Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post-Holiday Stuff

It's funny how having back-to-back holidays, and three/four day weekends mess with your mind. Time to get back into the swing of things here! Hope you all had a great Christmas! Nothing exciting with mine, but it was the first time that all of us were together since mid-summer (other than S1 and BIL1.2, but they're out-of-state, which doesn't count--that sounds terrible, doesn't it?). Dad was moving slow, but was moving! In a new switch this season, we had a HUGE stuffed pork loin, which is out of the norm for us. Mighty tasty though! And the grandchildren have grown up. Sure, we put them at the kiddie table (which, in years past, has been the "guys" table), but they actually were more interested in talking with the adults after dinner, rather than retreating to the TV in the den, or falling asleep back there. It's still odd to see the two older nieces drinking wine, but I guess they've grown. Here's some of the more "presentable" pics from Christmas brunch on Sunday, and Christmas Day at my parent's (click 'em to big 'em!):

Dad and Mom at Christmas brunch/N3, Nephew, BIL3, BIL2, N2 & Mom

Post-dinner food coma (usually the "unbutton-the-pants" time)--Nephew, N3, S2, N2

While we were at dinner, the weather decided to drop a little snow on us. A nice, gentle snow. Very "White Christmas-y". This is what it looked like the next morning...

As I'm writing this, the temperature is 52° at mid-afternoon, and all the snow that we've accumulated over the past 3 weeks is melting quite nicely. I'm looking forward to the icy roads in the morning...

Sad news from the entertainment front. Eartha Kitt died on Christmas Day after a long battle with colon cancer. Though she was a singer/actress that could be found on Broadway and movies, her most recognizable character was perhaps as "Catwoman" on the original TV series from the 60s. As a singer, she had many hits, but easily her most recognizable one was "Santa Baby" (the original version, and still the best, in my opinion). Seems sort of fitting that she died on Christmas Day. She was 81 years old.

Don't forget next week's theme for HNT! We want to see your favorite HNT that you took this year. Even if you've only joined in for a short time, we want to see what's your favorite, and why. Click the link at the top of my sidebar for more details!

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