I've mentioned in prior years that my family does not have much of a military heritage. Dad was in the Navy (but never left Bremerton, WA), my grandfather served between world wars (and I have no idea what branch or anything), and my mother's uncle was a Japanese P.O.W. for a few years, but he was never close to any of us, so we never heard any stories.
So the only thing I can relate to is nothing personal, but local to Helena. It was the formation of the First Special Service Force (FSSF) in 1942, later to be known as "The Devil's Brigade". A joint American-Canadian commando unit, it was based at Fort Harrison, which is just west of town. It was trained to become a small, elite force to fight behind enemy lines under Nordic conditions. Ft. Harrison was chosen due to its flat terrain for airborne training, as well as the winter conditions and nearby mountains available for training purposes. The unit was considered a huge success, and after the war, a second commando unit was formed that eventually became known as the Green Berets. Even the Delta Force (yeah, the Chuck Norris guys) can trace it's lineage to the FSSF. A movie ("The Devil's Brigade") was made based on the formation of the group.
Many members of the Brigade returned to Helena after the war and moved their families here. There is an annual gathering of survivors from both Canada and the US, and some of the biggest civic names in town are former members of the Brigade. A monument/memorial was built in, of all places, Memorial Park.
What's unfortunate is that I'd bet that less than 10% of the residents here could tell you anything about the FSSF, its role in WWII, its post-war legacy, or that the memorial is the reason that the park got its name. Except, surprisingly, the skateboarders in town, who use the benches and railings to practice their tricks. Not that the veterans approve, but most of the kids at least know why the memorial is there in the first place.
So even though I don't have any relatives that I could boast about as being a vet, I've got the home of the Devil's Brigade. If I knew any of them personally, I'd certainly shake their hand and thank them. Those of you with family who are vets, be sure to give them a big honkin' hug!
I know she waits below
Only to rise on command
When she comes for me
She’s got my life in her hands
Lady of the lake
"Lady of the Lake"--Rainbow
Our lovely Lady will be revealed on Thursday afternoon, though you might be able to find her elsewhere if you look hard enough!
If you checked out many of the other HNTs, you'd know that this week's Mystery Guest is Lola! Stop by and check out a couple of more pictures from this series over there, and say hi!
Always some new "faces" over at "...the Other HNT". Be sure to check out your fellow HNTers over there. They'd appreciate some comments! (NSFW, as usual)
I'm going to plug Ashly Star's Toys For Tots project for the next couple of weeks. Click on the link to read about it and/or to donate. It's one of the better things we've done out here. Go click her links and read how last year's project went too!
Back when I started this whole blogging thing, one of the first blogs I considered as a daily required read was "Lightning Bug's Butt". Easily one of the funniest, most sensible, easiest-to-read blogs out there. After awhile, he sort of dropped out of sight, maybe popping in on rare occasion. Imagine my surprise when I saw that he commented on one of my posts last week! I highly urge you to head over there and get a dose of his quirky view of the world!
Don't forget to check out the latest adventure of the OsShirt, and if you're really bored, my previous 270 HNTs, all gathered nicely on one site! Just for you!
I'm up and ready for sex...
Happy HNT!
I'm up ;)
Last of my "Lumière" series.
Raven's up. Great self pic, gave me pause....
Hello hello, so excited to be back from the his and her trips, and a ER visit..... Come dance with me.
(psstt...MG- so stunning I didn't notice the lake, quite a lovely up curve to her breasts)
i'm up with a little bach
MG: striking scenery!
Happy veterans day!
I'm up!
I'm back and UP baby! *grins*
You do have vets in your family Os. If they served, reguardless if it was wartime/not wartime or if they only pushed paper in an office in Kansas during wartime, they served and are still vets.
A nod of thanks from me to your family that served. ;)
MG is beautiful. Such creamy skin and lucious curves!
Im up and freezing my butt off down here! lol
Happy HNT!! xoxo
Lest we forget!
