Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Letdown HNT

THEME ALERT! - Next week, on May 19/20, we'll celebrate the 5th Anniversary of this thing we call HNT! I solicited ideas for what we could do, and a number of people came up with the same idea. For that week, post your very first HNT photo. May take some research on your part to find out what that one was. ALSO, post a second picture re-creating the same shot to the best of your ability! No fair using an outtake from that photoshoot! Post them both for your HNT of that week. Even if you're a newbie! Be sure to mention it on your sites too! Got a question? Shoot me an email.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. My three-month look under the hood. I've been feeling pretty good. A bit more active than I've been in years. Eating the right foods. Keeping my blood sugar levels in a good range. This should have been a great checkup, right?

Things started on a low note as soon as I was called back. I got weighed. About six pounds heavier than the last time, and maybe 15 pounds more than I though I was at. I blame the faulty scales. The nurse then sits me down and tells me she needs a urine sample. Wish I'd known that before I left home. I wasn't expecting the need to pee. I politely asked if I could wait to the end of the appointment so I could get something worked up. Then I asked for a glass of water. Things got worse, as she took my blood pressure. While it wasn't high enough to sound the alarms, and not anywhere near as high as I've had in the past, my delicate condition doesn't like the higher blood pressure. Then she left. At which point, I snuck in my HNT with that "now what?" face...

I'm the first one to admit that my first checkup in February was quite remarkable. Especially considering how close to death I was. Unfortunately, the bar was set high, and I thought I was keeping close to it. Apparently not. For the past three months, I've been living off the glow of that checkup. This one tells me that I have to continue working on it. On the positive side, there were no alterations to my meds, other than the blood pressure one. And while I didn't get the full labs to get my blood chemicals this time around, there's no reason to think they've changed a great deal. The one blood test (A1c) that was taken showed a result that was identical to my last visit, and that was excellent. So all is good, though not stellar. Something for me to work on over the summer...

Oh, at the end of the appointment, I did get to pee into a cup so they could check for proteins in my urine. Only after drinking one more glass of water, running the water in the sink, and flushing the toilet a couple of times. The pressure was phenomenal! Performance anxiety struck to some degree, but apparently not before I squeezed out enough for them to test. Good news--my kidneys apparently work just fine too!
This week's Mystery Guest almost passed us by! Not too terribly long ago, she shut down her blog. But as suddenly as she shut it, she opened it back up with a new outlook on her life and relationships. What she's showing here is almost more than she's ever shown on her own site! For those who like geography, she's looking forward to wearing stockings again. Both for keeping her legs warm, and for those moments when she might need to tie someone up... But she's quite a vision. Like the petals of a flower. Always a thing of beauty!
If you think you know who she is, be sure to leave a comment on her site! She'll be revealed on Thursday afternoon, so be sure to stop by and check her out!
The MG this week that yummy mummy Petal! Be sure to stop by and say hi!

There's some great contributions this week over at "...the Other HNT". Be sure to stop by and check out your fellow HNTers over there! They do appreciate the comment love, too! Of course, it's NSFW.
Speaking of OHNT, you'll be able to find the OsShirt over there this week! And as I understand it, there was a hijacking of the OsShirt today. It was about to leave the Dallas area when another HNTer wormed his way into getting it. And is wearing it, as I'm typing this, on! His show is over by the time this post goes up, but you should check out his show in the future! I don't know his schedule, but I'm sure he'll comment here and be happy to give it to you! A great mix of rock, both old and new! EDITED TO ADD: I should probably mention that the fiend is the lovable Shumpy!

Got questions? Something not covered in the two "100 Things About Me" tabs up there at the top? A math problem? Go use that formspring box over there in the sidebar and ask me! Anonymously! So far I've answered every question asked of me. Some silly, some not. Go give it a shot!
Last bit of unexpected news today--I don't want to jinx anything, so all I'll say is that it involves a soul band, gigs solidly booked, some of the top musicians in town, and a limited shelf life. More details when everything is firmed up!


Ms Scarlett said...

I'm up!!

That 'uh oh' face made me giggle... Os's been baaa-aaad! Lol....

What a lovely MG... she's just bloomingly beautiful!!

Looking forward to next week's Anniversary HNT!!


SapioSlut said...

I'm up and oily.

Happy HNT!

Elle said...

I love your "now what?" face! It's cute :)

Don't be too discouraged, you're doing very well, all things considered. You've had to change many things around because of diabetes, no? I'd say you've been doing a great job!

Lovely MG!

And... I'm up!

Chapter Two said...

Hijacking of the Os shirt - scandalous!!!!

Alright - I am up and taking pics of taking pics.

MG = Holy moley! Wow

BTExpress said...

I have a question. How come the Os shirt is going over seas and not coming to my pool party in August? Didn't you tell him I was having a party? Not fair. The party has been scheduled for 9 months.

Ya, ya, I'm up.

Anonymous said...

MG is lovely....and you sir are SMITTEN!!!

I am up and honoring Kurt.


Vixen said...

First look *amazing*, the change is just so incredible it's not even funny. So here's hoping this appt was just a fluke and you continue down such a fabulous path of recovery and to healthiness.

OH!! OH !!!!! I totally know that MG. Sah-weet!!! Love it.

I'm up. Packing for a trip and thinking I'm going to go pretty light.... ;)


Loverboy said...

Happy HNT everybody~!

My gorgeous partner Alabaster Legs is up this week ;]

Osbasso said...

CbE is up and smiling about something...

Osbasso said...

Autumn is up and she's been...ummm...busy...

Millie said...

I'm up! Can't wait to try to do next week's theme :)

solitarysexualpsyclist said...

