"...Here it is: your hnt has to be a shot of you with "Suck it, Griz" written in blue (and gold if you can find it) either somewhere on your body - your choice as to where - or on a sign that you're holding..."As mentioned a few weeks ago, Gucci Mama and I had a bet on the Grizzly/Bobcat football game awhile back. Montana vs. Montana State. The 110th "Brawl of the Wild". She's not a football fan, by any stretch of the imagination, but given her ties to MSU, and mine to UM, a bet had to be made. I was confident, especially since the Griz have won this game far more times than they've lost. It is THE game in Montana. You are either a Griz fan, or a Cat fan, or you're not a Montanan. There's no place in between.
I was so confident in this bet that I forwarded links to Gucci where she could buy a Griz thong. Or a Griz teddy. Or other bits of Griz paraphernalia that she could model when she paid up her bet with a Griz-themed HNT. Unfortunately, as the season wore on, the Griz lost more games than they had in the previous 2-3 years combined. And the games they were winning were not overly impressive. The Cats, on the other hand, were winning the big games, but only squeaking past much lesser teams. In other words, there was no way to know who would win this game.
Actually, the last time I made a bet with a blogger on this game was in 2005. The Griz lost that game too. That should have been my red flag moment. Without going into detail, the Griz lost this year's game, as well as a spot in the playoffs. And the Cats earned a #4 seed in the playoffs (which I don't think they deserve...). And I lost the bet. The quote at the top is my end of the bet.
You know that she was wanting that on my ass. I tried. Really, I did. Do you have any idea how hard it is to write anything on your own ass? And there's not really anyone around who could do the writing for me--I would gladly have enjoyed having Gucci herself come up to do it. Someone suggested I write it on a mirror in blue paint, and take a picture in the mirror. Well, that's difficult to do with a cheap point and shoot, and the blue body paint didn't go on the mirror too well. So, in a panic, and because she did give me an option, I threw on my official MSU band sweater (yeah, I got my first degree from MSU--shhhhhh!), tweaked the picture to bring out the blues and golds, and came up with the best that I could.
Trust me--it would have been much better if Gucci had won... And before anyone suggests it, there will be no bets on the UM/MSU basketball games this winter!

Excerpt from Never Back Down - Author Unknown
This week's Mystery Guest will be revealed late Thursday afternoon.
Revealing the MG a little early today. Symphony duties call me away early today. Most of you figured out that this is Emmy. Go to her site and see her bits in their true glory!
Another great selection of pictures at "...the Other HNT" this week. Including a first! We have our first OHNT video! And yes, it's definitely NSFW!
Ashly Star is still taking donations for Toys For Tots. It doesn't take much to help out quite a bit. Consider not buying your first morning Starbucks concoction for a week and donate that money! She makes it easy for you too. She's got a Paypal button set up and everything! Go do it!
- It's that time of year! The standard three themes for December are here! You can click on the tab under my header up there to get the details. You've got 2 weeks before they start, so start thinking, OK? Email me if you've any questions!
V and I are up here
Happy HNT!
Mouahaha! In all fairness though, I'm sure you had a blast with the whole bet thing :)
I'm up.
I doubt that writing on your hand is in the spirit of the bet. Surly you could have done better than that. I think a do-over is in order.
I'm up and me and my sous chef are both nekkid. Hey! What can I say, we like to be nekkid.
Commiserations on your loss Os! I agree it may well have been better for Gucci to have won, perhaps we can convince her to do a winners HNT?
I'm UP being contemplative and deep for a change.
Autumn's up and tooting her own horn!
Oh and I forgot to mention that is a seriously creative and wonderful MG! Absolutely love the first pic especially.
CbE is going under the knife on Friday. Get one last look at her lovely gams!
I was wondering what you were going to have to do when you lost! :)
I'm up!
Happy HNT!
Anyone like bowling? I do. hehehe
Heelsstocking might have celebrated her birthday a bit too much. She's up, though!
Jobthingy is giving us more satin and sparkles and things!
I will be up at midnight, exploring the letter F...
nice header!
i'm up with some little fury things, first in a series...
Great pic Os!
As usual I'm up very early in the morning. And you can catch a glimpse of my face!
I hope I get a chance to visit you all (I love seeing everyone, but there's an explanation on my HNT post) but if not, I hope you'll still visit me. And I'll try to get round over the weekend, or on Monday.
LGS xx
Wow...that is QUITE the click of yours.... !!!
MG is stunning.
I'm up!
Nice pic, Os, but I'm with JM. Perhaps Gucci should do a winners HNT.
Gorgeous, MG. (pretty sure I know who it is. how fun!)
I'm up with my version of Minnie Mouse.
Your hand? Your HAND Os? What is this salty discharge coming from my eyes? Tell me these aren't tears? I've never cried in my life, and YOU made me have my first feeling! Goddammit!
I love your band sweater. That is awesome. Absolutely brilliant.
I'm up with a very special message for your Grizzlies.
Rawr, darlin'. Loves.
Ha! Yes! I just clicked the picture! Fucking brilliant! LOVE you!
ughghhhh- sooo did NOT want to see your ass right now. (you need a bit of sun on your bum!)
Blogger and I have been fighting all night. I am finally ready with my post- the clicks aren't right, so don't forget to hit the back button to continue reading- thanks.
p.s. MG? OMG! H.O.T.
I'm up!
Hehhehehe Love that click through Os!
Interesting first pic from the MG.
I'm up. With a pic showing what most of my day comprises of.
Where do I begin?! Too, too fabulous.
(And for the record, writing on your own bottom requires weeks of bendy pretzel, yoga preparation. I'm told...)
Luscious MG. I also adore her first shot.
I’m up.
Bummer, I hate losing bets. Especially when I'm super confident I'll be winning to the point that I get a little cocky about it, haha.
Thanks for pimping the Toys for Tots again. <3 ya!
I'm up and stroking my pussy...
Happy HNT!
Too bad you lost but that's a cute losing face you're making there. :)
I'm up.
LMAO, I so nearly didnt click and was about to chastise you verbally for taking the Vulcan symbol in vain. Fabulous!!!
Im late but I am up and starting to get festive :)
Very creative :)
HHNT! I'm up.
My mental image of Montana this time of year is covered with like two feet of snow, thus making football playing impossible.
(I'm up by the way.)
I'm up, sharing more of the hijinx from the day I was bored at work last week.
LOL! That click is funny. way to get creative!
Losing bets certainly suck
I know that MG *swoon*
Thanks for the uppage
I know that MG! Very hot, as always
I'm up
I'm up and playing with my favourite buddy; Diva Ducky!
I posted my first ever HNT. I hope this is where I notify you all. If not oops, please redirect me.
I posted it here : http://sexyserendipity.wordpress.com/
I'm up today.
rrrrr! i had a bitch of a time trying to comment on this post with my blueberry phone this morning. geesh, i had to wait until i was home for lunch instead. :)
i LOVE the new header, and sorry to hear about your team's loss, but it IS amusing that you had to do this. can't win 'em all, but you can sure try! MG is gorgeous, as always.
i'm up...looking fly.
We're up:
Happy HNT, Os!
Mine is not very naked, is more a tribute to my Sir
Chained .. http://www.butchtastic.net/?p=4598
have a great week
Awwww... poor Os. Losing bets sucks (though it does make for some entertaining pics!)...
I know that MG - she looks amazing!!
I'm up.
Montana sounds like a fun place!
better late than never. we're up!
I'm up too. Late but its there.
Enjoy the weekend. HHNT
oh losing sucks! and yes writing on your own ass is hard!
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