~~E. M. Forster
Check back on Thursday afternoon to find out who's life has been let go!
Of course, the Mystery Guest this week is Barefoot Dreamer! You should probably stop by and say hi!
Some lovely pictures over at "...the Other HNT" this week (as usual!). Stop by and leave your fellow HNTers some comment lovin'! As always...NSFW.
Things around here are being autoposted today, as the soul band is playing for the after-work beer, food and music thing that we have on Wednesdays in the park, and I won't be online until well after HNT goes up. It's been almost 4 years since I've last done one of these. It was the last regular gig for the rock band before we went on indefinite hiatus. Before that we were yearly regulars. It'll be interesting to see how things have changed (or not). I'll be sure to get some pictures up as soon as I can!
We’re up and feeling the pinch !
Well I hope you had fun at your after-work beer, food and music thingie. I LOVE that picture of you! Well done! Beautiful MG, too!
As for me, I've taken a tiny short break from painting to participate in HNT, because I'm THAT dedicated :P
up...and satiated
Love the message of this one! <3
I'm up!
Love your pic ;)
Mmm....your MG....sigh.
I'm up.
I'm up
New pics taken by Jon H.
Hope you have a good time! I'm up at the Cavern in 15...
Love the post and the pic is a cracker!
MG is gold!
I'm up with a friend with benefits! ;)
Love the sentiment, love the shot, love the bird!
Gorgeous MG.
I'm up.
Well, I wasn't sure if Monkeys were a theme, so I put a couple in.
OK, More than a couple. A few.
OK OK...
I put four monkeys in my HNT...(see if you can spot them all)
(does my name track to the right place? If you get there and there's like a lot of cops standing around the door, it ain't MY place...)
(ps...you don't have to tell the cops you saw me here, either, eh?)
I SO understand the auto-post need, having busy season in theatre production do that to me as well!
Such is the life of the right-brained LOL
I am up!
nice finger...powerful statement. enjoy your evening O's!
I hope that the MG's life has been let go in a good way. We don't know her but she is quite delectable.
We are up at Married in Ohio.
HHNT Os & co! I am up and rocking!
As long as 1 person continues to post every single Thursday then HNT will never seize to exist.
Have a good one everybody!
Your photo made me giggle. :-)
I'm up!
Gorgeous MG!
Happy HNT!
Have fun with everything! I'm up this week talking about art & sex
So glad you're still around! I'm up!
whoops. here's my link
Sounds like fun.
I need to figure out this auto posting thing. It would keep me from blog neglect.
Can't belive you gave me the finger though.
I am Up.
I'm up x
You know what I'd do with that finger? :P
I'm up!
Hope the gig was fun. :)
I'm up.
Vive HNT!!! I bet the gig was brilliant :)
Despite the recent shenanigans in England, I am up :)
Love the pink top in the water. And I'm up!
We're in! It's all about sexy summer legs!
HNT 4 lyfe!!
Up and beyond.
I like your pic!!
I'm up
HNT, I'm glad hear it was just a rumor.
Passive aggressive much?
For those interested, Osbasso is giving me the finger, in response to this post I wrote last week, about the dwindling number of participants and loss of a once-vibrant community.
I guess he took it personnally...
Really? The Finger? We did not declare HNT dead, we simply mused (and rather sadly too)about the dwindling of the community of HNT'ers.
We both showed appreciation of what the HNT community has meant to us and were merely regretful that this once vibrant meme seemed to be petering out.
I think as recently as a year ago you would have 60 participants, with 2/3 of them up by 6:00am est and this week you have 26.
Since people always love to prove people wrong, hopefully this will all get the community going again, which would thrill me, as I know I have found it to be mostly supportive.
And if it does, you're welcome.
Hey all this is my first HNT!!
Check it out :)
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