Reunion - My high school class celebrated its 35th year this summer. We had a one-night reunion, which I wasn't really looking forward to. But it was a great time, I got to see a number of people that I hadn't seen since graduation, and was happy to realize that we weren't all the old farts that I expected. Well, most of us weren't! Actually makes me look forward to the 40th!
7. OsShirt revival - After some stops and starts, the OsShirt got back on track this year on its travels across the country (and across the Atlantic!). I was even reunited with it in August for a weekend! Even though it's currently hung up again...I'm confident that there's going to be some great adventures in 2011! Is it sensible to be envious of a shirt??6. New Toys! - By necessity and/or by choice, this was the year of new toys! Including a new (used) car, a new phone (OK, I got it at the end of 2009), and a new TV. Of course, I can't really afford all of this, but like I said, necessity and/or choice. And I'd like to upgrade the computer, and Michelle could really use an overhaul. Those will have to stay on the back burner for now though. To wrap this all up, I was able to text people about the new TV in the back of my car on the day I bought it!
5. Visits By Friends - I got to see my three main beer drinking buddies a few times this summer. Even though my beer drinking has pretty much waned. Moose was my roommate for almost a week which was wonderful! I got to see Kamey a couple of times when she was here (and at her brother's wedding), and Rachel came down a couple of times (including Ray's funeral). I also got to see my favorite adult movie star Tara Tainton when she passed through town on a road trip! Actually, she was supposed to be my date for the class reunion, but she got delayed. Man, that could have been a lot of fun!
4. Music Man - No, not the musical. I played in two different bands this summer. The newer of the two bands is the soul band, logically called, Big Soul Band. Eight white guys and a white chick singer from Montana playing soul. Yeah, it works! But I was forced to write dozens of arrangements in a short amount of time. High stress? You bet! But I thrive on that! The other band is the one that broke up in 2007. We played for the wedding reception of Kamey's brother and wife. It was only the second time in 36 months that we've played together, and while it wasn't as smooth as I though it might have been, it was still great. Hopefully we might consider getting the band back together for real in the new year!3. Symphony Stuff - Beyond the regular symphony stuff that I deal with on a regular basis, I was hired in an additional capacity for 3 special concerts. That of production manager. The one guy with the answers. The one guy where the buck can be expected to stop. The one guy that gets to boss the conductor and everyone else around (judiciously, of course). It's an aspect of the performances that I thoroughly enjoy, and am pretty good at. Depending on the concert, I might have to give up the musician side of me, but so far, I've been able to juggle them pretty well. The biggest of these concerts is our free outdoor concert in the summer. With a crowd of well over 15,000, fireworks, construction of a stage, and transportation of equipment from all over town, it's right up my alley. And I love it!
2. Nashville - One year from this very moment, I was packing and preparing to fly out to Nashville on New Year's Day. I was there to meet up with M to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and to meet some of the Nashville bloggers/HNTers. After meeting up with 13 Messages on New Year's night at Hooters, we were joined on the next night by M, Shizzle, and Bat. It was colder in TN than it was in Helena, and we didn't get the people that lived nearby to make the trip. But those of us that were together had a great time! I stuck around for a couple of days, which were spent exploring. Nashville might very well be my favorite town!
1. BTExpress' Pool Party - For as much fun as Nashville was, BTExpress' pool party takes the #1 spot this year. Not because it was better, but because it happened at the end of a very busy summer for me. The break was definitely needed! As mentioned in the "Lows" list, the turn-out was disappointing, but the rest of us had a great time! It was a very laid back evening for BTE, Lori, Shizzle (twice in the same year!), Hubman and Veronica. In addition, I was able to meet up with an old girlfriend during my layover in Minneapolis, and had lunch with Minority Report before leaving New York! And as a total bonus, I got a $400 ticket voucher to use by next August! OsTour '11 plans are soon to be made!
I'm not entirely sure what the Os Shirt involves, but I am positive I want to be in it.
I'm proud to be among your highs. Your visit was a highpoint for me as well. Here's to all things better and better in the new year.
Meeting you was a high point for me as well. :)
Happy New Year!
Hope you enjoyed movie night.
Death is always hard. So sorry for your loss.
All your highs though sound fabulous! Happy New Year! And ya what is this shirt thing?
I'm glad to hear that, overall, you were able to have such a fun year! Here's to an even better 2011!
Finding the joy and highs in such a challenging and often painful year is the mark of an exceptional person.
I sincerely hope this year brings you all that is good and great, Os.
(PS So, when's the shirt making its Antipodean visit? The weather's steamy and my camera is itching to play...)
Minx was able to articulate perfectly exactly what I had wanted to say in my earlier commnet. :)
Glad you posted a list of your high points for the year. I know there have been many sad points. Finding the good after all of that can be hard. Happy you found it. :)
I'm glad to have made it in two of your high points this year. :)
You should send the OsShirt to me one more time. I'm in the perfect location for it!
Hopefully 2011 will have awesome highs and less sad lows.
Here's hoping the highs get even better this upcoming year x Happy New Year
OMGosh you were in Minneapolis(well actually Bloomington if you were at the airport)? I live a whole 5 miles from airport and we didnt get to meet? OH YEAH I for got you really havent even met me online yet either lol. Well the mall of america and I would love to have the ozshirt visit us this year.
What do you mean "at times"?? lol..
may this be a more high than low year for all of us, huh?
PS MAYBE if you came to DFW you would have a good high point. it's well past due ya know.
wwohhoooo for getting high
I mean for highs
Yep, time to come back to Dallas to see me & Stealth :)
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