2011 marks the 10th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon. Bloggers from all over the globe send in photos of their boobies (covered and uncovered) to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research. In the past nine years we have raised over $74,000.00 ion the past 8 years and we are back to do it all again on October 1, 2011!
The 2011 event kicks off on Friday October 1, 2011 and will run for one full week, ending at 11:59 pm on Thursday October 7, 2011. Just as we have done in the past we will be supporting a Bloggers Helping Bloggers charity as well as Komen. For more detailed information about the Blogger Boobie-Thon and how it started, please visit The History of the Boobie-Thon written by the Boobie-Thon Founder, Robyn in 2005. You can also find another "History of the Boobie-thon" at heyfreak.com.
Again, there's something for everyone this week over at "...the Other HNT"! NSFW, as always, but go check them out anyway! And leave some comment lovin' for your fellow HNTers!
Any of you thinking about trying Blogger's new template options? It appears that they're trying to become more Tumblr-ish. Sorta cool, but not sure I'm going to cross over. I tried it with this site, just to see what it would look like. I just didn't like what it looked like. And some customization didn't transfer over. I might give it a shot with OHNT, but I'll let it get the bugs worked out first.
Word on the street is that iPhone 5 will be announced on Tuesday, and released a few weeks after. Lord, I hope so!
- Don't forget that we've got a theme coming up! It's going to be "Post-it®" HNT on October 6th. See my HNT from two weeks ago to see more details!
up...with Superman
I'm up!
And I'm glad to see you are getting your flu shot too :)
I refuse to get flu shots. But I guess one day I may just have to... and with such a cute band-aid...
I'm up. Finally feeling somewhat normal again.
Check out the legs on Cheeky Mink this week! They go all the way up to New Guinea!!
o.O i have asthma and am supposed to have a flu shot .. but i just can't do it!
but I love your itty bitty band-aid
*kisses for the ouchie*
oh and I am UP
Livin' right keeps you healthy! Well done!
Raven's up and practicing her pitch.
Uppity up up. V is naughty and gets wjhat she deserves.
I'm happy to hear about your good health. I'm up.
Hi Os. I'm in the club. Punching a new hole in myself daily, in fact. I can relate.
I'm back. And up. About to get sudsy, HNT style.
I have resisted getting any sort of flu shot, prefer nature to take its course!
I'm UP asking what it is women want..
I "closed" my blog a week or so ago... but got inspired on a beautiful autumn day in the forest and just had to re-open for a leafy hnt pic :-)
So, against all odds, I'm up.
And thanks for the reminder... I'll get a shot too.
absolutely refuse to get the flu shot (but I'm not a sick old man *wink) hope you are all well.
I'm deathly afraid of all vaccines. I haven't had had any since army days in the 80's.
I have posted mine.
Im up
It's probably not healthy, but we avoid flu shots too.
We are up at Married In Ohio.
No flu shots for me.
That band-aid is pretty cute though.
I am up UP.
No flu shots here either! We're up at http://frisky916cpl.blogspot.com/2011/09/hnt-doorway.html
Fortunately for everyone it's a picture of Jill, and not Jack.
I'm up and off to perv at you lot x
Hi Os. We're back...in black, because black is the new black.
Damn, I went a week too early with my Post-It Note but have rectified the issue by swapping it with my Boobiethon :)
Loving that groovy plaster :)
I'm guessing that's your shoulder. Doesn't look like it'd be part of a fanny.
And I'm up!
I'm a big believer in the flu shot since I use public transport. The way people sneeze and cough is enough to make me want to dip my entire body in the stuff.
I envy your plaster - mine was the boring, adult variety.
Thanks for the upping... x
I just had my blog at Blogger taken down, so not a happy camper right now!!
I am up at my new site, please check it out and bookmark my new site in your feeds: http://ellidragon.mollydailykiss.com
I was going to get my flu shot, but they told me I can't because I'm taking antibiotics.
I'm up too.
We are up with a spanking new picture for HNT! Check it out!
Was that a "mandatory" shot?
I must have been late to the swine flu shot thingie.
Kind'a like, yeah...
late, i'm up...
But then again...
I'm upper than most, now.
That's right...
In spite of the great beauty shown on Thursdays (or, Fridays for us slower folk) in spite of the beauties that grace our eyes...
and you girls, too...
I now have the ability to be MORE naked than the nakedest of youse.
(maybe...it only just now dawned on me that there might be other store bought folk out there...)
In any case, the Old Man was a diabetic.
I know of the sugar inbalances from my own experiences and it's no fun.
If it were up to me, the government would spend more dollars on helping folks with diabetes than in developing more weapons.
And to quote a great American that never was...
Forrest Gump,
"And that's all I'm going to say about that."
We're up and we're having fun with food this week!
I'm up with a corset, a strap-on harness, a big dildo, and ass!
Happy #HNT! <3
I'm up! The first time in long time.
I've always resisted flu shots, but was feeling obligated to give in this past year. Got one last year, and I'll be getting one this year. I don't want to...but I feel a responsibility since I work with people who's immune systems are fairly compromised.
I'm up as well...
Better late than never!
Thanks for the reminder that I need to schedule my annual physical and get my flu shot. :) Happy HNT!
I'm up and would have posted so earlier, but my stupid iPhone doesn't like me posting via Safari.
Glad to see the flu jab went well and thanks for the reminder about Boobiethon. Have a few pictures that I think might be suitable alright. :) It's a tremendous cause.
I'm a bit later with my HNT pic but here it is... this week Adomis got inked, at last!
Better late than never. :)
oh the flu shot I have a love/hate relationship with those. :)
as for the boobiethon sign me up. I participated last year and so doing it this year. :)
No flu shot for me, thanks. But glad you got one. :)
I'm up.
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