This week's theme is, by far, the hardest theme of the year that I come up with. It's the one I hear the most complaints about, as well as the most compliments about what a great idea it is! The premise is simple (or so I thought)--pick three bloggers/HNTers that you'd give Christmas wishes/gifts to, with unlimited means and resources. The catch--don't pick three of your closest blogger buddies. You'll be sending them ecards/chats/texts/emails to send your Christmas wishes anyway. No, the hard part here is to pick three that you might not even read, other than on Thursdays. Three that strike your fancy enough to let them know they're a hair above the rest of the masses. It also requires a bit of research into that person's blog so that your wishes/gifts are at least appropriate. This was a whole lot easier in the old days when there were so many doing HNT. But I think I've picked three good ones...
The first person I thought of was Biscuit over at "Diary of a One Biscuit Hound". I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we miss her. Almost always funny (whether intentional or not) in her writing, always classy with her HNTs, and just a joy to visit every day. I'm going with two things for her. Ultimately, she gave up blogging because of a lack of time. So first off, I'd give her an extra two hours in the day. But being selfish, those two hours would be spent online with us--not for chores or anything! Secondly, I know she's been wanting a bigger house, so I'd give her a monstrously big house. With the appropriate number of maids, pool boys, gardeners, chefs and handmaidens. Certainly don't want her spending her extra hours in the day cleaning the place herself! We miss ya, Biscuit!
The next person on my list would be Cher. Some of you might remember her simply as ~C~. She's a young single mother who has had to put up with a great deal of crap in life. And is still up to her pretty little neck in it. Blogging has pretty much fallen by the wayside, though she does Facebook somewhat regularly. Out of privacy, I won't get into details, but she's still dealing with some major stress in her life. So my wish for her would be a honkin' big pill that she could take that would miraculously take care of all that is troubling her so that she can get on with her life. And since it's a big honkin' pill, there's no reason it can't be a colorful one! Hang in there, kiddo!
Third on my list is the remarkable Ashly Star. Anyone who has been around here for any length of time knows her. She's led a far more colorful life than most of us, despite her young age (ok, she's definitely young to me!). She's spent much of her recent months unemployed, though not for lack of searching. She's been living with her boyfriend in his parent's basement (I think that's correct...). Money is not something that she's been swimming in. She has never whined about the lack of money, other than the occasional bitch about the lousy job market. She's a survivor, and will do whatever needs to be done to live life. And yet, every Christmas, she scrapes together what money she does have, and purchases toys to be donated to Toys For Tots. Money that could go towards new clothes, a little partying, or a car. These past two years she's asked us to join her, and we've delivered. And when she's through spending our money on toys, she spends a little more of her own. (be sure to check her site to see the toys she bought this year!) She's on the short list of bloggers I absolutely MUST meet someday (not sure why that didn't happen when I was down there...). Anyway, my Christmas wish for her would be a pile of money ($100s, of course). Not talking millions here or anything like that. But a good chunk of change for her to spend on herself. Not on toys, not for rent, not for food. But for a nice house, maybe four years of college, a car. The things that many of us take somewhat for granted. Allowing her to put herself at the front of the line. Not that she's looking to be there, or needs to be. But the good karma she's building up for herself is going to pay off for her someday, and I might as well be the one to gift it to her!
For the rest of you (how could I forget the rest of you?), I wish you the very happiest and merriest of Christmases. Might prove to be a tough one around here, but could also be one of the most memorable. Safe travels, if you're doing that. I look forward to our last HNT/OHNT of the decade next week!"I bring a gift of Winter Roses to thee, And offer a kiss 'neath the Mistletoe tree, And adorn your hair with Holly berries, In this celebration of Winter's Solstice."
Excerpt from "A Gift Of Winter Roses" By Harry Boslem
This week's Mystery Guest will be revealed Thursday afternoon. Be sure to come back to see who she is! Today certainly did not suck! Our MG this week is the lovely slice of sunshine known as Maggie! Stop by to say "Merry Christmas" to her! Lots of people wanting to get in on the last OHNTs of the decade over at "...the Other HNT"! Be sure to check out your fellow HNTers. And don't wait for an invitation--if you want to get in on the last one of the year, feel free to join in! NSFW, as always...I finally got caught up on gathering up all of my HNTs in one spot! Two-hundred eighty HNTs, with all the click-throughs and mouseovers (#281 was last week's picture--it's not posted yet). Every week possible (not counting the December themes weeks, or that awful week in Jan. '07). It's going to make it easy to go back and pick my favorite for next week's ! (click on the tab below the header at the top of this page) Now I just have to get the OsShirt site current!Gotta leave you with a song...
