Sunday, October 24, 2010

Random stuff on a Sunday afternoon...

Does anyone else sort of like that feeling of wiping away early morning crusty eye goop? Or is that just me?
Another symphony concert has come and gone. It went quite well. The Barber piano concerto was my favorite of the two pieces we played (Dvorak's "New World Symphony" was the other), though I still don't feel like I "got" it. The last movement is a bitch to count, and I'm not entirely convinced that any of us played it right. We must have, since we started and stopped at the same time. For those who know what this means--most of the movement is in a fast 5/8 in one--not sure we didn't play most of it in 6/8. Oh, well. Still got the soloist (and us) multiple standing ovations!
I wanted to mention this earlier. I see that my grocery store has been stocking eggnog for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, eggnog isn't on my dietary list anymore. I'm sure I'll buy a quart sometime before Christmas, rationing it out in a manner that I can handle. But it's just another reminder that it ain't summer anymore.
Weather here has been phenomenal, but I think we've seen the end of it. Today has been cloudy, and it's been drizzling off and on all day. And the weather forecast used the 's' word for tonight. Brr...
The soul band has a gig tonight. Part of a fundraiser put on by local musicians. I'm tired though, and would rather watch the game tonight.
More bad news for my sister (S2). She, S3 and BIL3 went to Vegas this past week with some friends. They came back yesterday, just in time for her to find out that her FIL died the day before. The year 2010 isn't going to go into the books as one of her favorites.
Still bummed about the phone. It happened in two parts. The long cracks in the screen happened when the phone dropped onto a concrete floor. I went to the Verizon store where I found, of course, I hadn't bought the insurance when I bought the phone. They did tell me that the Verizon-compatible iPad comes out on Thursday! But that doesn't help me. A replacement phone would cost full retail. Not gonna happen. THEN...during rehearsal on Thursday night, I had to help move the grand piano. I had the phone in my pants pocket, like I always do. But apparently, once the screen is cracked, it's vastly weakened. The resulting shattering in my picture below is simply from the pressure of the keys in my pocket. Now I'm afraid of doing anything more to it. To its credit, it still works just fine, including the full touch screen. I was thinking about getting some thin cellophane tape to cover it, but I don't know how it would affect the touch screen capabilities. Anyone know?


Anonymous said...

Try one of the screen cover/protector sheets that Verizon sells for the droid. It may provide you with the protection you need (think tape on a window prior to the arrival of the hurricane). And those sheets don't effect the touch screen functionality.

Maggie said...

Yes, what anonymous said.

SB said...

man i got a crazy mind, when i first read your first thought i was thinkin it was going to say something gross like wipe the shit from your ass crack. hahahahaha i am sick

Moosekahl said...

I need a hug