Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boobie-Thon '10 HNT

It's that time of year again for the 9th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon! It starts up this Friday, and runs for seven days. For those who have never experienced it, it's a fundraiser to raise money for breast cancer research. Bloggers from all over the globe send in photos of their boobies (covered and uncovered) to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research. They have raised over $64,000 in the past 8 years.

As I've mentioned in previous years, my family hasn't had any history of breast cancer. Doesn't mean that it couldn't happen (we don't have a history of diabetes, either, and look what happened!). Almost everyone knows someone who's been affected by breast cancer. It's not a good thing. While millions of dollars have been raised and spent on cancer research, and there is some progress being made, there's still a long way to go. While raising a few thousand dollars may seem like a drop in a very large bucket, one must remember that the Great Flood started with a few raindrops. And if you don't believe in the Great Flood, last few snowflakes that fall to trigger an avalanche. Or the last straw that broke the camel's back. Whatever. You get the idea. Every little bit helps!

Over the years, many HNTers have contributed many boobie pics for Boobie-Thon. Including a few of the guys. Yeah, guys are encouraged to submit. Guys can get breast cancer too, ya know! Submissions are taken through next Thursday night, so I encourage you to send in a picture or two (a link to instructions can be found on the Boobie-Thon page). I opted to send in a picture of not just mine, but of one of my favorite sets of boobies. So be sure to look for boobs and moobs over there!

Through the lens of my camera

I can learn to love my body.

This is the my choice of therapy.

This week's Mystery Guest has been enjoying her photo therapy for a couple of years. You can find her Flickr set when she's revealed Thursday afternoon.
this week's MG is Amber from over at Mommy Mania! Stop by and see what she's doing in the kitchen. And leave her some lovin'!

Another fine batch of pictures submitted this week for "...the Other HNT". Be sure you stop by to check out your fellow HNTers! And don't forget to leave some comments...they'd sure appreciate it! As usual...NSFW.

As part of my overall template upgrading, I've also worked on my separate HNT site. I'm placing all my HNTs in one spot. I'm about a third of the way through over five years. It's been really interesting to go back and actually look at some of these. In some cases, all I can think is, what was I thinking??? If you're up for some laughs, go take a look over there...
The latest page of the OsShirt site should be up this weekend. It's the last and most recent location in Florida. Hippies and cops will be involved with this one!


Elle said...

Nice boobies Os!

My HNT's up. Pictures I took while drunk... Thankfully, you can't tell ;)

Emmy said...

Hurray for boobies! :)
I'm up!
Happy HNT!

Osbasso said...

Check out Autumn's ruby red shoes!

Anonymous said...

I might have to check out the boobie-thon. My mum had Breast Cancer in each breast. She has been clear for over 8 years now. Which is fantastic! Love your pic, it's fun and awesome. MG is gorgeous.

I'm up and waiting for someone to rip my clothes off! hehe


Chapter Two said...

Boobies- I have them, one even has a scar from a biopsy.

I am up - "Changing"

and MG... I love her sentiments and pics

Gucci Mama said...

Such a gorgeous mystery guest!

Boobies I definitely have!

I'm up - Playing with Gucci's girls...;)

Anonymous said...

Boobies! Without them I'd fall over backwards.

Im up y'all!

Vixen said...

I love boobs! I support boobs! Have shown my support almost every year since it began! Incredible cause....

I'm up! More from the new series :)


Sunny said...

Yes! Yay for boobies! I'm sure I can find something to submit! lol

Nice moobs & boobs Os, very nice.

MG is beautiful. Love B&W!!

And thanks for the shout out. Its much appreciated. xoxo

I'm up again! This is becoming a habit!!

SapioSlut said...

I'm up and packing.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Boobies are the best!

I'm up.

Anonymous said...

I'm up and I'm back. Boobies everywhere. I'll be in the BoobieThon also.

Meow >^,^<

Mr. Smith said...

HNT Boobie Thon - gotta participate with that!

Sadie said...

Certainly a good cause! I did the Breast Cancer 3-day a few years back...

Happy HNT, y'all!

I am up!


Osbasso said...

Jobthingy is enjoying the last few days of summer. Go check her out!

Chickie said...

Nice sets - all of them! :)

I think I've participated in the Boobiethon every year that I've been blogging. I even think I learned about it through a HNT post on someone's page.

Robyn said...

Luv the pic!!!!! =) Yay Os Boobies!!! i'ma submit to that site, i always do.. have for years.

