There's times when my age catches up with me here. When the simpler times of my youth meet up with the technology of today. That happened this weekend. It wasn't intentional. It just happened while shopping for a graduation gift for my niece.
Now, many of you would not find this as exciting as I do. After all, there's probably a significant portion of you who have never owned an LP. Or even know what that means. Think of a CD (I think it's safe to say that most of you still have a few of those around). But made of plastic/vinyl. Black, and 12" in diameter. And actually, nothing at all like a CD. But I digress. I, on the other hand, have about twelve to fifteen hundred of them in storage that haven't seen the light of day since 1990. Oh sure, I've pulled out a handful of them over the years when in a nostalgic mood, but a vast majority of them have been sitting in boxes, stacked in a closet in my back room.
Honestly, I don't remember most of what's in there anymore. I know that there's some albums (that's what we used to call them) that still haven't been opened. Don't ask why. And there's some that I know I have no idea why I purchased them. And I know that a good majority of them have not been released on CD. So imagine my elation when I found what I found!
And what was that, you finally ask? A USB turntable! With sound conversion software included! Now, I've had the ability to record LPs to my hard drive in the past, but the hassles involved took the enjoyment out of it. This thing is almost as easy as a point & shoot camera. And the resulting sound isn't bad at all! It's not a high quality piece of equipment, but I'm not concerned about that. The included software allows you to really clean up the pops and hisses and noises, but frankly, I haven't needed to use it yet. Another feature of this turntable is that you can plug in a cassette deck and transfer tapes to mp3 too. I know there's a large collection of those laying around here somewhere...
Am I a little over-enthused about this? Probably. Am I going to lock myself in the back room and transfer everything to mp3s? Probably not. But I will be going through the boxes soon and picking out the albums that I remember spending hours with. Then transferring them to the mp3 format. Then probably turning around, taking a technological step backwards and burning CDs of them. After all, one can't have enough versions of one's music!

--Hedda Hopper
Come back Thursday afternoon to find out who everyone's talking about. Of course, if you know who it is, go wish her a Happy Birthday!
I hope you've been over to Gucci's place to wish her a Happy Birthday! It was yesterday, but I'm certain she'll celebrate through the weekend!
Once again, it looks like this week's participants at "...the Other HNT" got in touch with each other and came up with a theme! Butts, bums, asses, hineys, bottoms--however you call it, they've got them! Not all of them though. Stop by to check out your fellow HNTers and leave them some comments! NSFW, as usual.
We’re up! This week, we’re enjoying a little slap and tickle!
Im up but should be sleeping after 2 whole nights of being naughty.
Great HNT pic xxx
Naughty but nice picture for you too enjoy at my place Heelsnstocking
Happy HNT xxxxx
OH I love your pic! I love old records!!! I know the MG fabulous chica she is!!!
I am up! Happy HNT!
Yes...super cool pic. I'm with Daisy :)
I'm up!
one of those USB turntables sounds like music to my ears... :)
I have to get a Grip and not get too excited yet ;)
I'm up!
Happy HNT
Old records... love the pic.
MG I'm a hat girl myself ;)
I'm up
Great picture, Os!
I'm up :)
Vinyl? Albums? Yes, I remember them and I'm slowly finding most of my collection on CD or via iTunes, with the exception of Aztec Camera. (Hey, I'm a 80s child.) Though I will not be replacing the Osmond Christmas Album anytime soon.
I'm up and celebrating my one year HNT anniversary. WOoo hoo!
And I'm in LOVE with the MG's hat. Definitely better than that monstrosity Princess What's-Her-Name wore to the Royal Wedding. And it's red! Awesomeness itself.
I fell asleep thinking about uping myself. spank me, I woke to do so......
I know the MG and love that hat- purrrr
I am up
In my opinion, there is nothing that beats the sounds of Vinyl! I have several "records" still myself, that rarely see the light of day, perhaps moreso that I no longer own an LP. Something to invest in in the future perhaps. Enjoy digging out the old classics! I know I would.
Well after a week with no internet, I'm UP
offering a comfy chair, my hands, and perhaps a little something else ;)
Your fabulous shot has me feeling nostalgic for my vinyl (and my sister's collection which includes a Supremes and Temptations duet album!).
But the sure way to temper that 12" sadness is by gazing upon the luscious MG.
I'm up.
I am up at the cavern.
