When my sisters and I were together last month, we got into storytelling about our Christmas tree hunts. Every year until I left home and ran off to college, my dad would load us into the pickup, and we'd head out for the great hunt. None of this tree lot or tree farm business for us! We'd head out to the same general place every year. Most years there was a good blanket of snow on the ground until we got into the trees. We even were able to go back to see if certain trees had grown out since the winter before, and if they were ready to harvest. Dad and I would each have an ax (no chainsaws for us!), and usually got two trees. A big one for the living room, and a much smaller one for my sisters' bedroom. During the day, we'd also get little lessons on the bushes and other flora in the hills. Mom would have us gather fresh pine cones from the ground, and pick pine boughs for wreath-making. And kinnikinnick (I always liked saying that word!) for other Christmas greenery.
Years later, after most of the kids had left home, the parents went for the tree lot tree, and then the fake tree. I remember one winter, though, that S3 and I had some sibling bonding time and went out to the same place to get a tree for her apartment. The place was just as I remembered it, and she was amazed at how quickly I bounded up the hillside in the knee-deep snow. "Gazelle-like" was the term she used. Yeah, I know--hard to believe, isn't it? I think we've only been up there one more time for tree hunting since then. S3's family and some friends went up there about 19 years ago. Not quite so "gazelle-like", but still a good time (booze and chili were involved with this one, so this was a good time!).
Today, the road has been gated off. Private property. The top of the hill--now someone's living room. We'll never quite have the opportunity to go on the great tree hunts. But the memories will always be there.
Which is a roundabout way to say that, because of the past four weeks being so ridiculously busy, I've opted not to do a tree this year. It's not because I'm not feeling the season, nor am I sulking or mourning. I just haven't had any time at all. However, that's not going to help me with this week's HNT. So I'm recycling last years Christmas Tree HNT, but displayed on the 40" plasma screen that I bought on Black Friday (didn't tell you guys about that yet!). Cheating? Perhaps, but the TV looks great! Looking forward to see what you guys come up with!

Silver bells on string
If I wrote a letter to Santa Claus
I would ask for just one thing
I don't need sleigh rides in the snow
Don't want a Christmas that's blue
Take back the tinsel, stockings, and bows
'Cuz all I want for Christmas is you
I don't need expensive things
They don't matter to me
All that I want, can't be found
Underneath the Christmas tree
You are the angel atop my tree
You are my dream come true
Santa can't bring me what I need
'Cuz all I want for Christmas is you"
"All I Want for Christmas Is You"
Vince Vance & Valiants
Check back Thursday afternoon to find out who our Christmas gift might be!
Most of you figured out that Tigress is our MG this week. Stop by and check out her Christmas lights. You won't be sorry!
Check to see what sorts of Christmasy pictures you find over at "...the Other HNT". 'Tis the season, you know! Be sure to leave some comments for your fellow HNTers! Only two more Thursdays to go before the end of the year if you'd like to join in yourselves. And yes, it's still NSFW...
- Start thinking NOW about next week's theme! It is undeniably the hardest HNT to come up with all year. Trust me on that one! The good news--to take the pressure off of coming up with pictures, you don't need to take anymore until January! Click on the theme details tab under the header at the top of the page!
I'm not sure if Ashly Star is still accepting donations for Toys For Tots, but it can't hurt to go check. If she is, this will be the last chance to do it, as she's got to have time to go out and buy the toys! It doesn't take much at all--$5, $10, $20--just go do it! It's easy, it's fun, and it's going to make you feel pretty darned good!
Our tree is up and you can see it here.
VV and I are making a list and checking it twice. Have you been naughty or nice?
Merry Christmas .. I am up :)
Lovely MG
I'm up, using pictures I took awhile ago since my poor head is still imploding from this stupid migraine. But! Next week I have a Christmas theme all planned.
Gorgeous MG.
Love your picture too, Os, you devil. ;-)
Well there you go, ruining my Three wishes HNT; my first idea was to wish you a plasma TV lol...
Love your Christmas tree hunting story. My dad used to go hunt for one on his land. He'd bring it in the back of the house and have my mom approve it. She often didn't, so back he went! They also have a fake one, now.
Allright, enough for tonight, time for bed!
Oh, and I'm up. Not quite a Christmas tree, but I did what I could without one ;)
It was nice to hear about your tree hunt adventure..
