Sunday, May 22, 2005

"We have contact..."

Lots to write about this morning. Yesterday was a long and eventful day. Bloggerworld clashed with Realworld again. Twice. With vastly different results. Sleep was missed, a race was run (no, not by me--be real!) and music was made. And of course, beer was consumed, so the day ended on a high note!

To start the day off (at some time shortly after midnight), I got home after symphony rehearsal and some beers. I jump online to run my circle of bloggers. This is where BW and RW clashed first. I read a very disturbing post by one of my bloggerfriends, and without going into details, caused me to not actually fall asleep until well after 3 AM, and even then I didn't get much sleep. Damn my bloggerfriends for making me actually care about them!

Had to get up early for a dress rehearsal for the concert. And early enough to get through the barricades. The Montana Race For the Cure was run yesterday. I have been blessed with not having to confront the breast cancer issue in my family or friends. Participating in a race is not something that I would do, or have ever done, regardless of the cause or reason. That's just not me. But I usually like the spectacle of these things, and generally support their efforts. Unless they inconvenience me. Like yesterday. When the race actually starts, the multitude of volunteers on the race route set out their barricades so that cars aren't plowing down participants. These volunteers are the Race Nazis. You CANNOT cross these barricades. If you try, a gaggle of Nazis will stop you using any means necessary. And since the race blocks the streets necessary to get to the concert hall, you've got to go early to avoid them. But it was a sunny morning, and enjoyed it, even though I was tired.

My second clash of BW/RW came at the concert itself. I emailed Rachel to let her know that I left two comp tickets for her if she wanted to use them. With such short notice, I didn't know if she would or not. Lo and behold, I'm about to leave the stage at intermission, and I hear my name from the audience. "Os, Os..." (well, not Os, but I digress). It's Rachel! At least I think it's Rachel. The only picture we've seen is the one she put up for her profile. And she wasn't dressed up for a symphony concert in that one! After clumsily tiptoeing over and around instruments, I make it down to her. We officially introduce ourselves and hug. "Houston, we have contact!" She is the first bloggerfriend (Moose & the Goddess don't count) that I've met face to face! A real flesh-and-blood person! I think we hit it off great--we'll definitely be drinking beers with her in the future. Our conversation was only about 5-10 minutes long, but I loved it! I think there was a tinge of awkwardness--sort of that meeting-the-blind-date feeling, but we got over that quickly (I did, anyway). Obviously, this clash of the two worlds went much better than the first clash of the day.

The concert went well. The governor of MT narrated Copland's "A Lincoln Portrait" without embarassing himself. The president of Carroll College won the chance to conduct "Stars & Stripes Forever" at an auction and did a very credible job. The whole concert was more "Americana" than patriotic. Call me a commie, but I really hate patriotic concerts. Too much fake pride for me. This was more a celebration of American music, with just a touch of flag-waving. Since yesterday was also Armed Forces Appreciation Day around here (was it anywhere else?), we played the standard musical military salute, and we also did a couple of John Williams pieces to honor fallen heroes, survivors, and the police/fire departments. All in all, a nice way to end the season. A feel-good concert in all respects.

Then alot of us went to the Brewhouse and drank beer (sense a theme?) and unwound. Thus ends a long day. Where I had problems getting to sleep the night before--I was out like a light last night. Not even my horny birds could wake me this morning!
iTunes: Real Good Feelin', Jack Mack & The Heart Attack

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