That is awesome that you can record you records to mp3 format. I bet it sounds great! :)
Happy bday to the lovely mystery guest! :)
You take and share the best shots. Of course I had to enlarge the pic to see who you were listening to. Then I searched for "King Weasel Stomp" on YouTube. Sounds good.
Enjoy the vinyl and the ensuing transfers.
I'm up for HNT.
I'm up at
I still have some vinyl I'm attached to; definitely want to convert it, you are not alone!! my aunt already did her collection
I was ecstatic when I found the same converter turntable a year ago--but I got too busy to use it on a few hundred vinyl platters yet! It's closer to the computer now & within sight--3 classic Edith Piaf albums are first in line!
MG is hot & hotter in the clickthru-- LOVE see-thru boobies! But I HAVE finally posted a little skin and the Best Osama Bin Laden "Special" drink -- WITH an instructional video!!! CHEERS, HNTers!
I'm up and showing off my chiaroscuro...
Happy HNT!
Love old records! And the USB record player is awesome. Got my husband one for his record needs. :)
I'm up this week!
Happy HNT!
I remembered to play this week, lol!
Believe it or not, we still have a record player plugged into our main stereo. The needle is worn (and no longer available locally) so we don't listen to too many records anymore. MP#s are convenient; but a digital album is not quite the same as a 33.
Returning to the digital age, we are up at Married in Ohio.
MG looks completely awesome :) I love the hat.. just beautiful.
I am up ....
I am up, and just for the record (ha ha) I am all about the Vinyl!
Another record player owner here.. sold off most vinyl on ebay the other year but some precious gems just had to stay. Most of them are downloadable nowadays but there's something about that sound... not to mention the every-18-minute-procedure of playing them :-)
I'm up. In a haze.
Good morning. Long time no play. But I'm back and playing again. In bed even.
Hiya Os!!! Miss ya.
I know LPs but only because I have hipster friends who, along with liking bands only until other people know about them, adore vinyl in all formats.
Also, I am up. :)
holy hell i need one of those. fairly good sound quality and then it does cassettes as well? gonna put it on my christmas list! Happy HNT O's.
Ruf will be very excited when I tell him about your discovery - he has a big box of LPs in the cupboard.
My ex also has a huge carton of pristine original Jimi Hendrix and The Stones and, although he bought them all on CD, he also kept his record player.
I suspect he could probably make a tidy sum if he were to sell them tho... maybe for my divorce settlement... :P
HHNT and Im Up!
I have a stack of long unused records in the basement. I gave away my turn table, so guess that's where they're staying.
I'm up with an up close with nature HNT.
Old records are awesome! I hear the music quality is actually better so it looks like you have some treasure there. Have fun enjoying all you good music
I'm up, and apparently in theme all by accident though :)
O, Will your "copies" have the crackle and pop of the records? I personally would like that, almost seems like a shame to "clean" those off. Sounds like fun!
were up ;)
My parents had a huge collection of vinyl as I was growing up. When I moved out to this long lost country my dad sent me the children's albums, I have no idea why I didn't keep all the pink floyd albums. We had every single album I think. Such great art too... I miss records!!!
I'm up this week with sexy black sandals... xoxo
Hi Os,
Happy HNT! We are up with a brand spanking new picture this week for HNT! Check it out! :)
Awesome on the albums and converter!! ^_^ I'd be the nerd though that converts as many as I could anyway though. =X It's for a good cause!!
Even though she's away from home, Hypersexual Girl was good enough to schedule some HNTs ahead of time! Go check her out!
After missing two weeks, I'm up!
That USB turntable seems pretty damn cool! Have fun with it!
Nice!! What a great find. Glad you're enjoying it.
I'm up...very late...but up. :)
Late to the party this week, but I'm up.
A usb turntable = you are AWESEOME!!
I'm up!
First...awesome find...who knew that someday you could play (and convert) old lps to MP3's...
i just got an MP3for my birthday (swore i'd never have one!!) But i'm converted, i love the portability. But yes, nothing like those old 45's, 78's, and 33 1/3's is there? THink they were 78's, anyway.
Okay i've been doing HNT every week for eons. I can't make my button widget work on my wordpress blog, but i have a poll of HNTS this week, per my Master's request.
Thanks Osbasso, for creating HNT..
We barely made it in time but we are up as well!
a USB turntable is one of the several items on my wishlist, I have several albums that I'd like to burn to disc.
you can leave your hat on , or take it off, it's all good
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