Thursday, June 10, 2010

Farewell HNT

Well, I can't promise anything, but this should be the last reference to my brother-in-law's death. I can't begin to thank everyone individually for the condolences you've passed on to me and my family. But thank you all anyway. Of course, it's a little weird to try to explain to your sister that so-and-so from Alabama offers her condolences... Then again, they're all used to my flitting around the country to meet the funny people from the other side of the computer monitor, so they take it in stride.

I remember my first impressions of Ray. I was home during the summer of my college years. Dad was playing in the derby after the first round of the city golf championship (a derby is a mini-tournament among the top golfers, and there's betting action, a gallery following, cheering's a golf thing). Anyhoo...Dad has made it to the fourth hole. A long par-5, with a severe right dogleg off the tee. The big hitters would cut the corner, but have to hit it long and hard and over some huge cottonwoods. The first two golfers took the safe route and hit the "safe" shot down the middle.

As Dad gets up to the tee, this juvenile delinquent in bib overalls, long straight hair below his neck, a full beard and a beer in his hand (maybe 16 years old) yells out, "C'mon Bud, hit it over the trees!" Now, that wouldn't have meant much, except that this same delinquent could have grabbed that club and easily hit it over the trees, outdistancing everyone standing there. So Dad steps back, re-aims for the trees, took a mighty whack at it, and promptly duck hooks it out of bounds on the left side of the fairway. That was the point where my mother informed me that that was my sister's boyfriend.

Ray cleaned up quite a bit from those days, but he still knew how to push my dad's buttons. There's a thousand stories I could tell about Ray. But I won't bore you with them. Let's just say that he was a gentleman, and a nice guy, and a hard worker. He was a people person, which he had to be in his position. Yet he was not one whom you could steamroll into a decision that he hadn't already thought out completely.

I've often times stated that I think it should be a rule that no one could marry before the age of 30. Ray and my sister are one of the exceptions that prove the rule. They were married for 25 years, and dated for about 5 or 6 before that. Sometimes that whole monogamy thing works! He's been a vital member of this family for over 30 years. He's going to be sorely missed...

Someone asked if there was any anger in the family. Not that I could tell. Couldn't be angry with him, as it wasn't suicide. And he was the most health-conscious one in the family (ran 3x/week, trimmed all the fat off his steak, only ate it well-done). Can't be angry at family, as there were no fights or conflicts among us. Can't be angry at strangers, as it wasn't an accident or other violent end. Can't be angry with God, as that generally has proven to be counter-productive. I think everyone is trying to focus on the good memories, as there's not really any bad ones that I'm aware of.

I thought about taking a picture of him lying in his casket for HNT, but that would probably be a bit too much, so I give you a picture of Ray (wearing his own version of the OsShirt!) and the rest of the Os siblings/husbands while drinking beer at Carlos'n Charlies in Cozumel. These are the times we're going to remember/miss the most. Gonna miss you Ray!

“ '...The blow job in the library is the very essence of it, the sanctified transgression, the campus black mass.' Janie weighed maybe a hundred pounds, no more than five feet tall, if that, a little blonde who looked as if you could pick her up and throw her around, and she was the college’s dirty diva….But she was neither stupid nor a slut. Janie was someone who knew what she was doing. She stood in front of you, small as she was….: this is what I am, this is what I do, if you don’t like it, it’s too bad..."

You might recognize this cute little behind. Or you might think you do. Or you won't. Regardless, she'll be revealed Thursday afternoon. Be sure to stop by and see if you're right!

If you got around to the HNTs, you should know who this is. It's Janie, over at "100 Ways to Be Perverse..." Stop by and see who the hand belongs to, too!

Got a nice crew over at "...the Other HNT" this week. My normal routine/schedule was a bit messed up this week, obviously, so be sure to check back later to see if any latecomers were added. As always, it's NSFW over there!
Stop by the OsShirt site to see what's been happening. Rumor has it that it's going to be headed off on a trans-Atlantic flight in the near future!
Got a question you're dying to ask me? The white box over there in my sidebar is the place to ask! Anonymously even!


Osbasso said...

Be sure to go see Elle. She's doing the customary hotel room pictures!

Emmy said...

I'm up.

What a nice tribute to your BIL! Hugs to you on such a hard day!!

And your MG is gorgeous!

Ms Scarlett said...

This might be my my favorite of your recent HNT's... I love that picture and all those smiling faces... I bet he's still smiling.

Big hugs...

(Oh, and - I'm up)

Vixen said...

So so heart really goes out to you and your family. I know I've already said it, several times before. But...sigh.... *hugs*

I'm up :)


BTExpress said...

I'm up.

Again my condolences. I just don't get why things like this happen. (((HUGS))) to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

The hotness that is Barefooted Dreamer is up and she has the remote!

Y'all go see her she could use a lil love right about now.


Tragic said...

Stay strong Os, you'll all need to lean on each other for a little while. Cherish the memories and the gifts he gave you all..

I know who the MG is, she's a delicious morsel, to be sure! Brilliant and beautiful, a stunning combo ♥ Ahh to be her age again... So many possibilities are open to her right now!

I'm up, well down I suppose, yet up nonetheless..

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your bro-in-law. That sucks for sure.

Mg is stellar as always!!

Mines up with a brand new guest!
Definitely need to check out the mommy gone wild.