And I'm Up Up Up too...

Anonymous said...

I'm up! ;)

Dutchess said...

Happy HNT Os, and thanks for the warm welcome!

I'm up!

scintillectual said...

I'm up...a few pics taken after a night out at the theatre. I'm the devil with the blue dress on. xo

Anonymous said...

I'm up.. and burlesque styled!

I'll be back later to visit all you wonderful people... but right now it is 6am GMT and I have to go to work.. FML.


13messages said...

I almost forgot that it was Wednesday night. Thanks for what you do.

I'm up.

Cheeky Minx said...

Boobs, boobs, boobs. I love them too! And that goes for the two sets in your great pic.

Sadly, not only has breast cancer touched my family but also close friends. Gladly, they are all clear and well.

Once again, the MG is delish...

I’m up.

Amber said...

I love boobies like that...
I'm up

JM said...

Boobs are fun. I'm a bit of a fan I must say.

I'm up...

Kevin Lomax said...

I'm up and messy...

heelsnstocking said...

In up, well I'm technically bent over:)

Mark said...

Boobies? Jen's got plenty to go around ... Fooled Around and Fell in Love is up!

Sarah said...

VERY nice Boobies :)

I'm up!

Maggie said...

Nice! I'm up.

The Ethical Slut said...

I'm up with a Os assisted click through!

Thank you so much!!

The Ethical Slut said...

Alright I take it back, the click through didn't work and I'm too tired to figure it out this morning.

Going to finish my work notes like I'm supposed too!!

But I'm up ANYWAYS with the "lower" half...

Hubman said...

Hey, I recognize that woman with you!

I'm up and enjoying some late summer warm weather-

MinorityReport said...

I'm up (x2), but off to work.
Can't wait to check out your HNT site. :)
Have a great day!

HyperSexualGirl said...

Glad to see the HNT Mothership is back and operational. I'm up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by! I promise to come here from now on ;)

I'm up!!!!


Awakened One said...

Happy HNT!!

Jobthingy said...


I have to head over there and submit.

Going right now.

HHNT doll face!

Shhh.... said...

Ooh, I love your picture this week.Those are definitely some nice boobs.

I'm up. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT - thanks for the nudge O, I appreciate it. I'm up!

Joanna Cake said...

Im late to tell you but Im up... And I remembered the Boobiethon :)

Frantically busy with work in the real world so may not be able to get round people until the weekend. Happy HNT! x

Autumn said...

woot woot! boobie month! i've got to submit some snuck up on me. holy's October tomorrow. wtf?! i don't have a history of breast cancer in my family either, however, many other types of cancer run rampid. as you know, cancer society stuff is way up on my list of priorities.

MG is stunning.

Anonymous said...


i'm up with a little luck...

BTExpress said...

I agree, those are some of my favorite boobs too. I sent my moobs in this year too, but they're not as good as those.

I'm up.


I'm up with my boobs.

Westopher said...

This week: Ghost HNT

SB said...

boobies for a cause! love it!!

viemoira said...

Great pic!! And the MG picture is awesome- very artistic! I'm up in a hurry this week...

Molls said...

I'm back!

boneman said...

Like to think I'de never get caught up!
And then, when I went to the wrong site (which I do almost every week except the last two...) the date said 2011.
"Have I fallen into a time warp?" I asked myself.

("have I fallen into a time warp")

Daylight savings time gone whak-o.


might just be up...
hard telling. If it really IS 2011, I probably have gray hair, by now.
And here's hoping I'm done singing that song....


boneman said...

ps, as an official prehistoric computer contraption machine user, I have no idea how to pick up a boobie.

the badges, that is.
I left clicked on it, but it stares back at me like..
what'cha want?

on the one hand, I donated mine (with one heck of a surprise...) (maybe) and on the other hand, I have a wart. wart.
so, send info, eh?
I don't get tons of traffic, but, I do get some.

Ms Scarlett said...

Looking good there!! And lovely MG... such a pretty picture...

I'm still not up, but making the rounds!


Melissa and Kevin said...

We're Up! And very excited about a dedicated site for HNT!

-M and K

Anonymous said...

I love your dedicated O's HNT page. some amazing pics there O! i didn't post and HNT today but had to stop by to wish you a happy one. :)

Innocent Bystander said...

New-ish and late, but I'm up.
Trying to stick to the boobie theme and as I get older I find I have some!


I know who those boobies are!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

HNT is up.