I'm up :)
Be sure to check Autumn's tree!
We're up!
CbE is hurting, but is playing through the pain!
I'm up this week and play colors of Christmas. Lights and tree and me! Lol
Nice tube!
MG= festive!
I am up.... pondering my attitude
ohhhh.....and I had a 'pussy' incident while taking pics today too, come see
Loved your tree hunting story. What fun memories!
And the MG? Yum!
I'm up. :)
I have always wanted to go cut a tree and we found a place to do it so hopefully we'll have a new tradition next year.
Happy holidays! I'm up...with our ugly tree :)
Got a half-nekkid pic up altho there's not a tree involved -- barely a root in sight. If I were home, I'd do the same as you, Os!
Also, an Update on my son who has recovered! Thanks for your prayers! HHNT & Season's Greetings!
i'm up, third in the series
gotta go...
We are up at Married In Ohio with our Christmas tree HNT.
Happy HNT everyone. Stay warm.
Hahaha...that's great. Very innovative ;)
I'm up!
I love the story Os, and for me that's the best part about this time of year is the memories.
Oh and nice TV!!
I'm UP being a very bad Santa with a very naughty and very yummy Mummy!!
It's okay to not follow the rules to the letter. I didn't follow them either. I had to show someones else's Christmas tree this year, because we're on vacation!!!!
great idea you had, Happy HNT and I'm up!
I'm up too.
I love your spot of Christmas recycling! And it's so eco-friendly. Well, aside from the ridiculous amounts of electricity you need to run it... :P
Speaking of jolts and sparks, I know that delicious and festive MG.
I’m up!
Mornin'.. I'm up and thinking about music.
Be back to visit you all later.
LGS xx
I'm up with a question - I need some HNTer advice please.
I didn't do the theme, but I'm up anyway :)
Xo- Sadie
I'm up and gagged...
Happy HNT!
Sorry missed the theme will do it next week
I'm up and showing off my Xmas tree that is covered in stockings and heels :)
LOL, You look like an Elf who's just delivered that set! Merry Christmas and HHNT x I am up and in need of some Photoshop training :)
Be sure to check out Jobthingy's tree, too!
I always wanted to go chop down my own Christmas tree but living in Texas didn't leave much option for that, lol. So we did tree farm or fake tree. Picking a tree from a tree farm was more fun than the fake tree, lol.
Today is the last day for donations for the fundraiser, btw. :) Thank you so much for posting about it so often, Os. You're awesome. <3
Happy Thursday!
Oops! Discovered the theme too late...
Our HNT is up and it's hawt!
Couldn't do the theme this week, but I'm up!
I love that story about going to get your trees. Sounds like such a fun thing to do.. and kids definitely should be doing more outdoorsy Christmas stuff these days.
Sorry I'm not Christmas Tree themed this week. I don't quite seem to be able to get into the swing yet... maybe once work is done.
LGS xx
Very creative.
I'm up.
Hey, I know that MG!
I'm up, with something under the tree for Veronica
What a fantastic picture you paint of finding your trees with your family. Cool memories!
Lovely MG! Very festive. :)
I'm up, with presents!
Lovely story and fantastic special-effects HNT. I'm up!
Great story and TV!! We are up...along with our tree.
Happy HNT Everyone!
I'm up, but no Christmas Tree. Ours isn't up yet. Sorry lol.
Finally - a little late, but I'm up (and late for work today).
HHNT! Will be back around to check out everyone else's HNT a bit later.
That tv is way better than a tree and if you miss one, just put a photo of a tree on it! :)
I'm up.
We're up! HHNT and Merry Christmas!
Happy HNT O's and Happy Holidays!
Im UP but no tree sadly. Just havent had time. Got lots of creative cool ideas. Just no freakin time.
Happy HNT : )
Ohhhh I forgot to mention that I am definately on that naughty list.
: (
So I didn't realize there was supposed to be a theme, or maybe that is starting next week? Well I posted my HNT on my blog Misfit Momma... After Hours!
always wonderful memories of Christmas tree hunting! In Arizona its just not the same as states that have "real weather" !
Happy HNT! Love the TV and the hat...Santa Sexy!
I'm up - finally - and on Thursday even.
I didn't go the Christmas Tree route, but I've got one up: http://pandadementia.com/?p=716
I'm finally up! The big screen looks very swish!
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