I'm not big into politics. To me, common sense should govern us. And there always seems to be a big lack of that. I stayed up to half-heartedly watch the returns, and just couldn't get swept up in the passion. It was funny to bounce between Fox News and MSNBC to see the obvious slants that each network took.
The elections in Montana weren't particularly exciting. We had one House seat up for election...everything else was local or state positions, and four initiatives. Interestingly, Montana was painted red (which looks pretty on the map, since it takes up so much space), but in reality, the GOP only took the House seat (incumbent). Virtually every state elected office is held by Democrats. The two U.S. Senators from MT are Democrats. Locally, they also won every race on my ballot (one or two seats in nearby districts went to the GOP). But the maps painted us red. Oh, well.
As everyone who has analyzed this election will tell you, things will be changing. We'll see. The one thing I learned this morning is that so far, nothing has changed. The sun came up and is shining, the weather is absolutely gorgeous, and things are looking pretty darned good. Let's see the GOP take credit for that!
The Enchantress comes;
Cloaked in the softness of chiffon and shadow.
She floats,
Wanton and sensual,
Maddeningly unobtainable.
Creation as provocation;
Art and ardor as one.
The Enchantress comes....
~~an Anonymous Admirer
This lovely lady will be revealed Thursday afternoon, but let her know if you recognize her ahead of time!
Sometimes it's tough to figure out who the MG is. Unlike today. However, if you missed her, it's Cheeky Minx! Stop by to see some more pictures from this same photoshoot and to say hi!
Lots of things to look at over at "...the Other HNT". As usual. Be sure to check out your fellow HNTers! Also, as usual...NSFW.
If you haven't been by to check out Amorous Rocker recently, you should. Last year, she asked for donations for Toys For Tots, and was overwhelmed by the response she got. She takes the donations and spends a couple of days buying toys, taking pictures of it all, and sending the toys off to TFT (no, not Tits For Troops...). Last year, she started this project fairly late, yet got quite a huge response. This year, things have already started, and she's taking donations! Doesn't have to be huge. A buck. Five bucks. Ten. All done through a PayPal tab at the top of her blog. To read more about her efforts, and what TFT is all about, stop by and check her out. She's keeping her TFT post at the top so you don't have to wade through the rest of her posts. Though you should do that too. There might even be some nekkidness to look forward to in the future!
If you look over at my football teams, you'll see that my beloved Griz lost another game. There is a bit of nervousness in the state now as it's entirely possible that they'll miss the playoffs this year. For the first time in almost 20 years. Breaking a long string of successes as one of the premier teams in the FCS. And even more nerve-wracking is figuring out if they'll be able to win their last game of the season against the Bobcats. The Cats haven't been spectacular, but they've won the close games this season. Add to that--I have a HNT bet with Gucci Mama on that game. No details, but trust me when I say that you really want the Griz to win the game...
Check out the OsShirt site, and my HNT site (where you can find over five years of my HNTs--you sickos!). Both are due to be updated by the weekend, too!
You know how excited I am about the results! Wahoo!
Your mystery guest is stunning; I'm quite sure I can name her, too.
I'm up!
Eeek, politics! I think taking advantage of the sun, like you seem to be doing this week, feels much more satisfying :)
I'm up!
I'm with you and the sun :)
Happy HNT! I am up!
Stop by and see Autumn. She's got a helping hand this week!
Unfortunately common sense is not so common these days, particularly amongst politicians! I'm sure ours are no better than yours.
I'm up with my new baby boy!!
Jas is also up with our new son also here
politics is as useless as the internets, isn't that the common wisdom?
i'm up with a little wire
MG is fantastic!
I'm up!
Oh and it would be remiss of me not to make comment on such a wonderful MG!! Seriously beautiful!!
I'm up!
And not talking politics. Not in the mood. But maybe that's the beer I've consumed. :)
Happy HNT!
Jobthingy is up and scaring the bejeebus outta people!
YES, the sun was shinning a little brighter in my world this morning. ;)
Unfortunately it didn't last 'till I got home from work....you'll see.
I'm up!!
Beautious MG!! Stunning!
HHNT Os! muahs!
I'm up and all Jacked up.
I'm here and I'm up again.
I'm not touching politics with a ten foot pole. But the MG I know well.
Happy HNT everyone!