Jobthingy said...

you have given him a wonderful tribute hun. i am so sorry for your loss. *HUGE HUGS*

im up :)

and that cute little tush on that MG is hot as hell



AnnieAngel said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, big (((hug))) to you, it's a wonderful picture of you together. Remember the smiles.

I've put up a picture of me fishing.

Ashly Star said...

That was a lovely tribute to your Brother-In-Law. He sounded like an interesting person. And always nice to see a family trying to focus on the good memories. :D *hugs*

I think I recognize that mystery guest. Maybe, lol.

Happy Thursday! Xo

SapioSlut said...

I'm up and naked in a car park...


Sexie Sadie~ said...

Sorry about your BIL, Os :(

I'm up!
Xo - Sadie

Anonymous said...

So sorry sweetie, I know it's hard but you all will get through this. That's a wonderful pic of everyone.

I'm up early. YAY

soso, Crystal

Anonymous said...

Condolences for your family's loss.

Traveling this week...lonely nights in the hotel.
Entertained myself over the bed.
I'm really "up there."

Petal said...

So sad and far too young :(

I'm up and playing along this week

Oh nice view of your guests, umm, back row :)

Bad Bad Girl said...

Thank you for sharing with us Os. IT sounds like he was really a great guy.

I'm playing again after a bit of a break!

Anonymous said...

Once again, I want to say that my heart goes out to you and your family.

It almost seems inappropriate to mention that we are up at Married in Ohio with a World Cup themed post.

O30T said...

Oh honey bunkin ... I am so sorry for your and your family's loss. My sincere condolences, all my best wishes and thoughts are with you at this hard time.

:) L

heelsnstocking said...

We just lost a friend this week so totally feel for you.
I'm up or should I say he is down lol x happy HNT xxx

Joanna Cake said...

Lovely tribute. There is no point in anger, it's just destructive. Remember the good times and keep him in the family history with stories and memories. Good residual energy from a short life well spent... and a lesson to all of us.

Im up xx

Mistress Kay said...

That's a great picture of Ray. I'm sure he'd love to be remembered that way.

I'm up.

Cheeky Minx said...

Great pic and beautiful words for a clearly wonderful man.

I’m up xx

(PS Gorgeous MG!)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he would be pleased as punch by the all the nice things that you've said of him. It's nice to have happy memories like the one in the photo - it looks like a good time! (Also, I am very glad you decided not to go with the casket picture...)

I'm up :)


Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute, Os. I'm not eloquent with words, but I hope that time will ease your sorrow and that you may find comfort in the memories of good times together.

Oh, and I'm up.

Tom Allen said...

A fitting tribute indeed. I'm sorry for your loss.

Now I feel badly that I'm up and whining about how I didn't lose as much weight as I'd hoped.

Anonymous said...

A fitting tribute indeed. I'm sorry for your loss.

Now I feel badly that I'm up and whining about how I didn't lose as much weight as I'd hoped.

Mark said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time...

Fooled Around and Fell in Love is up.

Scintillectual said...

I've been away for a couple of weeks and out of the loop. So very sorry for your loss. (((((hugs)))))

And…I'm up:

Also, check out my gf's rare HNT as well:

Maggie said...

I'm sorry for your loss, but glad to see this memorial. Sounds like a great guy and a wonderful family.

I'm up.

Maeve said...

I'm sorry for your lost.
And that is kind of cute to make him this honor.
I'm up, once again, being your little dress up doll.

HyperSexualGirl said...

You sound like you have a terrific family and Ray sounds like he was a fantastic person.

(I'm up.)

Anonymous said...

Much love to you and yours again Os.

Jeeze - up with my SABOTAGE ya'll.


Genevieve said...

Again, very sorry for your loss. Hold on to the wonderful memories.
Nice family picture!

Cute tushy on MG.

I'm up!

Westcoast Weirdo said...

Well, it's kinda hard to find a bikini that matches certain corset straps, lololol!

Kyle said...

Happy HNT: a video featuring my baby girl:

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss.

We're up.

Bunny said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but it's nice that you can remember the laughs & good times.

I'm up too.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, here's a new blog. Check it out.

xoxo, Tigerx

Richard, Shhh... said...

Hello again! Great posts, Os! My continued condolences. Breaking computer is my reason for latest absence, but there's never an excuse. I got my Bird up and sitting pretty for you all -- Especially FOR MAEVE, au'jourdhui!
Oui, oui, oui.....all the way home!

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT Os. We are up with a new spanking picture for HNT this week. Check it out!


Another Suburban Mom said...

I am up and enjoying a morning ride today.

Margaret said...

((you all))

I love that picture of all of you.

I am up.


Carnalis said...

It is a wonderful picture.

My best wishes to you all x

I'm up too - a last-minute opportunity.

MinorityReport said...

Beautiful post.
So sorry for your loss.

I'm up.

Dafs said...

Playing the HNT game today!
Check it out.

The Kinky Pixie said...

beautiful post and my sincerest condolences to you and your family!!


Westopher said...

A fond farewell. Well done.

Meanwhile, this week I'm naked on a cross. With another dude. SACRILEGE!


Westopher said...

Whoops here is the link

PandaDementia said...

I'm up with a Bohemian look.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of your loss, Os {{{hugs}}}

I'm up


Violet Vamp said...

So sorry for your loss. A very nice tribute.

I'm up