Thursday, October 21, 2010

International Hug a Band Geek Day!! HNT

According to the Facebook gods, or someone who had a great idea, Thursday, Oct. 21st is International Hug a Band Geek Day!! At the time of this writing, almost 53,000 people signed up to observe the day! So I figured you should get a dose of the band geek that is Os.

Interestingly, I didn't get photographed much in my marching band uniforms too much. I take that as a blessing. But here I am in 1975 (senior in HS), just after marching in a parade in Spokane (the clarinet belongs to the photographer). I know there's a picture or two of me in my uniform from Montana State, but I couldn't find them in time. However, all of these guys were in the band, and it's pretty geeky in its own way. Powder blue tux shirts (with the ruffles, of course) and white dinner jackets with black velvet trim. This is the first horn band I ever played in, though I was playing bass in this band. Country club gig in 1977. Maybe '78.

In 1983, I played in the pep band for Montana. We opted for a smaller, jazz band instrumentation rather than a 50-piece band. In the fall of '83 & '84, I held the position of assistant director of the marching band. Complete with my Century 21-like yellow blazer. Look at the curls! Look at the black hair!

The entire day is International Hug a Band Geek Day!! Find your favorite band geek and give them a big honkin' hug. They can all use one!
Unravel me
a distant cord
on the outside is forgotten
a constant need

To get along
and the animal awakens
and all I feel is black and white

The road is long
the memory slides
to the whole of my undoing
put aside
I put away
I push it back to get through each day
and all I feel is black and white
and I'm wound up small and tight
and I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
everybody hates when you're a bore
everyone is waiting for your entrance so
don't disappoint them

Unravel me
untie this chord
the very center of our union
is caving in
I can't endure
I am the archive of our failure

And all I feel is black and white
and I'm wound up small and tight
and I don't know who I am

Everybody loves you when you're easy
everybody hates when you're a bore
everyone is waiting for your entrance so
don't disappoint them

Everybody loves you when you're easy so
don't disappoint them

Don't disappoint them...

Black & White
Sarah McLachlan

It's a bit early to reveal the MG, but I'm not going to be back at a computer until tomorrow. Of course, it's Cute but Evil! Stop by her place and say hi. And answer her question, too!

Getting some good new faces (well, not faces) over at "...the Other HNT". Please stop by and check them out (no band geek pics over there). And leave some comments--they certainly appreciate it! And yes, it's definitely NSFW!
Shibari (remember her?) is making a blog comeback (yay!). She's asked for help for her latest project over there...her "picture confessions". Some of you have participated over there in the past. You can check out her latest post to get the details and see some examples. Go have some fun!
Busy week ahead of me. It's Symphony Week here, so there's the requisite loading/unloading/moving/rehearsals/performance/etc... I won't be around much over the next few days, so don't miss me!
I also will be playing with the soul band on Sunday night. It's the final act of a day-long fundraiser. For 15 years, local musicians have gotten together 2-3 times a year to raise money for some person needing financial assistance due to catastrophic illnesses or hospitalization. There's live and silent auctions (items all donated), food and drink, and live music for about 10 hours straight. Needless to say, it's going to be a long weekend. This band geek is going to need a hug and maybe a kiss or two...


SapioSlut said...

I'm up and phallic - and it's a big'un!

Happy HNT!

heelsnstocking said...

Yeah! I'm up and looking peachy, stop by and say hello

JM said...

Os you'll forgive me for perhaps not giving you a hug, but if its any consolation, I'll send Jas to give you one instead!

I'm up and in bed with Jas!

Emmy said...

I'm up!
Hugs to you, band geek!! :)
Happy HNT!

Elle said...

That first picture is so cute! I played clarinet too for a year, in school. Never got any good at it, gave up too quickly.

I've made a half-assed attempt at HNT tonight, what with accidentally deleting my whole HNT pictures folder! Instead, I tried uploading a video - that's right, a video HNT!

Anonymous said...

I'll give you a big ((HUG)) Os!

Maybe you can squeeze me hard enough so I POP! lol

I'm still waiting...
I'm up :)

Vixen said...

Ooooo.....I know that MG ;)

I'm up, working on the same series. :)


13messages said...

That blazer makes my night. I hope you get that big band geek hug.

I'm up.

Jobthingy said...

*super HUGE hugs*

I am up and too tired to stay up any longer

HHNT xoxo

Sunny said...

Os you are a cute band geek! And for a small fee I'm sure you could get those dark curls back....
I dated a band geek in high school for a hot minute. He was too nice. I think that's why it didn't work out. lol.

Here's your ((Hug))!!

And I'm up as well with a new tattoo.

Have fun this weekend!

BTExpress said...

Wow, you really did have hair. Looks good.