I'm up and chained naked in a tunnel...
Happy HNT!
The Daft Scots Lass is up too.
HHNT everyone!!!
I'm up and ready to be unwrapped :)
Confused by time change here in the um!! Need to set body clock to wake at 3;30am to post !!
Happy HNT sexy peeps, back off to sleep for me x
I agree that sense is probably not all that common these days! And even though I am a political animal by nature, I'm going to leave it be also.
I love your pics and the grin in the clicky...
I’m up
Love your pics babe!
I'm up. Or maybe laying down....hehe
I'm up from behind! And I'll come back and visit you guys at a more reasonable hour (it's 5.50am over here)
LGS xxx
Hello! it has been awhile for me so I'm glad to be back in! And politics give me nightmares!
I love the view behind you. I hope you have a good rest of the week.
My HNT is up.
Happy HNT. I tossed something up half-assed tonight. Trying to catch up on last week's HNTs, but might just say 'fuck it' and concentrate on this weeks.
Morning all. Smokin' guest HNT! I know that delicious body like the palm of my hand. ;)
I'm up, but a bit rushed. Hope you lot can forgive my poor time-managememt.
I VOTED!! but what I voted for is SO close they may even have to have a recount! *fingers crossed for PROP203*
my HNT is about Halloween though, and winning the costume contest YAY
After a busy couple of months, life is starting to slow down for us at Married in Ohio so we're back to posting our HNTs at a more normal time. Creating our photos was a lot more fun than watching election results.
I would say the opposite, actually, nothing is going to change except the faces of the people screwing us over. Change takes so damn long that we'll have a new crop in there soon enough.
I'm up.
I'm 'meh' about the election too, though that certainly does not describe my thoughts on the MG. I'm pretty sure I know who she is!
I'm up and looking scruffy this week
Mid-term elections... Hmmm...
I'm up.
I'm not a fan of politics either.
I'm up (x2). Hope you're having a good week!
HHNT. :)
For more than a century, red has been associated with Socialism/Communism. I've never understood why the GOP has also adopted it as its color, considering its history.
I'm up!
Great MG.
I'm up
I have to completely agree with your view on politics (which is rare for me LOL)...
MG- beuatiful and artistic shots!!
I'm up with ouchies and tickles!
I was meh about elections here also. I actually didnt vote at all. I was raining that day, freezing and the place was not bus accessible and i was expected to walk half an hour in the freezing rain to go vote. fuck that.
Thanks for upping me. and gorgeous pic. The mountains look just lovely
MG -- Gorgeous!
Montana -- I had no idea about the Dems there.
View behind you -- damn that's awesome!
Politics -- in FL we just elected one of the biggest crooks in the state to be our governor. Holy hell.
HNT -- I'm up!
I usually watch FOX news, not because I'm on the right politically, but because they have more hot women on that station.
I'm up with a couple of birthday photos that show how little I've changed in all these years. ;-)
I'm up wearing my fancy boots.
I've decided that politics is all a load of tosh designed to give fame and fortune to idiots who dont give a toss about their country unless there's something in it for them. We need some independent people who are willing to stand up for what is right for the individual, not what will bring more wealth to the big multinationals... and anyone else who is on their paylist.
Rant over and Im up with something that should please everyone for HNT! x
BFD is otherwise indisposed, but she's up and dressing. Or is it undressing?
Vixen is indisposed too...
i wasnt surprised at all by the elections. i will be surprised if there is change.
i am up ;)
We have not participated in the HNT series in a while but we are back! Yah!! A sexy schoolgirl picture this week. Enjoy! We are up!
First time joining in, can't promise a photo every week but I've got one up now at Misfit Momma... After Hours!
Love your pics, Os. Looking good! :-)
First timers! Sort of...
...and we are up!
My HNT is distinctly non-political.. but the hotness factor is super high
I'm up, holding my heart.
Up and ready for my close up ;)
My first HNT and I brought out the spankin' paddle.
This election I was very interested in the politicians who where for or against medical M. I had to do a lot of research though. It was exhausting.,
well ... I voted prior to my surgery...
and I AM UP ... late but up regardless.
The MG is positively lucious :)
HHNT luv .. xoxoxo
Needless to say, I was very disappointed about the results. But I'm glad Dems kept the Senate.
Yey HNT time!
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