There's a sheen in the air.

I'm up, and happy HNT!

Emmy said...

Lovely mystery guest!
And I'm glad your visit went well.

I'm up!
Happy HNT!

Osbasso said...

Jobthingy's bringing back sexy in a whole new way!

Daniel said...

Hi Os/All...

We're up! Happy HNT...


tCj said...

At least your doc appointment went fairly well...right? lol

I'm up. ^.~

Anonymous said...

Hate the doc visit wasn't stellar (thanks for the hollar) but the MG is absolutely Stellar, no doubt about that!

Mines UP!

Petal said...

I'm up and I cant wait for next weeks theme, its going to be soooo much fun recreating my first one!

Margaret said...

Heh. Busted. :)

MG is beautiful.

I am up.


figleaf said...

I suppose we'd all be more eager to go to the doctor's office if we were less likely to end up with "uh-oh" faces and more likely to have "o-face." But it never seems to turn out that way. :-)

I was in southern Appalachia earlier this week and wound up staying in the same ancient cabin I briefly lived in as a young man. I wouldn't want to live there (again) but it's a great place to visit.

I had a great chance to take early-morning photos on the porch... so I took some.

Happy HNT, Osbasso.


Mr. Smith said...

Hang in their man, you got this! Were up.

13messages said...

My best to you on future visits. I think you're doing great. Stupid diabetes. I wish you didn't have to deal with all of that.

I almost skipped it this week, but shot a couple of pics from my iPhone just now. So, I'm up!

The Kinky Pixie said...

Im UP!

Richard, Shhh... said...

I actually posted a half-nekkid pic for girls this week, and something about cars for guys!
Hey OS, my biweekly injections of supplemental testosterone totally got rid of my significant need for 2 daily insulin injections!

His marie and Her Owner said...

We are up. Happy HNT. Lovely MG!

Joanna Cake said...

Lovely MG and a great 'what next?' face! I think we've all had one of those moments in a doctor's surgery. Work on the basis that the fat is turning to muscle, hence the weight gain...? Stay well, Mr x

If it helps, I'm up with some more beneficial physical exertions that you might want to try. HHNT :)

Cheeky Minx said...

Your expression is priceless!! I'm sure you'll be able to get your health under control in no time.

Gorgeous MG, and fingers crossed for your "unexpected news"...

I’m up! xx

Mollena said...

Not Much Talking Going on In THIS HNT!

Hopelessly In Love said...

Another Happy Birthday HNT -- this time it's Mark...

Fooled Around and Fell in Love is up!

Anonymous said...

I'm losing my HNT virginity today!

Thanks for doing this Osbasso! It's a beautiful thing.

Kimberly said...

I hope the next appt goes better!! That is a downer, but maybe the other appointment was more representative of what will happen in the future.

I am up with a guest.

scintillectual said...

I was up so early last night that I fell asleep before I could post that it was up already! Hope you get that BP under control. Take care of yourself! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the look is priceless!

I'm here and up sweets!

xoxo, Crystal

Kevin Lomax said...

Up, some on the other...

HyperSexualGirl said...

The doctor's office should have beer handy for situations like this. Beer makes everyone pee like a racehorse.

I'm up!

heelsnstocking said...

i always get stage fright when i need to pee on demand medically and play time lol.

Im up xx

Maggie said...

I love your "now what?" face. :)

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

We are up a Married in Ohio with a sports themed post. We'll be sure to help celebrate the 5th anniversary next Thursday.

Happy HNT everyone.

Saucy Wildcat said...

Oh hun. I can so sympathize with the ho hum doctors visits and the waiting and the always having to try again next time. Here's hoping the next one will be great.

I played. On my birthday. You know. =) XOXOXO

frances said...

That 'what now' face is entirely endearing. Sorry to hear the appointment wasn't great but I commend your efforts. Changing your habits can be such a difficult thing to do. Can't wait to hear all about this thing you're waiting to 'firm up'. Sounds interesting!

Kyle said...

Old cock, new cock...

Jobthingy said...

ok here is your advice for the day, speaking from a girl who had a dad with very severe diabetes, be on pee alert for every appt. if they surprise you and dont want it, then good but that way you dont have to go through the mad ritual of trying to pee (your whole ordeal reminded me of my daughter and i last time we needed labs done LOL)

the Os shirt should come to canada, more so Ottawa. that is my thought this am.

HHNT sweetie! obviously im up. off to OHNT now.


Genevieve said...

Glad to hear you're feeling pretty good! We've all got some work to do on ourselves so keep on with the good stuff.

Next week sounds like it'll be alot of fun.

Happy HNT.

I'm UP!

Sheba said...

"What now?" is adorable. O, good job taking care of yourself. That's the first step.

We're up. The thong series continues. A bit of coffee for your morning milk.

Happy happy HNT everyone!

Nimue said...

I'm getting into the swing of this now, i think.... or at least I'm up again!

Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

Hi Os. We are up with a sexy HNT picture this week.

mina said...

Happy HNT. We are up :)

Essin' Em said...

I'm up and rainbow-tastic this week :)

viemoira said...

I'm up...

Os- that is too bad about your appoingment- I hope all your hard work eating healthy pays off more at your next visit. I would be really frustrated.
Happy HNT! :)

Wilhelmina said...

mine is up :)

AnnieAngel said...

I actually did manage to get a picture up, I didn't manage to do the theme though, sigh.

Anonymous said...

Im up. Yeah. Better late than never on the comment. I turn into a pumpkin at 10.

MinorityReport said...

I'm up...up since last night, but didn't get a chance to post.

Hope your summer check up is stellar. :)