Rememberance day here in Oz is a big deal, as we are proud as a small country of our military heritage. ANZAC day is a public holiday here, where we celebrate the sacrifices of those who have served and fallen. Long may remember what others have fought for so we can enjoy the freedoms we now have.
I'm UP and holding a very large tool! Hopefully it "measures up" to peoples expectations….
HHNT everyone!
I'm up too. HHNT all your Fuckers!
Remembrance Day for us as well tomorrow. I wear my poppy over my heart very proudly :)
I am up!
I'm up!
Good write up on veterans day!
Happy HNT!
Made a big thing at school today also.
Half-Nekkid Thursday-Different Colors of my Boobs
Please RT, Meow >^,^<
I'm up! ;)
I enjoyed reading and learning about the FSSF. I hope all is well your way.
My HNT is up. Have a nice night.
Happy Veteran's Day!
I'm up. ;-)
Brave Guest!!
I'm up!
I'm up and now I'm going back to sleep.. and will visit you fine people at a more decent hour.
Lots of love.
LGS xxx
Since JM has kindly given the ANZAC Day rundown (which invariably chokes me up), I'll just say... what a truly beautiful post.
And an even more beautiful MG.
I’m up.
Morning. <a href="http://mendicatus.wordpress.com/2010/11/11/hnt-41-taking-a-break/'>I'm up too</a>, taking 2 minutes' silence.
Gah, damned HTML. Better link?
Long overdue:
Showertime HNT
Enjoy! :-)
Im up and it's an extremely naughty click through.
I'm off to a remembrance service today, many fallen and serving friends and relatives that I am every day thankful to.
HHNT xxx
Hi all!
I'm up!
It is so important that we all continue to remember our brave fallen heroes.
Im up x
Hugs for veterans sounds like a good idea. :)
I'm up.
Twi minutes silence in half an hour.
I'm up.
Very nice. :)
I'm up (x2).
I have two brothers serving in the military right now. I should be sure to send them a message today. Thanks for the reminder.
I'm up!
I like it called Remembrance Day better than Veterans Day -- it reminds people to remember.
I'm up!
We're up and we remember...Happy Vets Day!
Thanks for telling us about the Devil's Brigade, I'd never heard of them before.
I'm up and lending Veronica a hand http://hubmanshangout.com/2010/11/11/hnt-helping-hands/
I've also got a separate Veteran's Day post up- http://hubmanshangout.com/2010/11/11/day-315-veterans-day-and-dadt-thoughts/
Happy HNT!
As you know, I'm a vet and put up one of my stories.
I don't see a post about the Os shirts stop at my house for the pool party this summer.
I'm up with a retro HNT.
Happy Veterans' day to all of the veterans out there!!!!
We are up at Married in Ohio with a picture that is kinda a brain teaser. Stop by and take a guess?
Happy veterans day to all who have or are currently serving and protecting our freedom!
Os- a great memorial! MG is HOT!
I'm up with OTK (socks) lol...
amazing the braveness in going out and having yourself in the open like that!! very cool!
i am up
Happy Veteran's Day!
We're up after a far too long absence and working through the list of things we feel OH-SO thankful for :-)
We are the 2nd set of pics from the 12 day trip between Evolution of the Revolution and Folsom Street Fair!
Happy Veteran's Day and Happy HNT. I do have a lot of military in my family, all branches except for the Coast Guard.
My HNT doesn't have anything to do with Veteran's day, unless we consider that my jeans are veterans of many battles with the elements.
What a glowing endorsement, Os. Thanks!
was out all day and only got in now to post link but we are up with some siblings loving the new brother bump
ohh lalalala
love yours OS
and I am really late .. but UP with frankenfoot..
Lest We Forget... to post a HNT entry!
Better late than never. Especially if you like girl on girl ;)
Happy Veterans Day!
M+K are enjoying some girl on girl. Do you?
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