For some reason, this year's Three Wishes theme was harder for me than I had anticipated. It was difficult to whittle the list down to just three. But it was good, as it forced me to really spend some time thinking about who, and then what, I'd choose. I know many of you experienced the same (some of you whine quite well!), and will probably cheat and do wishes for more than three. That's OK. It's Christmas! Here are the three that I finally narrowed down to:
Amy, over at
"More Sex Chocolate and Red Lipstick" has found her Prince Charming this fall. Befitting a princess who is wearing the glass slipper, my gift to her is her own Cinderella carriage to go visit him! Much better than taking the the train, I'd imagine. I'll even throw in the mice, rats and assorted other animals needed to be transformed into her horses, coachmen, etc. Just be sure you're home by midnight, young lady!
BTExpress has been doing the HNT thing forever, it seems. Which is possible. I think he is officially the oldest HNTer we've got! Anyone who's followed him at all knows that he spent this past year getting a pool built in his back yard. It looks great! The man spared no expense! And to officially christen it, he's throwing a pool party in August, 2010. I think you can email him for an invite if you haven't received one yet. So my gift to him, in anticipation of that party, is his very own cabana boy. Knowing BTE, he'd prefer to have all the women in the pool, rather than having to worry about drinks or anything! I'll let Lori decide if he should be clothed or not. No reason she can't enjoy your gift too! Merry Christmas, BTE! Be careful as you break him in!
Sometimes you run across a blogger who takes you by surprise.
Sa is just one of those bloggers! She's lurked among us for awhile, with some limited commenting. She's even dipped her toe into the HNT pool a couple of times! She's multi-lingual, trans-continental, and certainly isn't hard on the eyes! :-P She's French, but spent a year in the US as a student. In Chicago. I'm thinking she needs to spend some quality time over here in someplace other than the midwest. So my gift to her is a flight back to the States, where she can visit her sister, and places like Florida, Tennessee, Montana and Oregon! We'd take care of you!
As for the rest of you, you get the consolation gift (which the three above get, too!). And that's my wishes for a safe and merry Christmas. Even for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas. 'Tis the season, you know! Thanks to all of you for sharing a little bit of yourselves with the rest of us this past year. Now be sure to hug someone this season, and mean it!
"Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things..."
"My Favorite Things" from
The Sound of Music
This Mystery Guest is not revealing - but you can find her if you seek!
As expected, there's not a huge number of submissions over at
"...the Other HNT". Busy schedules and all, you know. But that's not to say that we don't have a few gifts wrapped up for you under the tree! Be sure to stop by and leave some comments for your fellow HNTers! NSFW, of course...

Only one more week to put in your votes for
Trojan. If you've missed the story--she's a former HNTer who is in a national contest for a modeling contract. She's within the top 3-4 positions within her age group, out of thousands of contestants. This last push over the next two weeks could put her over the top! You'll have to register once, but can opt out of any mailings, and they don't do spam. You can only vote once a day (which is a change from earlier). Let's help out a fellow HNTer!
I'm up, maybe back, but Happy Holidays & HHNT to all.
I didn't go along with the theme but I don't know many of you yet :)
I put up my first HNT and it has nothing to do with Christmas but I'm really enjoying seeing everyone else's :)
Happy Holidays!
Diana is on the road, maybe in the country looking for some rock 'n roll?
See her at:
I didn't do the wishes/gifts, I really didn't know enough bloggers to write it out, plus I've been very ill this week, I still posted a pic though:
Happy HNT :-)
up and inhaling much tree:
happy merrymas chanivus to each and all!
I'm up with wishes for Minority Report, Kenny, and Dana. And I might have left a little something extra for the rest of you! :-)
I'll get around to all of you tomorrow. Tonight I'm out on a date with my hubby!!
I am up and wishing....
I'm up!!!....with my wishes for theBsideOfme, An Artist Exposed and NiteByrd! Along with something for Vixen Kitten, Laken, Dangerous Lilly and everyone else too! What? ;)
Your wish for Amy made me giggle, that's too cute. The other wishes were great too.
Of course, wonderful MG as always! =)
Happy HNT y'all!
BTExpress here.
Thanks for thinking of me and I'm honored, BUT A CABANA BOY? A CABANA BOY? I hope he can cook too, because me and my under water camera will be too busy to do that.
Seriously folks. I really am having an adult only blogger pool party next summer and you're all invited. If you're going to be in the NY City area next August, please let me know. Os and the pool boy will be there. I'll probably even have a pool girl or seven too.
I'm up with my three Christmas wishes too.
oh thank god you have a normal comment box now! :)
your gifts are so creative and lovely. all really freakin awesome! mystery guest is absolutely stunning.
my post is up. i've given gifts as well. now it's time for bed though.
loves autumn
After about three hours of trying to figure it all out, I have finally gotten myself up. My wishes went out to Elle, Emmy, and NiteByrd.
Popular vote this week for my "Best of 2009" (there are only a few to choose from.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Hmmmm I think I have seen that MG pic before! Stellarness no doubt!!
