Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm Jonesin' Here....

I am currently sans computer. I have the shakes. And a cold sweat. I am finally replacing my "temporary" 20G hard drive (from when things went sour last fall) with an 80G drive. The drive is in place, but there's been a hiccup in transferring files. My friend the computer guy has to come back in the morning to finish it up, so I've been without my baby since 10AM Friday morning, and probably won't get it back before noon on Saturday. I'm posting this from his shop before we call it a night. I'm not sure what I'll do in the morning. There is that sinkload of dishes....
Many thanks for the kind response about Stacie. I didn't quite expect it, since I mentioned that we really weren't friends, and hadn't seen much of her since high school. But you guys are just too damned kind-hearted!
I had planned on posting the official "contest" post tonight, but that obviously fell through. I've got a gig Saturday night, so I won't get to it before Sunday at the earliest. Good news, though! I've already gotten the first submission! Gotta LOVE the 80s hair! If you missed what I'm talking about, check out the bottom of this week's HNT...

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