Thursday, August 19, 2010

Busy August HNT

Well, I should have expected it. I run off for four days of brain-clearing fun, and I come back to "do this, finish that, don't forget those..." I've been going non-stop since coming back from the pool party. Writing music, rehearsing music, changing the music I wrote the first time around, rehearsing some more, etc... Oh, and squeeze in a high school reunion, a couple of concerts by friends (which I ended up missing), and meeting blogger friends passing through town. Somewhere in there, I've also had a doctor's appointment, a couple of symphony staff meetings, meals and sleep. Oh, yeah. I have to work up HNT and OHNT (good thing I can do that from work!). Oh, oh, oh... work!

I seem to have lost my routine this month. My regular chatting buds have noticed it. My family has noticed it. Is it weird that I'm now looking forward to September, and the beginning of symphony season?? It'll be so less stressful than it is right now!

Since my mind is fried for current HNT ideas, I take you back ten days ago to the pool party, when life was mellow and relaxing. And no one cared that I was wearing my really tacky trunks! Hopefully I'll get back to that feeling soon!

Another human being sharing my blood,

My baby boy you were made out of love,

After many months resulting in tears,

We are soon to have one that ends in cheers!,

As the light shines on my curve,

Happy HNT it’s time to perve!

This week's Mystery Guest will be revealed late Thursday afternoon. Be sure to check back!
Not too hard to figure out who our mom-to-be is, if you've been surfing around HNTs at all. It's Jas, over at Evocative Abyss. Be sure to stop by her site to see another great belly picture!

Still getting a good selection of pictures for "...the Other HNT"! Be sure to stop by and check out your fellow HNTers! As always, it's NSFW!
I've got to get going on the OsShirt site as soon as things slow down some. It's had some really great adventures this summer! You'll want to see evidence of that!
I'm getting the occasional question asked on my formspring thing over there in the sidebar, so I'm going to keep it up for awhile... Go ahead and ask me anything you'd like over there. Anonymously, even!
Made mention of a doctor's appointment earlier. The good news...I'm healthy as a horse. A diabetic horse on meds, but healthy! Blood pressure is finally to a "good" level. Cholesterol is excellent. My A1c level is excellent. My kidneys, which at one point actually shut down, seem to have recovered nicely without any problems, though I'll have to keep monitoring them at my check-ups. Everything is so good that the only thing he can tell me to do now is lose weight and exercise. Ugh... It's one of those things I know I need to do, and in my own little way, I'm doing it, but I need to get serious about it.
Those who might remember back to last summer...when I lost the shutter button to my good camera...I've finally gotten a replacement part! After numerous attempts to get the thing repaired at a real camera shop (all out of town---nothing local), I just decided to order the part and have a go at it myself. I have really missed using it. It's just a point & shoot, but a higher end point & shoot. I'm also considering pulling out my 35mm camera and taking some pictures with that. If I can find someplace that actually still sells film...


SapioSlut said...

I'm up with a pink bottom...

Jobthingy said...

OH! i see your bum!

i am glad to hear you are healthy as a diabetic horse. keep it up there mister.

MG is just beautiful. what gorgeous shots!

i am up!!


Sadie said...

I'm up and revealing more than usual!


Vixen said...

That click of yours made me snort. That's awesome. ;)

MG is *stunning*.

I'm up, more with the sundress from a couple weeks ago. :)

Chapter Two said...

Well now I almost missed your click until I read Vixen ... um, hmmm- coulda skipped it ;) (I love teasing you)

I am up- someone needs to teach me how to sit in a dress!

Chapter Two said...

oh- and MG, is beautiful absolute beauty

Beryl said...

You crack me up sometimes, O.

I'm up early this week.


Chapter Two said...

Rumor has it Sage is working overtime - must be to pay for this vacation:

Check it out- he shows his legs! I kid you not. (and something about Kid Rock)

Emmy said...

I'm up!
And your pants are missing in that click thru. ;-)
The MG is gorgeous too!
Happy HNT!

Mr. Smith said...

Beach Me! Raven's up.

Ms Scarlett said...

Oh look, a full moon!!

Your MG is is radiantly lovely...

I've felt off-schedule all summer... it's just the extra-business of the season - I hope. I'm counting on things settling down in a couple weeks...

And I'm up - relaxing after a good run!


Richard, Shhh... said...

I'm not up altho I changed one naked broad on my sidebar as always. I don't think anyone came to see my tats last week so I'll pitch them again, now.
Os, your swim suit & click-thru were cool--obvious you HAVE lost lots of weight already. And your Mystery Guest, I AM VERY MOVED BY THE WORDS & BOTH BEAUTIFUL PICS! HNT has some very artful & creative stuff posted for free! VIVA HNT! VIVA OS! VIVA SIN-ROPAS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the most excellently delightful BFD Big Pappi is working and on the road with a rider, but I'd never let y'all down!!!