Mines up, with another sexy no pic posting mommy blogger!
Y'all be safe traveling.
we're up with wishes for panserbjorne, 13 messages, and emmy. happy holidays!
I didn't do the three wishes thing, but I have presents in my HNT's (both blogs this time!) And my very own Santa debuts on A Poly Life! :-)
Happy holidays & happy HNT!
I am up - with wishes for EssinEm, Cecily, and K Bare - and a picture, of course.
Okay I screwed up the HNT Wish list thing. I totally got it wrong. But I gave you three wishes on my naughty list!
So ...
I'm UP!!!
If I had to pick three bloggers it would be BareFoot Dreaming, Vixen, and Dewey.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Great MG btw. And awesome pics for you wish list!!!
Honey is up with her Three wishes for M, Maggie and me. :-)
Yea! Normal commenting again!
I'm a week behind theme-wise so I'm still thinking about my 3 wishes. Meanwhile I still have to crawl under the darn tree every night to add water.
Happy HNT. And for folks who celebrate it, happy Christmas Eve.
I'm up!
Doh. The direct non-blogger link to my site:
Happy HNT,
I'm up with three wishes for Curvaceous Dee, Britni of Brit Is Shameless and Jiz Lee.
Happy Holidays and HNT y'all!
Merry Giftmas, Os! I'm up, with wishes for Artist Exposed, Amorous Rocker, and Padme Amidala.
Wishes Granted HNT.
xx Dee
I'm up! I didn't do the wishes theme tho.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
I'm up...with wishes for Dewey, Yummy and Me...Merry Christmas all!
I'm up with three more personal wishes. Happy HHNT and all the best of the season to you all.
I missed the three wishes thing. So many distractions on this end!
I'm up:
(You went back to Blogger comments -- thumbs up for that!)
Great Christmas gifts this year, Os. I think Lori will particularly enjoy BTE's gift All the best to you and yours this holiday season! (Oh, and nicely wrapped up MG, BTW)
This year, I couldn't narrow it down to three HNTers so I'm offering gifts to the Ghosts of HNT past, present and future . . .
Happy HNT and all the best of the season to you!
My wishes are up! I chose Bitchtits, the eternal list and Tara.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New year, everyone!
i'm up with 3 wishes for all; i still have a hard time with getting all personal and choosing 3 people so...
Happy HNT, happy holidays!
I'm up with three wishes. Happy Holidays. :)
Great use of your wishes, Os!
BTExpress is in the NYC area? I'll be away for the month of August, but that's an easy drive for Veronica!
I'm up with wishes for Amorous Rocker, Saucy Wildcat and The Dirty Side of Us.
I'm up and I too had trouble with the theme this year. I got something for Os specifically, for others in general, and even something for myself.
I hope everyone has a very happy HNT and an exceptionally merry Christmas!
Veronica is at work this morning, so I'll comment for her....
She has wishes for Britni the Vadge Wig, Maggie of Violence Unsilenced and of Ok, Fine, Dammit and for Catherine at Her Bad Mother.
I'm up! My 3 wishes go to Sexy Sixty, Daren Callow and Distracted!
Aw Os, you spoil me! I'd love a princess carriage :) :) :)
I'm up with wishes for Britni, Veronica and Lilly
Christmas Kisses!
---Amy xxxx
Aw Os, you spoil me! I'd love a princess carriage :) :) :)
I'm up with wishes for Britni, Veronica and Lilly
Christmas Kisses!
---Amy xxxx
A little late, but here we are! HHNT and Merry Christmas!
I'm up with wishes for FrancesandDaniel, 13messages, and Whatamithinking
Great gifts Os! Merry Christmas everyone!
I am up and wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!!
Happy Holidays...Im up!
Happy Holiday HNT!
Hi I'm up. Sorry I didn't do the wishes thing. I love yours though, your guest is hot as always and I love that dog picture. So cute! Anyway, merry Christmas and Happy HNT!
I didn't follow the Three Wishes prompt for this week since I've had a present planned for my readers for a while! Happy HNT and a very Merry Christmas to you all! <3
I'm finally up ~ after much wrestling with html (argh!) ~ with wishes for 13 Messages, Autumn, and Red Rider!
Gorgeous MG ~ and even hotter shots at her site!!
Merry Christmas Os!! I hope your day is filled with wonderful things and friends and family! All the best in '10!!
XO ~ Scarlett
HNT pic up!
No wishes though :( Couldn't squeeze in it this week!
i'm up but not following along. HHNT.
yeah k so I thought tomorrow was thursday since this crazy storm has cancelled my work for 2 days, im lost! giggles
late but here!
Merry Christmas everyone.
We are up at Married in Ohio.
BTW: We gave you (Os) one of our three wishes on our blog.
wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Thank u :) take a look that emo boy hair on this blog:
I enjoy reading these blogs, and I find them very funny blog pictures, thank you for sharing the info!
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