Merry Christmas HNTers. Voluptuous Vixen and I are up at with gifts for HeelsnStocking, Daft Scots Lass and Black Pearl. It was so hard to stop at three but we all know that more than three can become a tangle of arms and legs.
I'm not up, because I'm lazy like that, but I did want to come say, "HI!" I know I never blog or comment anymore, but I still read every post you write. I'm glad that you keep this thing going, year after year. I think it's an insightful look into the HUMONGOUSLY large hearts of bloggers in general, and HNT'ers in specific. Love you, Os. Keep up the good work, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I have never stopped participating in HNT -- although I don't "get out" often to visit, nor comment, it's a weekly ritual I continue to embrace for five years now. And this year, my 3 Wishes post again breaks the rules but was written in the giving spirit with which I know you intended.
All the best to you as you round out 2010 and venture into 2011. Thanks for HNT, which brings folks together and unleashes the creative spirit.
I've been on hiatus so long that I didn't even remember there was a theme for this week. Even so, I have a Christmas HNT up. Will be nice to *see* everyone!
I miss all of you, too. Honestly, it upsets me that missed documenting my life for the last year. Not for your entertainment, but for my memory. So many important (to me) things have happened, and I know I'll forget them. *sigh* Life gets in the way of life, sometimes.
Merry Christmas, a belated Happy Hannukah, and a super duper whatever-else-you-might-celebrate!
I miss Biscuit, her blog was one of my favorites. :)
We don't live in a basement, as there is no basement here, lol. Not there's anything wrong with basement living, just don't want it to sound like I'm any worse off than I actually am. :) And thank you for the wish Os! I could definitely use that pile of money. I'll just keep working hard, I know it'll all pay off sooner or later. I'm so emotional today so your words about me made me mist up a little bit and I totally don't cry easy, heh. Thanks again and happy holidays, big guy!
Merry Christmas HNTers. Voluptuous Vixen and I are up at with gifts for HeelsnStocking, Daft Scots Lass and Black Pearl. It was so hard to stop at three but we all know that more than three can become a tangle of arms and legs.
Very early morning here, and yet I'm up
.. and I actually managed to do the theme this week! Yay... I am giving gifts to Daisy, JM and The Muffin Fan.
Back later to make the rounds.
LGS xx
Merry Merry :)
lovely MG ... I will be posting my gift giving on Thursday :)
I am UP
i'm up with the last of the series
merry christmas, everyone
I am up with gifts for Elle, Emmy and the great and powerful Os!
Shh I had to say it.
Merry Christmas hun. xoxo
I for sure miss Biscuit....
Great wishes. And I'm up- I have gifts for JM, BFD and Maggie :)
Merry Christmas!!!
... as a matter of fact I am up! Of course I didn't play by the rules ... errr ... theme, because ... well ... I just didn't want to! So there!
as a consolation, I played with last week's theme.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!!
I have gifts for Lady Grinning, Gucci and JM!
Happy HNT!
I did it! yay! phew!!!!
I like the festive look around here and even my hubby looked up to oooh and ahhh over the MG. He really wants to know who it is :)
I am up with wishes and pics
(and I only kinda broke the rules)
I am a week behind on themes, but I'm up!
Happy holidays everyone!
Go check out Autumn's site to see if you're one of the ones she's gifted this year!
Love your gifts! And the MG is the nails!
I'm up!
Not enough time to play by the rules, but I am up nonetheless!
HHNT babes...
Merry Christmas everyone! Were up - new P.J.s too :)
I'm not up, because I'm lazy like that, but I did want to come say, "HI!" I know I never blog or comment anymore, but I still read every post you write. I'm glad that you keep this thing going, year after year. I think it's an insightful look into the HUMONGOUSLY large hearts of bloggers in general, and HNT'ers in specific. Love you, Os. Keep up the good work, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Well I must say Os you have done very very well with your gifts.
The MG is well, freakin awesome!!
I'm UP with gifts for Lady Grinning Soul, Chapter Two & Cheeky Minx
Hoping you all have a great festive season, and a safe and happy new year.