I'm up.

Love the guest pic, excellent.

Moosekahl said...

I'm up...tucked away in my home away from home.

Dee said...

I thought I'd participate for a change - I'm up and shining Buck's Boots!

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

Love your cheeky Bum! ;)

I'm up.

Anonymous said...

Sage sent me.....I'm up. First time :)

Cande said...

I'm up too :)

Carnalis said...

I'm up .. for a holiday HNT

Great shorts, and a beautiful MG

Happy HNT all x

Shhh.... said...

I'm loving everyone's pics this week. HNT is fun. Oh, and I'm up. :) *hugs to all*

Cheeky Minx said...

Busy, indeed... But at least we profit from your fried brain in the form of your cheeky pool shots!

And the MG is absolutely stunning...

I’m up!

Anonymous said...

You'll feel great when the busy season is over! Hope things relax a little.

I'm up!


Anonymous said...

Mine is up.
Holding the cane in anticipation.

heelsnstocking said...

Im up! I was being naughy at the offce and thought id take a pic or 2 xx

MG is stunning

Janie said...

What an absolutely beautiful MG!

And look at you cheeky! Glad to hear you're all healthy :)

I'm up!


Joanna Cake said...

Loving the MG!

Now then Mr, it's all very well getting great doc results but if you're stressing out, you're going to mess them up for next time round. Slow down and do some yoga to focus your mind.

Im feeling much better today but the lurgy still lingers. I am, however, still up with something for you to look at :)

Mark said...

Looks like you're having some Hot Fun in the Summer!

Fooled around and Fell in Love is up!

Chris said...

Here's to finding that routine again! ...and I kinda like the tacky trunks :)
Love the MG!
...and I'm up!

Mrs. Learning said...

I'm up...I won't look that lovely when I start showing. Glad the HX is doing well!

HyperSexualGirl said...

Quite a risque pool party!

(I'm up.)

Another Suburban Mom said...

The mystery guest is lovely. I love preggo shots.

I am up and showing some tush today.

~m said...

I'm home now, doing the 'walk of shame' this morning, but thanks to the magic of autopost, I'm up.

Anonymous said...

I see your hiney!


kisses,, Crystal

MinorityReport said...

Wow, you've really been busy.
Hope you get some time to relax soon!

The MG is beautiful. :)

DD said...

I'm absolutely in love with the MG's pics!

I'm up at

Happy HNT yall!


frances said...

You HAVE been busy. And I've missed you. But that click totally makes up for it. Not sure if D commented
Yet, but we'll be up shortly with a different kind of his and hers hnt. I think you'll like it. :-)

As for your mystery guest. It's hard for me not to get emotional seeing such a gorgeous photograph. It simultaneously makes me smile and fills me with jealousy. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy mommy. Congrats on the new addition and thank you for sharing your joy with us. Happy/sad tears for such a sexy, sensual, and wonderfully loving show of the female form. I feel like I'm tripping over myself trying to say something. I guess there are really no words for what I'm feeling, but know that it touched me deeply.

Maggie said...

Yay for good health and best wishes on the continuation of that.

I'm up.

viemoira said...

Great pics Os! Love the buns! :)
The MG is absolutely beautiful- what amazing pics! I'm up and away...have a great day!

BTExpress said...

Thanks again for coming to the pool party. It was a hell of a time and I'm up with more pictures to prove it. ;-)

Lori is finally back with an HNT pic from the pool party.

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT Os. We are up with a sexy picture of my new panties up on Darkside. Come by and check it out!

Black Matrixx said...

A busy HNT contribution from me.


iSlut_ said...

I love the beautiful mystery HNT photo!

Mine is up. Chills

Westopher said...

I like the tacky trunks! They're cute.

My HNT: Little singlet, big bulge

Wanna wrestle?

Robyn said...

Love the MG Pic. =) HHNT!!

Anonymous said...

exquisite MG!

i'm up with some bjork

The Kinky Pixie said...

sushi anyone?

Just A. Girl said...

Unfortunately I have no photos to post this week. However, I did answer a reader comment about HNT and gave you a shout-out.

nitebyrd said...

The Mystery Guest picture is just so beautiful!

figleaf said...

Oof! After quite a hiatus I'm back up. Literally up! I was hanging around the house last night (enjoying a now extremely rare moment of alone time) and decided to actually hang around the house! :-)

Happy HNT, Osbasso!


Melissa and Kevin said...

We're up with HNT IV

-M and K

Margaret said...

Funny click-thru. Glad you are doing so well.

The MG is stunning. Wow.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to check back and thank everyone for the comments made on the MG pics. Really appreciate your kind words.
Was a pleasure to share them with you all xx


love that ass and what a great pic I took of it! Great night, Happy belated HNT


have a new blog address