I've had the Christmas music going constantly at work (where I'm at right now, btw...), but very little at home. In fact it was just yesterday that I realized that I'm missing about a dozen Christmas CDs. The only place they might be would be at my sister's, where I took them TWO YEARS AGO. I think it's telling that I've got so much Christmas music that it took me two years to realize I'm missing a dozen CDs!
I usually class up the blog with a variety of Christmas/winter pictures. Maybe it's because of "new" blogger, but I just didn't have the desire to mess with it this year, other than what you see right now.
I have seen a few of the Christmas 'standards' on TV, but frankly, my heart wasn't into them. Though it was good to see "Scrooged"--but only the first time (I dislike these movie marathons. Sure, run them a couple of times, but not ten times in two weeks!). I even watched "Beavis and Butt-Head Do Christmas" and it hardly elicited a chuckle.
I had grand plans of getting Christmas cards out this year, working on them right after Nutcracker was done. Didn't get to them. Might try for an end-of-year card, but I'm not holding my breath. On the other hand, I've gotten a number of Christmas cards from you people, and every one of them has brought a smile. One definite bright spot right there.
I didn't do a tree this year. I think that was a mistake. But not because I wasn't "into" it. This new TV (and furniture changes) didn't allow room for one. At least not without spending a lot of time on even more changes. Which I didn't have. I'm thinking now that I would have liked one.
Other than going out for beers with Kamey, her brother and SIL earlier this week, I've avoided any social situations. Not that there were that many to choose from. Maybe an avoidance of constant condolences? I don't know.
The funny thing is...it's not a matter of hating Christmas, or even worse, stressing out over it. People who know me, know that I come off as a bit of a Grinch around Thanksgiving, but warm up to Christmas after the symphony stuff is done. It just didn't happen this year. And yet, I probably have a bit more spirit than some of you have, based on some of your posts and FB statuses. Some of you feel so defeated, especially at this time of year (or because of it). And I get down because, for as much as I'd like to be holly and jolly this year, there's nothing I can do to help you reach that point yourselves. Maybe it's not my place to try, but it's who I am (but don't tell anyone!).
With all of that said (did anyone read down this far?), there's been a few bright spots. The weather cooperating with me during the two weeks of orchestra moves--bright and sunny and relatively warm (as opposed to the snowy, windy, sub-zero temps of the previous 3 years!). The national championship brought home by Carroll College made for a great Saturday afternoon. The aforementioned Christmas cards (and Gucci's caramels--OMG!). And I really like how the Three Wishes HNT was played out by you guys. Definitely our best year of doing that, I believe.

And because I can, let me share one of my greatest fantasies--Scarlett Johansson playing the trombone. Really. There's only one way it could be any better...
Merry Christmas, Os. You know, I guess. ;-)
So glad you liked my caramels.
I've been drinking since like nine this morning. Is Christmas over yet?
Merry Christmas to you, Os.
Next year put up a tree. I skipped one year thinking it didn't matter all that much. But it does.
Merry Christmas.
I'm sorry to hear you're not really feeling it this year. I hope that something will bring a smile to your heart tonight/tomorrow.
Sending some love your way.
<3 m.r.
Merry Christmas.
It's 7.30pm on Christmas Day here and I am home from my Mum's.. Just me and the baby.. Kind of quiet..but kind of nice too. I had a nice day at Mum's. Hope you enjoy your family once you are all together.
Emma and I will be celebrating on our own for the first time ever and are looking forward to the rest of the day. Hope you have a good time in spite of how you presently feel.
Merry Christmas - hope you get into the spirit before the day is over. Oh and we have like, more than a few extra mini Christmas trees- I would love to send you one and get it off our hands (menaing out of the box it stays in all the time because we have *so* many). If you think you'd like that please email me! viemoira@yahoo.com
Merry Christmas, Os!
I love Scarlett Johansson too, and I think I know the way that pic would be better for for U. I'd stand in line behind you just 2B 2nd Trombone!
I hear she's available now!
Merry Christmas from Texas!!
How have I never seen Beavis and Butthead Do Christmas???
Merry Christmas, I hope it was a good one.
Merry Christmas weekend! No cards, no tree? I think you need a holiday angel! Scarlett J....she may work!
I know I'm late, but I hope you had a good Christmas.
Nice piccie of Scarlett J. She looks like she knows her way around a, um, ...horn. ;)
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