Monday, May 03, 2010


That's where I'm at right now. Unsettled. All sorts of things happening in the blogworld and real life. I know I'm not alone in this...a couple of others I've chatted with recently have said the same thing. Are we just anxious for summer to finally get here? Or is there something more? The various things on my mind--some substantial, some just irritating:
  • The flooding in Tennessee, and the number of bloggiefriends having to deal with it all...
  • The failed bombing attempt in Times Square. This shit's getting old...
  • A close friendship or two online that seem to be fading away, as well as one or two that have totally died. My fault, or a natural progression?
  • I would never begrudge someone their shot at popularity because of their blogs (lord knows I've benefited from that), but recently, with some of them, I have to question...why?
  • My rent goes up by 17% starting this month. Still some of the cheapest rent in town for the size, but not sure how to adjust my budget. Something's got to happen...
  • I am quite irritated by the horrid mangling of the English language from many bloggers. Typos and misspellings are one thing, but using the wrong words consistently shows a lack of knowledge. Current peeves: then/than, loose/lose, and using "text speak". My own weaknesses--exclamation points, parentheses, ellipses and commas. Really, I'm trying to cut down! (oops...)
  • There's a blog post coming about a specific FB message I got that was written almost entirely in text-speak...
  • Eye appointment on Tuesday. Finally. My vision seems to have improved as far as it's going to. Now I get to find out how bad it really is, and how much of it is old age vs. diabetes...
  • I'm frustrated by the performance of my Powerbook. Or maybe it's my wireless router. Or both. I just know that there's days where I'd like to wipe my hard drive clean and start from scratch. It shouldn't take as long as it does to work online...
  • Some days I wonder what would happen if I just deleted the whole damned thing here. Part of that sounds like suicide...
  • I see that Sage has once again come up with another unoriginal idea to get boobies. And I'm sure he'll get them...
  • I'm frustrated in the way that one particular blogger friendship is progressing (regressing?), though if I were to look at it objectively, there's no other way for it to go...
  • I read that some of my blogger friends are making some questionable decisions. I've been asked for my opinions and advice, but it's never followed. And almost every instance turns out as badly as I warned. This is an ongoing dilemma...
  • I'm tired of depending upon others to do their job in a timely manner, so that I can efficiently do mine...
  • This routine of medication and diet control has lost its novelty. Is there such a thing as a pancreatic Or a do-over?
To be sure, this is just a sampling. And sure, there's plenty of positive things going on too. But this is the mood I'm in--venting and stewing. Looking for a nice balance. That's all. Carry on.


13messages said...

Thanks for the thoughts regarding Tennessee an all of this water we're experiencing. We sure would like a glimpse at the sun right about now.

My best to you.

Playfully Yours said...

I agree with all these things coming in and rocking the boat.
I have the same issues with grammar as you.
I don't like seeing blog friends going away, but just as one closes another opens. I do agree that when things get super tough the blog is the first thing to suffer because it is voluntary.
The disasters are horrible or those who are trying to create them.

It is painfully obvious that life is getting in the way.

heelsnstocking said...

off to correct my punctuation!

I dont wish to add to your frustration x

Dana said...

Flooding? I am disappointed in the overall news coverage. This is a significant issue that is getting very little attention nationally.

Times Square? I'm not surprised and believe we will continue to see more and more of this. We've become a society that no longer values others as much as it values itself.

Friendship? I miss ours and was looking for you yesterday.

Blogs? Sex sells. Even poorly written, poorly photographed sex sells.

The English language? No one writes any longer. Texting becomes an exercise in getting your point across in the fewest characters. Phones are easily accessible no matter where you are. NO.ONE.WRITES.ANYMORE!

Eye appointment? Hope that goes well. At "our age" correctable is good!

Deleting the blog? I love the idea of HNT - you know I do - and I benefited (in ways) from participating, but there is a "dark" side as well and it is what pushed me away.

Sage? It happens everywhere. A mommy/life blogger that I have been reading for over a year has begun doing Friday Secrets (wonder where she got that idea) and a Friday mystery HNT guest (although she doesn't call it HNT). I'm tired of people "stealing" ideas and profiting from them. What ever happened to integrity?

