I dabbled a little more with color selection this year, though I think it can be overdone. Both of my favorites utilized this technique. And I'm not so sure that I didn't use two different methods to get each result. The first one is from February. I like the look of it, though it was a bit different than what I had anticipated (aren't they always?). The story that went along with it was based on an old b&w movie I'd been watching on TV. But that quickly morphed into a mini-rant about smoking, and questioning how anyone could possibly subject themselves to it. Then the comments (which are no longer available) from people telling me not to smoke! HA!

The second picture came from just one week later. This one wasn't my favorite because of the write-up, but because of the actual picture.

I like the years of wear in the fretboard, as well as the color contrast with the grays of the rest of it. I think that if I were to do it again, I'd check to see what it would look like with my eye colored as well. Apparently some others liked it too, and Curvaceous Dee even chose it among her favorites of that particular week!
Ah, hell. I liked this one too, with just a sliver of light hitting me from the doorway.
Now I look forward to seeing if each of you picks the same "favorite" as I would
She's deadly man, she could really rip your world apart
Mind over matter
Ooh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart."
Hall and Oats - "Maneater"
This week's Mystery Guest will be revealed late Thursday afternoon. Be sure to come back and find out who it is!
The final Mystery Guest for 2009 is the lovely Molls over at Neamhpsleach. You can find other similar shots amongst her December pictures! Be sure to stop by and wish her a Happy New Year!
A nice collection of pictures for the last OHNT of the decade! Definitely NSFW, but stop by leave some comments for your fellow HNTers, OK?
I have not thought much about the typical end-of-year sentimentality that I've often done in previous years. I'll hopefully have "best of" and "worst of" posts up tomorrow like I usually do, but no guarantees. Time seems to have crept up on me, and I'm so unprepared! I leave for Nashville on Friday. Leaving town at 3:30AM on New Year's Day to drive to Bozeman to catch a flight out of there (ah, the things I'll do to save a couple hundred bucks!). There will be some meeting of bloggers and HNTers during my stay there (let me know if you're in the neighborhood, in case I don't know about you!), and a concert, too! I'll be sure to provide my usual documentation here. Since I'll be getting up at an ungodly hour (and there's no way I'm staying up all night), I'll have to wish all of you a SAFE and Happy New Year now. May the new year bring lots of good things to you! For me, I'm just hoping I don't get seated to some guy who celebrated all night and looks like he's going to be sick...

