This year, my Griz need all the mojo they can muster. It's not been a great year for them. They are 7-3. They lost games they should have won. They have won many of their games with last-minute drives. Ah, but these are the Griz! The team with the most victories since 2000, at any level! No one in the NCAA, NAIA, high school levels, NFL or CFL has won more games. The Griz seem to go further than anyone expects them to, and this year looks like more of the same.
The Bobcats are 8-2, but are as questionable as the Griz. They have scraped to win games against the worst teams in the Big Sky Conference, but have also beaten the better teams. We'll have to see what happens...

Speaking of bets, I lost one to her Gucciness on Friday night. It happens that our respective high school alma maters played each other in a semi-final game to win a berth in the state championship. Her team won, 24-23, in double OT. So I had to write another guest post for her which is now up. Go check it out. It deftly mixes music, football and breasts!
In other news...I got a very chilling email from a young man, asking how I knew a certain woman. It was his mother, and he had questions. Before some of you get nervous--the woman in question was a friend of mine from high school, who died almost 20 years ago. To see her name in the subject line was more than unnerving! Turns out that he would have been very young (I'm guessing less than 3 years old) when she died, so has limited memories of her, if any. He just wanted to know anything about her, as his family didn't talk much about her as he grew up. I couldn't figure out how he would have gotten my name, or why I would have known her. So I googled her name. Lo and behold, I am the only reference on the internet with her full name. I had used it as part of a meme over five years ago. I wrote back, and gave him some small glimpse of her. Also sent a picture that she was in from a Facebook page from high school. I don't know if I'll hear from him again. I sort of hope I do. I had lost touch with her after running off to college, and have always regretted not contacting her at all during the 80s. Turns out he's got a FB page that came up after I sent the picture. The first thing that struck me in seeing his profile pic is how much he looks like what I remember her looking like. All in all, an unexpected, but nice, surprise for the day.
OK, I was a little confused upon getting here. Thank you for explaining what happened to your page. I'm not crazy... it always makes me feel better to have a tiny bit of confirmation on that. :)
Have a great day!!!
Love the new colors!
Strange to hear from someones from your past and have it be their son.
But it sounds like it was a nice surprise.
aw that poor was great that you gave him some insight.
Touching story.
Like the temporary color template, Os.
Ooh, I like your new digs. It's such a good colour on you. ;)
And it's so lovely to hear you were able to give something so precious to that young man.
You will not win! But if you do, I suspect you'll like my hnt. But you won't win.
Suck it, Griz.
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