Advice?? Hello!! Remember me?? It may have taken a while but I *did* follow your advice and although life is not by any means perfect, that part of it has improved phenominally.

A do-over? You wouldn't really want that now would you??

Sa said...

Dear Osbasso,

My father always says: "No good deed goes unpunished". People mostly don't want advice: they want validation and if you do not go with it, they will ignore you and probably resent your disagreement. VoilĂ . Anyhow, try not to worry too much...Have a hug and feel welcome to correct my grammar! Love.

Cheeky Minx said...

Disasters, natural or otherwise, and the crimes we consciously inflict on one another leave me heavy of head and weary of heart. (sigh) Oddly, we've had no coverage on your floods here (I hope things are easing), but stories on the oil leak and yet more in-depth analysis on the implications of Times Square. Once again, it leaves me feeling defeated that this is who we are as a species. Is it any small wonder most philosophers and critical thinkers end up completely crackers?!

And I'm with you on your language and grammar peeve. Although I also have a soft spot for the ellipsis, which is firmly staying put... ;)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a lot on your mind this Monday morning. I am new here but wanted to say hello.

Chapter Two said...

I am a parentheses whore and that won't change - I even use them within themselves.... (and and .... those will stay) sorry.

What I am so tired of is the use of lol or LOL. It is becoming almost as overused as 'like' is in the spoken word. Please people, I know you want to express your humor. But, please think of some other way then putting lol in between every other word.

Bloggers come and go, and as in real life they enter our worlds for a reason and leave for another. It is the eb and flow of life.

I am not one to be 100% original, nor do I think any of us are. If a blogger bugs you - stay the hell away. End of story. There are a million bloggers in the virtual sea. Just saying.

Venting is good. That is one thing blogs are good for. Don't quit. You had a hard last week. Get outside. Take a walk, breathe some fresh air. Look out into the distance (I just heard that we are getting more near sighted from close up computer work, and not taking the time to look up and out into the distance). Walk away for a day, you will gain a new perspective.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I don't have anything to comment on about any of those things, really. But I thought I'd comment anyway.

BTExpress said...

I understand why people use text-speak on there cell phone and on Twitter, because it's tough to say what you want to say in just 140 characters, but no real excuse anywhere else. I'm thinking that people have just gotten use to "talking" like that, it's a habit.

As far as your Powerbook goes, PC, PC, PC, PC. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm always agreeing with Dreamer, and I am again. I'm very new with all this blog stuff. I'm having fun with it, for now anyway. Same with the text lingo, I'm new. Just learing that also. Heck, I had to favorite a site that could tell me what all that lingo meant. Pretty sad, right. Or not sad at all. My spelling sucks, thank god for spell check. And you can't stop blogging, I'm just starting to really like you. Sage, yeah, leave it to him to all the boobies coming his way. But, I still think it's all fun. Kind of a pretend world in a world that you can't pretend in. Does that even make any sense? Rant on...vent on... everybody loves ya!

xoxo, Crystal

Vixen said...

Well hell if I'm not the queen of asterisks, parenthesis and whatever the hell ~ that thing is called. But I've always been that way, so..... I would assume I haven't bugged you too much in the five or so years we've known each other

Um. Right? ;)

MinorityReport said...

I'm in a similar mood, but I blame it on being anxious for summer. I know I can't wait for summer vacation.

Hope when it's all said and done the positives outweigh the negatives.

And, stop blogging? ::gasp:: No. That's just not allowed. ;)

Sending some hugs your way.

Emmy said...

Totally feel many of your points.
Maybe it's something in the air....hmmm...or contagious! :)
Hugs to you Os!

Jen Fooled Around said...

I think every once in awhile.. you just have to vent.. it's cleansing. It feels good to just let it out.

In the words of that little curly red haired orphan girl.. "the sun will come out, tomorrow" (I didn't really do that did I?)

Hang in !


Moosekahl said...

They do pancreatic transplants. Check in with your "old" friend. She would love to hear from you and might be planning a visit. I would love to chat on the phone some night this week. In fact, this weekend would have been a good one for Howard's and The Shining curled up on the couch together. I miss you!

aughra said...

Oh, questionable decisions... what would life be without them?