well fuck i'm up here
sorry kids for the confusion! HHNT and love your choices Scott!
Didn't do that many this year... but I'm up for this one.
Os... that guitar pic is way cool!
Cheers... Happy HNT and have a Grand New Year.
nice picture choices Os. i am particularly fond of the second.
your MG is goregeous and looks so bright! can't wait to see her revealed.
my faves are up on my site now.
loves autumn
Those are all great pics O!
HHNT & Happy New Year everyone!
I'm up - and I cheated too ;)
I love them! I'm up, too:
I love the guitar pic!!
I didn't post an old favorite, but I'm up regardless!
Happy New Year, everyone!
O - that second pic is amazing - very cool (you know me and music, wow!!)
Well...since I am a dork and delete HNT's throughout the year - I can not post my fav... But a shiny birthday suit for the new year is up at my place.
Cheers baby and a Happy new Year to all!
Well. I'm bummed I won't be able to meet with you on your layover. But unfortunately not bummed enough to wake up at 7am on NY day ;)
As much as I haaaaaaaate smoking, the first pic turned out SUPER DUPER cool. :)
I'm up. Happy New Years everyone!
i'm up
love that first pic, os, that spark of orange is super
an ex-smoker ;)
happy '10 to one and all!
I totally broke the rules because I am crap at deciding hehe. I am totally loving the guitar pic the most Os! Happy New Year! xxx
The stunningly sexy BDF wanted me to up her so here ya go.
Mg is stunning as always.
Mines up!
Hope everyones next year is better than their this year was!
I'm up. Happy HNT and Happy New Year!
I like the gray hair. I like #2 & #3 too. #1, not so much. Smoking is so ewwwwwwwwwwww.
I made it up too. It was a tough choice, but I finally picked one.
Happy New Year and Happy HNT y'all!
This is only my second HNT so I posted a new picture :)
Happy New Year everyone!
Wonderful MG!
I dig all your selections but the 2nd one is my fave. =)
I'm up! And I even managed to only pick one picture for once. How about that, lol.
Happy HNT!
great choices Os.
im up! i almost forgot. but i made it. WOOHOO!
Happy New Year hun. have a great one.
and HHNT
I know that smoking is bad...but that first pic is so really very sexy.
Your choices were fabulous! I'm glad you broke your rules because so did i!!!
I'm Up!
Happy New Year's... sorry you are a travelin'!
I'm up and this one was hard! AND I didn't break the rules like the rest of y'all appearently did.
I love all the ones you chose - you do a good variety of shots.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Our favorites of 2009 are up: http://www.coypink.com/2009/12/30/hnt-years-favorites-2009/
We are up at Married in Ohio. Since it's so hard to pick just one, we chose two favorites HTNs for 2009. We also have in a fresh one, just because.
Happy New Years Eve HNT everyone.
P.S. I know it was a PIA to switch (back) to Blogger comments; but, for me at least, it's a lot easier to make a comment.
I did always like that smoking picture!!!
Happy New Year, my friend. I'm up!!
First of all, happy impending New Year, Osbasso. I hope you remain happy, hearty, and well next year, next decade, and heck, next century too.
Happy New Year, and happy New Decade, to everyone else.
Finally, I got a brainstorm about disheveled mens suits and so in addition to three favorites there's a new photo for this week as well.
Happy HNT!
Delighted to see that one of your favourites was one of mine, Os!
I'm up - also with three, because I just couldn't narrow it down to one :)
2009 Favourite HNT.
xx Dee
Cool pictures, Os.
And the MG is just beautiful.
The Man picked the favorite from this year, and I am starting a new series.
I'm fond on the one with you and the fret myself. :)
I'm up!
Can't wait to find out who your sexy mystery guest is.
Great pics, I agree, hard to choose one! I'm up and added a little extra treat for the New Year (and to make up being gone recently)
Hope everyone has a fun filled sexy New Year's Eve!!!!
I am up
OMG I'm actually up! :-)
Figured I should jump in before the year was up...hehe
Love your picks, Os, for favorite of the year. My favorite happens to be a new one...but only because of what I'm showing off...hehe ;-)
Great favorites, Os! I especially like that last one.
I'm up with my favorite of 2009. A little late this time, because I was out tonight, but you'll forgive me, right?
Happy HNT, and happy New Year!
You can’t make me choose a favourite when this is only my second HNT! I didn’t even comment the first time haha.
Happy New Year, everyone =)
I'm up... with an old favourite and a new smile. Happy New Year to you all...
I'm up I broke the rules and didn't do a past favorite, but one I never got the chance to post.
Scott, Can you please remove my first comment that's like a mistake, and also, I want to add, I was FIRST last night, AND, love the mg, i did that once with the lights but i forget now if i ever used it...lovely!
thanks love u
The old blogger comment box. Now that's a blast from the past!
Happy New Year Os.
I love your choices.
Hoping for health and happiness for all of you in the new year and the new decade.
I'm up!
(Very few HNTs to choose from compared to years past, sadly)
Happy New Year to you!
We're up with our favourite from the past year. You're right, Os. it wasn't easy to pick just one!
Confused by the old-style blogger comment box there.
Here's a direct link to the post:
I'm up, have been since last evening but I just can't seem to stay awake until 11:30!
Once again, I have not followed directions...
I'm up:
Have a happy and eventful 2010!
Love your choices. I especially liked the smoking one as the picture said something entirely different from what I know. It played little games with my mind!
MG looks angelic all lit up!
Well ... you know I couldn't possibly skip out on the Year's Favorite HNT - mine (which just happened to be three as well) is up!
Yay for regular commenting!
I like the lighting one, but I like yours every week. Always something fresh and original. I couldn't pick just one either. Happy New Year my great friend! <3
I am up at http://singlesexatsixty.blogspot.com/2009/12/new-year-eve-hnt.html?zx=6cacc0c9ae38ccb4
Have a Happy New Year!
Love the guitar pic!
I have a new one up and a favorite.
I love the guitar picture. It is very soulful.
I am up in all my half nekkid glory with my favorite and Hubman's favorite for the year.
Happy HNT and Happy New Year!!! Great Choices Os- it took us a while to decide on one as well...but we finally made a great choice!
Happy New Year, my dear friend x and better health and happiness to us all xx
I put my favourite up .. not that there was a huge number to choose from this year, but i still like to join in now and then.
I'm up!
The favorites you picked are great. The last one is really amazing!
Love the MG picture, too!
Happy New Year Os!
I'm up with my favorite HNT and added another one that Veronica chose as her favorite
I'll be back later to see who that MG is!
I'm up with my favourite (of my few) HNT! Thank you Osbasso, this is my first year participating and this is a wonderful forum you host for all these wonderful shots... Happy New Years babes!
btw - that guitar pic, and the intensity of your eye... breathtaking. I love it.
I'm up. Everyone have a safe, fun and happy new years celebration!
Very nice choices.
I'm up.
Happy New Year.
IM UP!! oO( and you boys may be so too after a peek!)
Happy end of 2009 and many Magical Wishes for 2010!!
I'm up and very sad to see 2009 come to an end, but anxious to see what 2010 has in store.
Happy 2010!!
I'm running terribly behind but Happy HNT y'all and happy new year! Here's my bubbly: *cheers*
I loved the colour experimentation but there is something so calming about the one with the guitar. Wishing you a fabulous and fit 2010xx
Oh, and Im Up. Hope you like my choices :)
I'm up, and loving all of the pictures!
I'm up!
Everyone have a great New Year!
Great picks of your faves! Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year! Safe travels to Nashville - wish I was able to make it down maybe next time!
I haven't been a regular poster but love HNT and have taken part this week. Love the cig photo Os - I gave up Xmas Eve and am doing OK so far!
HHNT and Happy New Year!
Love the bass pic, Os! Gonna have to rip that idea off myself.
We're up with a pic of the year. Frances' choice. :-)
Happy HNT, and Happy New Year...
LOVE your choices Os.. all great shots! And wow... gorgeous guest!!
I hope you have a great NYE, a safe trip to Nashville, and a wonderful 2010!
I'm late (again!), but I'm up!
It's been awhile since we last posted, but we're up to celebrate the New Year!
I have to say I like the last one of you the best. I love the effect of the shadows and the black and white.
I am up and running!!!
Happy New Year and Happy HNT!!
The year in review, not just one pic, but a small grouping, with a bit of story for each.
Happy HNT and Happy New Years
Happy New Year Os! Here's to many more! Happy HNT. We are up.
A little late in the day, but I'm up too! Thanks for a wonderful year of HNTs...looking forward to many more to come!
I'm up. :)
May everyone have a very happy and safe New Year!
I think they are all great photos O and I think the third one is my favorite of them all.
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