I've found a new gig I want...I got an email this afternoon from a woman who works for the online community team for Travel Channel. She caught my mention of my new favorite TV show (see last post), and sent me a form letter to join a list of fans. Must be rough to do nothing but surf blogs all day and get paid for it!
I'm thinking of coming up with a theme for HNT sometime soon. It's been awhile, hasn't it? Anyone have any ideas?
The high school where I spent my first years as a teacher recently had an all-class reunion. I apparently was talked about, because I've gotten about 8 Facebook friend requests from former students within the past week. Not quite sure how I feel about that...
Speaking of friend requests, I'm working on a post about that very subject. I'll be curious to see your responses.
Did you see that they're coming out with "Halloween II"? So will this be a remake of the original one, or a sequel to a remake?? Has there ever been a sequel to a remake??

1. Family is who I know I can turn to at anytime, anywhere, for any reason.
2. Friends are spread across the country these days.
3. Exes are good to remain friends with.
4. Strangers are an opportunity waiting to happen.
5. Relationships work best when communication is free-flowing.
Bonus: Tell us about your first love: Unless you mean Sheila Fitzgerald when we were both 5, it would be Volcano Girl. You can click her name to read what I've got to say about her...
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