Anonymous said...

I giggled at your comment to Sage. Very funny!

Yes, there is much to be irritated about, somedays you just need to take a deep breath. I have that exclamation point problem too :-)

And just want to say thanks for always visiting and leaving comments, I love you Os.

Anonymous said...

Queen of .....'s here and occasional text speak / write (lol sorry BFD).

I know you have seen much out here and it must get tiring...but we do love you Os and value your input / time / energy / care.

So now onward and upward.


lol imo (sorry had to get one more in.)

Anonymous said...

But you neglected my favorite your vs you're battle!!!!!!!!!! I had to do the last part.

Elle said...

Sorry you're feeling so blue...

I think we all get in moods like that every once in a while, and I hope that's just it for you, a mood, a phase, that'll go away soon.

And friends, well they come and they go. It's just a part of life, I'd say. Sometimes they come back, too ;)

Please keep blogging. It's tempting to throw it all to the winds when we feel down, but I'm sure you'd soon be missing it, and we'd surely be missing you!

As for Sage's thing, I can only speak for myself, and myself, I saw it as something fun, period. If someone's having fun, why does someone else always have to piss on their parade? Reminds me of the thing that was going on on Facebook recently, where girls were posting the color of their bra in their status, for breast cancer awareness. I did that, too. Didn't think much about it, just jumped on the wagon, you know? It was fun. But then I saw all these other people complaining about how "thoughtless" the whole thing was, making fun of something serious, being inconsiderate towards those who have/had cancer, those who lost someone to cancer... And I thought, GEE, why so serious?! Sure, it probably wasn't thought out much, but, but, but... Leave people be? I am very, very much of the "Live and let live" philosophy, if you haven't noticed.

But that's just a thought, and that's just me.

Mia said...

17% rent increase - Hijolemano! No, kidding something has to give in the budget area.

My always pet peeve in writing is can not written as two words. It should be one word, cannot, but I recently read that it can now be spelled as two words. I guess my bĂŞte noire must now become a thing of the past.

Were you being ironic when you said that your routine had lost its novelty? Let me apologize here and now if you weren't, but it did make me giggle.

And finally, a word association for your venting and stewing, a pressure cooker. Of course this long and dragged out winter has become one, and with all of the other changes in your life, perhaps this will be known in the future as the "Spring of Your Discontent"?

But this too shall pass and soon you will be into summer. Unfortunately, pancreatic transplants are a last resort sort of choice, per the Mayo Clinic web site, which means that the routine must stay despite the loss of novelty.

I color my hair when the routines of life become too much. Have you considered becoming a red head?

Summer said...

So, you're feeling discontent also... must be something going around (sorry about the ellipses, I can't manage to write without them.)

Text speak irritates me as well. I get it all the time with friend requests and messages on MS/FB. I block people who can't type a sentence normally. In a text message, it's perfectly acceptable. Everywhere else, it's not.
I feel your pain on the rent increase. My rent doubled when I moved from TN to NY (for obvious reasons) and my budget still hasn't adjusted after 4 months.

Millie said...

Sorry to hear about these things getting you down. :( BUT So many of us love you!

Joanna Cake said...

I've been so busy working that I didnt even know about the flooding!

My pet beef is rogue aprostrophes... don't get me started! And now that I try to get paid for blogging, you would be amazed at the pittance some people want to give you for a properly constructed blog post mentioning their product. It's fine to pay $3 if someone is going to do 200 words of text speak but I'd like to think my work is a little more worthwhile as it takes me a lot of time to compose.

And, even tho we don't speak often because I'm working like a dog, I often think of you x

Lori said...


(just lurking again)!!!.......

Sexie Sadie~ said...

I identify with a lot of what you have said here. There seems to be something energetically that is weirding things up all over the place.


Deana said...

Well, hmmm... It's nice to know that I am not the only one who has much on the mind and ranting is, in my opinion, therapy for the soul. =)

I read you HNT blog before this one and just noticed I misspelled a word in my comment. Hehe. Don't hold that against me. ;)

"Text Speak" drives me insane. I hate trying to read it period. The slaughter of the English language has quickly become the norm. I could go on, but I won't. Instead, I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you find your mind resting easier.