Things have been seasonally hectic here. It's Messiah/Nutcracker time, which means that about one half of my December is shot to hell. We had Messiah rehearsals every day since Thursday, plus the performance Sunday night. To make it extra special, I had to move equipment from the rehearsal church to the Cathedral (pictured here) in single-digit temps (and sub-zero wind chills), and then load out of the church in sub-zero temps (and even worse wind chills). Then unload half the equipment truck on Monday. The good part is that the sun was out, so the -10° didn't feel too bad. As I'm typing this at some time past midnight, it's -17°, and should hit -30° by 5AM. For those of you who can't fathom that, it's really not too bad, as long as the sun is out. Which it's not at 5AM.
The good news is that I don't have to worry about equipment until Thursday, when the temps are expected to be in the mid-teens. Again, for those who have never experienced it--that's going to feel like springtime! Anywho...rehearsals start Tuesday night and will run through Saturday, with performances Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Means I'll have to miss perusing HNTs on Wednesday night, but I'll certainly have things auto-posted! Any other posts this week will be hit or miss. I might do a re-run or two. If you don't see me around much this week, it's not because I don't want to be around! Just think of me cracking my nuts all week...
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