The idea is simple. Below you'll find a mosaic of 24 of your fellow bloggers. These are the brave souls who aren't afraid to show off their 80s hair, their big glasses, or wonderful fashion sense! These are their senior pics or graduation pics. All you have to do is identify them, and email me with your guesses (
A couple of things to help you along... I highly recommend that you click it to big it so that you get a good look at each person. In addition, each picture is numbered, and there's links below the picture so that you can look at each individual in a larger format. Lastly, there's a list of 30 individuals listed alphabetically at the bottom. All 24 participants are listed, as well as 6 additional ones to possibly throw you off a little. They aren't linked, so you might have to investigate if you need to.
This isn't something that you'll be able to zip through in 15 minutes. It'll take some time. I'll leave the contest open until I get a good number of submissions, but at least a couple of weeks. Feel free to enter as many times as you like! In the case of a tie, I'll come up with a tie-breaker for you. If I've missed something, or you have a question, feel free to let me know!
Good luck to ya!

Bekah of My Kingdom….
Beth of Snark City
Biscuit of One Biscuit Hound
BTExpress of BTExpress
Chelle of It's My Escape!!!
Exposed of Hidden In Plain Sight
Hella of Just Rambling On!
Jon of Kick In The Pants
Jules of Julie, Do Ya Love Me?
Leela of Leela Lamore
Moose of Give A Moose A Muffin
No One In Particular of Tasty Tidbits Of Life
Osbasso of Views From The Back Row
Phain of Le Chat Qui A Peur
Polt of Polt's Palace
Regal of Life…Or Something Like It
Rob of Opening Time
Simply Me of This And That
Skindee of Adventures In Blah Blah Land
Snow White of Snow Wonders
Summer of Summer Is The Shizzle
Tara of Tara Tainton
Vic of Geekalicious
Vixen of Secrets Of A Blue-Eyed Vixen
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