Friday, November 24, 2006

Da Count #11

Another easy one this week. It's all about family. Thanksgiving dinner was hosted by my baby sister this year, and it grew to 22 people, with our family and parts of her husband's family. Rachel stopped by after gathering with her own family. She brought a maple pecan pumpkin pie to the festivities (many thanks, dear!). While she was not part of the 22, she was welcome to stay, but the turkey and wine was taking effect, so she ducked out. She was invited to Christmas dinner before she left, though. Hope she invites me, because I don't know any of the details...

I have often mentioned my family here over the past months. We don't seem to have the bickering and fights that many seem to have. We get along as well as any group of people that you can imagine. And we're all "there" whenever we need to be. And that's what counts.

If you want to read more about "Da Count", click on the button below...


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