Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's Opera, Doc? HNT

Short and sweet...
No time to play this week.

Going along with the theme of the opera...but without the straight edged razor. The question remains...did he or didn't he?

Wish I could still drink like a fish.
Someone feel free to shoot me and put me out of my misery...
No bday MG this week (but Happy Birthday to two three of you out there!).
Happy Earth Day, too! Go plant a tree...

OHNT is up.
Ask me a question over there in the Formspring box.


CbE said...

All work and no play makes Os a dull boy.

Hope all is well hun!

I'm up!


Jobthingy said...


looking good slick ;)

im up

HHNT xoxo

Elle said...

Short and sweet all right! But I do like that picture of yours :)

I'm up!

Babe Lincoln said...

Rejoining the fun this week... I'm up.

PS. There's nothing like a clean, close shave!

Sage said...

Up in the tub

Vixen said...

Short and sweet is right, lol.

I'm up! :) Some California fun!


BTExpress said...

I sure hope you can boose it up in August. It would be ashame to waste not drinking with all those drunk girls around.

I'm up this week with a prelude to our blogger party in August. You did remember to invite everyone, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Finally up against the wall....

Don't cut anything there baby I'd hate to have to clean you up :) Looking good!!! xx

Chapter Two said...

Looking good (of course) I am up dear and talking some serious stuff (sorry)

Chapter Two said...

Sage is on the road again.
He left behind some sexiness here:

Petal said...

Oooo cool pic!

I'm up, if somewhat blurry

Ms Scarlett said...

Keep breathing Os - the week is almost over!! Hope all goes well!


I'm up, and hoping for rain!


Emmy said...

I'm up too! And you'd better be eating, young man! Don't make me come over there and makes sure you eat! :)

Sexie Sadie~ said...

Drinking like a fish is highly overrated!

I'm up!


Anonymous said...

Guess you weren't joking with the short and sweet but as we all know the show must go on!

I'm up...

Margaret said...

I know you are busy, but I hope you are getting some rest, too.

I am up.


Millie said...

check out that stud.

Hope you are taking some time out for yourself.

I'm up! Happy HNT :)

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding forward...
I'm unleashed and up.
How liberating.
Happy HNT :-)

Mr. Smith said...

Happy Earth Day! We're both up! HA.

Dee said...

Vroom pt 2 is up!

xx Dee

heelsnstocking said...

I'm up, still half asleep though and going to roll over and sleep some more x hope opera is going well.

Joanna Cake said...

GO TO BED!!! x

I love the faces a man pulls when shaving :)

Me and my Menopausal Body are on full display today. Might as well enjoy it whilst I've still got it :)

Good Luck with the opera and HHNT x

pixie said...

Happy Earth Day! I made a sacrificial offering to mother earth today - my cell phone *sighs* she ate it right up!

His marie and Her Owner said...

Happy Earth Day! Nice picture.

Master said...

Time to run nekkid through the trees and make love on the grass. Happy Earth Day!

Good luck with the opera. Happy HNT!

Cheeky Minx said...

I love the pic too, but pleeeaase don't shave it all off! It is such a good look on you...

I’m up. xx

Kimberly said...

Excited to see whether you did or did not!

I am up! HHNT, everyone!

MinorityReport said...

Looking good. :)

I'm up. HHNT!

Maggie said...

A man shaving is a very sexy sight indeed (though I do love beards!).

I'm up.

nitebyrd said...

Leave the straight razors to Mr. Todd! Happy HNT!

I'm up!

Average Chick said...

Good luck with work!

It's been awhile but I'm up :)

Another Suburban Mom said...

I guess we will have to come back tomorrow to see if you did shave the beard off.

I am up today.

Pure Temptation said...

Lookin good OS!!!

I'm up!

HyperSexualGirl said...

I would have to think with all that shaving foam, you're completely hairless now.

I'm up!

Hopelessly In Love said...

Great pic O !!

Hope the opera went well !

We're up as well !!!

Violet Vamp said...

Sorry I haven't been around in awhile, but I'm up now!

Happy Earth Day HNT!

Genevieve said...

Sounds like you're having a very busy week!
Cool picture! Happy HNT.
And Happy Earth Day. :)

I'm UP!

Anonymous said...

I like that pic!!

Sorry I'm very late...but please go have a's very cute and warm and fuzzy and CLICKY...

XOXO, Crystal

Hera said...

Im up! Great picture! HHNT

Bianca of The Zaftig Chicks said...

We're up. Come see what happens when my blogmate starts talking trash.

Anonymous said...

Hi Os. Happy HNT! We are up with a sexy shot of vodka. *smiles* :)

13messages said...

I hope all is going well with the opera.

I'm up.

--Cher-- said...

I really like this picture. Its cute. Happy HNT O! You are so great.

lila said...

happy hnt! i'm up.

Nimue said...

I'm up again

Hope the opera goes well and HHNT everyone!

Anonymous said...

They are flying the first green jet in the military today :) It's called the Green Hornet.

Anyway, I think you did! And no, it's your turn to ask me a question. :)

I'm up. And My question is do I or don't I??

Patience Ann said...

Eep! Almost forgot! That's the problem with pre-scheduling autoposts. :D Anyway, up.

mina said...

HHNT! I'm up!

frances said...

We should talk opera some time. It's kinda my thing. :-)

We're up...finally!


Audrey said...

Back joining the HNT fun today with some flashing. Love the shaving pic!

Wilhelmina said...

mine is up :)


Anonymous said...

Mine's up! :)

viemoira said...

I love the faces men make when they shave- it is awfully cute! Happy HNT and I made time to participate after being absent a few weeks (even though I am a bit late)...

Lil Bit said...

Ooooooooooooo! - a shaving shot!
Have I ever mentioned how much I ♥ watching men shave? omg, lol

I'm late posting, and it's only been forEVER since I've been over here (and trust me, I'll be back to catch up better with you when I have more time & my ass ain't dragging so low, lol)... but, I'm up late for Earth Day! =)

*big hugs* ... careful, don't nik yoself while I hug ya. ;)

Anonymous said...

Better late than never - I'm up.

Anonymous said...

Technically, it's still Thursday on the West coast so I barely made the deadline. I've been in and out for a while but I suddenly felt the need to post this week in memorium.

Anonymous said...

i've been basking in the sun since weds afternoon, but i'm tardy in the notification.

hope the opera is going smashingly!!

Anonymous said...

Loving the whiskers through the cream :)

XO Bello