Christmas went pretty much as expected. Lots of family time, as usual. Though we were all surprised by the arrival of S1 and BIL1.2! Their plan was to head to the Caribbean (BIL1.2 is a citizen of St. Kitts, a tiny island where the temps are currently in the mid-80s). But with the weird weather in the southeast, they didn't know if they'd actually make it, so they changed their plans. It was the first time in years that everyone was actually home for Christmas!
In our post-dinner chatter, N2 mentioned how much she LOVED the movie "Avatar", so it was decided that we'd all head to the matinee on Saturday. If SHE liked it, it must have been good! And it was. I had avoided all the hype about it as much as I could, so I was totally blown away by the imagery. Whoever came up with the visual concept of the floating mountains must have been a fan of YES in the 70s--they looked just like the album covers of many of their albums! A suggestion--if you have the option between 3D and 2D, go see the 3D version. You'll thank me later! And if you have to pee, do it before the movie starts. Three hours is a long time to keep your legs crossed, and you won't want to miss anything! The story line is totally predictable, but you can easily let that slide, simply to see what other movie magic is around the corner!
We did dinner at the Brewhouse afterward, with a trip to the tap room for dessert (after sending the kids away).

On the left: Me, BIL3, BIL1.2
On the right: S1, S3, S2
Another short week, though I'm going to be plenty busy. I'll be missing the stroke of midnight on NYE as I hope to be sound asleep. I have to leave at around 3:30AM on the 1st to drive 90 miles away to Bozeman to catch a plane (much cheaper prices) to NASHVILLE!!! I was there 4 years ago, and got to meet a bunch of cool bloggers, and hope to meet up with many of them again! I'll be sure to post a picture or two! I've got SO much to deal with in the days before then!
Most of you participated in the Three Wishes HNT last week! There were some great wishes out there! I hope you had to do some thinking about it--I certainly did! One more theme for the year...the Year's Favorite HNT. This refers to the favorite HNT that you posted yourself. Not someone else's. Be sure to tell us why it was your favorite, too! Click on the link at the top of the sidebar if you've got questions!

You have a lot of in-laws! You're looking good O!
Happy Holidays!
Looking great Os! Glad you had a good holiday with your family!! Have a great time in Nashville - I hear it's absolutely fantastic!
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