I'm up with gifts for Hubman, Vixen, H, and sheenV
Plus a picture gift for Osbasso x
HHNT sexy people x
Merry Christmas and HHNT honey.
I'm up and I went Old School HNTers for my gifts.
Ooh, it so gorgeously festive over here. The perfect setting to go with your lovely wishes and your luscious MG!
I'm up playing Santa for Jas & JM, Green Eyed Frenchy and 13 Messages, as well as indulging my exhibitionist streak. So, you'll need to scroll...
Merry Christmas!
I'm up and wet and oily...
Happy HNT!
I'm up.
Happy Holidays everyone.
HHNT too!
I'm up and dressed for the big day.
Os! Great great gifts to well deserving recipients. I really love your ideas.
And your mystery guest is hot hot hot... love it.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
LGS xx
I really like this gift givig theme.
I am up with gifts for Cheeky Minx, Jen and of course You! :)
Wishing everyone a safe and happy festive season xxx
Happy HNT and Merry Christmas, Os!
I have never stopped participating in HNT -- although I don't "get out" often to visit, nor comment, it's a weekly ritual I continue to embrace for five years now. And this year, my 3 Wishes post again breaks the rules but was written in the giving spirit with which I know you intended.
All the best to you as you round out 2010 and venture into 2011. Thanks for HNT, which brings folks together and unleashes the creative spirit.
I too broke the rules and gave my three wishes to just one person. Yes, I actually gave them.
Merry Christmas to one and all!
Have a fantastic Christmas! (I'm up.)
I miss Biscuit and Cher! Great wishes all around.
Hmm, I think I know that MG, I'll have to make sure to come back later and see if I'm correct
I'm up with my wishes, and a picture
I'm up with 3 wishes- 1 similar to one of yours! The MG is beautiful! Happy HNT and happy holidays to everyone!
I've been on hiatus so long that I didn't even remember there was a theme for this week. Even so, I have a Christmas HNT up. Will be nice to *see* everyone!
Aw, thanks Os! Sweet digs! I'll take it!
I miss all of you, too. Honestly, it upsets me that missed documenting my life for the last year. Not for your entertainment, but for my memory. So many important (to me) things have happened, and I know I'll forget them. *sigh* Life gets in the way of life, sometimes.
Merry Christmas, a belated Happy Hannukah, and a super duper whatever-else-you-might-celebrate!
Great wishes, O's!
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. :)
I'm up with a rhyme and wishes for Jas, Rowdy and Maggie.
Loving the Xmas backdrop! And Ruf enjoyed the 'handful' from the Mystery Guest :)
Done something slightly different but hopefully in line with the theme. Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas xxx
Great gifts and wishes Os and awesome theme! I have to say, I've GOT to get out more and meet more bloggers (on-line, real-life, whatever).
The MG is absolutely lovely. Wow.
And I'm up with my gifts for the girls -- MinorityReport, Another Suburban Mom, and Babe Lincoln.
And an extra for the rest of you.
Merry Christmas, sugar!
I miss Biscuit, her blog was one of my favorites. :)
We don't live in a basement, as there is no basement here, lol. Not there's anything wrong with basement living, just don't want it to sound like I'm any worse off than I actually am. :) And thank you for the wish Os! I could definitely use that pile of money. I'll just keep working hard, I know it'll all pay off sooner or later. I'm so emotional today so your words about me made me mist up a little bit and I totally don't cry easy, heh. Thanks again and happy holidays, big guy!
It's interesting to see how the kinds of wishes/gifts have evolved over the years. I like it.
I'm up with wishes for everyone! Yay!
Well, this is my second HNT. IT is rather tame but I liked it, so here goes. I have posted here:
Os, I am up, and you are on my wishlist pal...
I promise I will make the rounds later, It took everything I had to even post ya know?
Merry Christmas to all I know it is going to be a rough one for a lot of us.
Oh and sorry, I did not follow the theme. But Happy Holidays all!
We're up:
Very thoughtful gifts Os!
I do miss the lovely Cher and biscuit as well. Perhaps we should have an Auld Lang Syne post where we all talk about the long lost bloggers we missed.
The MG is stunning as well.
I am up today sending out wishes of my own.
I've been up (since last night - just haven't had time to get this posted!)
Gifted several people - Minority Report, Lilly, and Dee.
Maggie does make a lovely MG!
Happy Christmas to you, Os!!
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