Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Just a couple of reminders--

The new site will make its debut on Wednesday night, just before the comments open. You can find the address with my HNT. Everything is set and ready--now we just need submissions. Send them by Wed. morning to: hntanon@gmail.com
There has been some concern about the comment I made that the pics could range from PG to X. That's more of a warning. I think that most of you would keep it in the R range at the very most. As I said earlier--if you're used to showing your goodies on your own site already, then this new one isn't for you. This site will be more for showing off. With pictures that you wouldn't post on your own site.
For more details, see the previous post. For those of you who have expressed an interest, it's time to get your pics sent in!
Crimson will be doing the actual posting for me. Thank you, as always!I think you're really going to like this week's Mystery Guest! Remember, if you want to be the MG, send in your picture and I'll add you to the mix. There's always room for more!
I will be unavailable from Wed. afternoon until sometime after midnight Thursday night. I'm off to Great Falls to play with the Great Falls Symphony. With guest soloist Itzhak Perlman. I'll take some pics.
Addict has finally gotten going on the Chicago trip again. If you expressed an interest, but forgotten the website, contact her or me for the URL. It's time to get serious!!!
Met with the rest of the family regarding the cruise I'm going on in a couple of weeks. My apologies to those who want to join me--it's a family celebration of my parent's 50th anniversary. More details as it gets closer, but here's a link to the specific ship/itinerary that we'll be on. We'll have a Sat. night in Miami free to us. Anyone know what a bunch of tired hicks from Montana can do??
Don't forget--my birthday is April 15th. Just in case....

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