Thursday, August 10, 2006

Camping HNT

I've always liked camping, even though I don't do it often enough. Hell, hardly at all over the recent past. But in the day, I loved it. Loved all the things connected with it. The only thing better than new camping equipment would be new office supplies. I have a severe, and somewhat obsessive, love of office supplies. Ooh--pitching at tent (so to speak) in the midst of Staples--what could be better?? But I digress...

I'm heading up to Sandpoint, ID with just.a.girl on Thursday to go see Nickel Creek in concert. It was her suggestion to camp out overnight, which sounded like a great idea! So naturally, I had to find my tent and stuff, which was scattered in a couple of different places. Then I remembered that there might have been a tear in the tent that I hadn't taken care of after my last camping trip. Not wanting to deal with that out in the wilds, I figured I'd put it up and check it out. I hadn't realized how little space I have in my living room. I had to move a couch, a recliner, and a bunch of paperwork from the floor to get the tent up.

As you can see, even with all the moving, I still ran up against another couch. And I found that I had, indeed, fixed the tear... But it was fun to set it up again, just to make sure I remembered how, and to be sure the parts were there. And to check to see how much of the "supplies" would fit in there. Now if I can just get in touch with the manager down at Office Depot...

Oh, just to let you know, there was a much more nekkid version of this view. Be very glad I decided against THAT!

This week's Mystery Guest is a relative newbie to HNT. But she's jumped in with both feet! She has decided not to reveal herself here in the traditional way, but you should be able to figure out who she is as you're out surfing. That's all I can say about it. When you find her, be sure to say hi!

"...the Other HNT" is somewhat tame, but probably still NSFW.
Because of the concert, I'm not going to be around Thursday or Friday. I'll catch up to everyone over the weekend. Hope to have pics from camping, the concert, and with luck, a special guest!
I got an email yesterday from a newbie who posted early to go check their site. Too busy again today to let you know who posted early. Sorry to those who might email me to let me know...

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