As I mentioned, things have piled up. And I'm just finding out about it all today. Lots of fires being put out, or quashed before they even started. Found out the reason that I've been feeling out of the loop with this concert--there hasn't been a loop! The woman who is in charge of everything (new this year), grossly underestimated the time needed to get everything done. While she's been somewhat efficient getting concert sponsors and money, she assumed that most of the rest of her work could be done in the last week and a half. If I were in her position, I would have estimated closer to the last three months.
Fortunately, almost everyone knows what their role is for this concert. It's just a matter of being told that they need to do the same as they've done in the past. Far too much assumption, not nearly enough confirmation. But it will all come off just fine, and everyone will rave at the great fireworks, and the gates will be opened to start on next summer's concert...
To see what's been involved in years past, you can click on any of these different links. In the meantime, I leave you with a picture I actually posted on Facebook a week or so ago, by request. Me in my bathroom. I don't anticipate seeing much of it over the next few days...

This young lady turned 32 today (Wednesday). She has always been one of the sexiest HNTers around. But she's found herself in a situation where she can work further on her body, specifically focusing on her hind end. Today, she's showing it off for us. Methinks she's done well!
I'll be revealing her Thursday afternoon, but feel free to leave her some birthday wishes here. Her hiney would appreciate it!
Our very fit birthday girl is the one and only Shizzle! Sorry, no link, but you can find her as the MG in the past--I think this is at least her 10th appearance! Happy Birthday, Shiz!
Summer has definitely arrived! Even with some last minute submissions, the numbers at "...the Other HNT" are low this week. But where it lacks in quantity, it's doing just fine in quality! Be sure to check your fellow HNTers out. And leave some comments--they really do appreciate it!
Update on the young lady mentioned in my last post (the car wreck). I chatted with her last night, and she's apparently going to try to come to the concert! Not to play, obviously, but as an audience member. If she can find a ride...
I'm outta here until Sunday afternoon. No time for chats or emails or any of that nonsense! I'll try to get caught up on the HNTs on Sunday night. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Ohhh! Got caught with your pants down did ya? hehehe Just kidding, I know you must be busy as all hell with the big concert coming up. Also read about that bass player who got into an accident, in your previous post. Glad she's OK!
Well, I'm up!
I am up (with Vixen) , and this time it isn't ME who is not ready- amazing!
Take your time and make it a good one - we'll wait! We’re up and continuing our theme from last week!
I'm up.
Ready,set..... stop, stop, stop...he didn't say GO yet. Sometimes busyness takes over. :)
i'm up, once in a blue moon...
lmao! I think we've all been there my dear.... I'm up :*
I'm up (with BFD!)
Time waits for no man!
I'm UP being intimate with Jas!
Hi, Os
Once every six years is excusable...
Thank you for the help. It worked! I hope that's not the reason you're late.
I am up.
I know that feeling...!
I'm up at
I guess being a Knight in Shining Armour takes up a fair chunk of time. ;)
I'm up.
Happy HNT! - Put the seat down for the ladies, man!
Raven's up.
I'm up and with a very funny story about what happened next!
Hope you get destressed soon xx
Sounds crazy Os..Hope your weekend is not too stressful.
Happy birthday MG
That's a very phallic curtain in your background. As I scrolled down I wondered what I was about to see :)
Assume makes an ass out of u and me - and organisation is a thing that can never allow too much time, although it's always difficult when you take on a new role and vital that you talk to people who have managed parts of the process in the past.
Good Luck to you and Happy Birthday to the MG :) Im up with some yoga xx
Tick Tock on the clock, but the party don't stop :)
I'm up!
Happy HNT
Happy HNT
I always leave even thinking about HNT until about 1am Thursday morning...fortunately that's CET and thus still too early to comment here!
Happy HNT. We're up and soaking up some summer sun.
I am up!
Good job getting it all worked out.
I didn't see the temp post though.
Happy B day to the MG with the nice tushy.
I am UP!
Kinda up falling down anyway
Haha! Second thing I noticed in your pic is the seat!
Happy bday to the MG :-)
I'm (for once) here and up this week. HHNT :-)
You seem to be proving the old adage this week: "if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done."
And I'm up!
Sounds like a lot of stress with the concert. Hope it all smooths out.
So, you are not going to see the bathroom for awhile because you are too busy??
MG sure does have a lovely hiney! Happy birthday MG! :)
I'm up...
Happy HNT everyone!
I'm up and reasonably early for me!
I hope life settles down for you soon. The MG is lovely, I think I know who it is but will have to come back later to be sure.
I'm up!
haha Whoops on her part! Have fun with the chaos.
I'm up.
With all the work you do, why aren't you making the "BIG BUCKS" and rich?
I'm up with an historic HNT!
Good luck! I'm up.
Hi Os,
Happy HNT! We are up! :D
Sometimes it is nicer to be busy then not at all
I am up
Busy busy boy, I've been a bit like that - prepared my HNT but then it went up too early and now's my only chance to come see everyone else's.
I'm up with a repost old HNT from before I knew I was supposed to tell you lol... anyhow as per your question... I haven't posted the cities I'll be visiting, which part of the North American woods are you in??
I actually got something posted this week!
Hope you had a great weekend, Os! :-*
Yes, agreed. A fine and rounded last part through the door.
Belated birthday greetings to the young lady, too.
Speaking of behind (two so far, one more coming) I have been so far behind I can't even catch up with myself.
I've had some great (OK, in my MIND) photos thought up and ready for shooting. In my MIND...
which doesn't translate to the ones and zeroes afforded us by the computer company.
Maybe if they would just throw in a random two once and a while, eh?
OK, well, If I get on it starting tomorrow, it might happen by next Thursday.
That is as long as the womens club from church doesn't surprise me with a tea party stop-by while I'm stretched out naked on a tree or something.
I had an itch on my back?"
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