I'm up with a replay of my stripper video. I didn't want to deny the new readers the treat.


I'm up my HNT and a poem like always.

Anonymous said...

I'm up.

Wow! Osbasso with hair! I'm diggin' it!

I too know the Mystery Guest. :-)

Playing again this week.

Lusting Lola! said...

Guess I should've read this post first. I was a totally a band geek back in the day. Probably nothing HNT-worthy, though.

I'm up!

SD said...

I was perhaps the biggest band geek of all- I played the xylophone. How totally lame, I know! :)

I'm up, the first time in a few months.

Chapter Two said...

YES, I posted, NO I haven't made blog rounds in months and months...... Yes I am spouting "attitude" this week. So F you.

Happy band geek week.....:)

see all the geeks get the hot girls- look at your MG!

Gucci Mama said...

I love me some band geeks!

I'm up! And my Gucci babies are giving me some very good ideas for our Cat/Griz bet...

Sadie said...

OMG, these pics are CLASSIC! Love a sneak peek back in time!

I am up!


Anonymous said...

Hehe.. great pics. Reminded me of these, haha.

I am up!

I'll come visit y'all later.

Julie said...

I wish I had known it was Hug a Band Geek Day!!! I'd have looked for them!!!

I'm up!!!

Anonymous said...

Morning all. I'm up with a bit of a handful.

Blossom said...

3 of us up over here!!! Yes you heard that right!!!
A continuation of last week plus two more!
Love the lady! Very sexy!

Cheeky Minx said...

*giggle, chortle, snort!*

Oh, where do I begin?! It's a toss-up between the powder blue ruffles and your Mr Kotter yellow blazer shot! These shots deserve hugs aplenty... *BIG HUGS*

Gorgeous MG...

I’m up

Cheeky Minx said...

Through all my giggling and snorting, I forgot to check the subscribe button! Priceless...

Sally-Jane said...

Mine is up too
it is all about the boobs today

Anonymous said...

Cheers to fellow trombone players.

I'm up.

Anonymous said...

I can't decide which I like more - the blazer or the ruffled shirt. *g* Hugs to you - band geek or not.

I'm up and working from home.

Lovely MG.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

band geeks are hot! happy hnt!

Ashly Star said...

I just realized, the only "band" people I know are people in bands that play metal and rock. I'll have to give you an internet hug instead. ;) ***hug***

That first picture of you is so cute. And I have to admit, I chuckled a little at the suits in the second one. :D

Happy HNT!

Maggie said...

You know how I feel about hugging but I might have to make an exception for my favorite band geeks.

I'm up.

MinorityReport said...

Aw ::hugs:: ;)
Happy Hug a Band Geek Day, O's.

I'm up.

Maeve said...

I'm up!
I'll visit you tomorrow...
And big Hug, Os!

Hubman said...

Believe it or not, but I was a band geek in HS, I played the trumpet. Fortunately there are NO pictures of me in my marching band uniform!

I'm up, or rather, I'm laying down!

HyperSexualGirl said...

What kind of hat are you wearing in the trombone pic?

(I'm up!)

The Ethical Slut said...

I was a band geek, and thank god I have no photos to prove it!!

I'm up this week, and actually rather tame....

Innocent Bystander said...

Band jackets... yeah been there.
I'm up.

boneman said...

up, not as late (more like early, here) and out the door at the same time.
Who knew money could be made raking leaves, eh?

Sweat Shop Sissy said...

a liitle late, but we're up.

Shhh.... said...

*hugs all the band geeks out there*

I'm up! :)

Joanna Cake said...

So did you all have matching boxers too?

Big hug for all band geeks everywhere from here too?

Late to tell you but UP! HHNT x

Autumn said...

very very late here, but i'm up! pleny going on...goodness! awww Os, if you were closer, i'd totally hug a band geek :)

MG chose a most beautiful picture. it's always lovely to check in with you.

loves autumn

AnnieAngel said...

I'm up! Oz, want to wash my back??

IveyLane said...

Total band geek here, Os, and yes I have the photos to prove it! Marching, concert, symphonic, pops, jazz, you name it. I started with flute in Jr. High, then switched to drums in HS and added piano in the Jazz band.

Of course, all that marching was good for the gams!

I'm (finally!) up!

Unknown said...

Sunshine on my tush - oh it feels so good

Anonymous said...

geek here, need all the hugs i can muster

i'm up with a little 25

Anonymous said...

I'm up...for the first time in months and months!

The Kinky Pixie said...

pretty in pink ..

YAY I finally realized its Thursday, BEFORE Friday *giggles*

Im UP!

cute band pics :)

Kyle said...

Love the band geek photos

here's mine.. not a band geek photo:

Sugarmag said...

We love our band geeks here at The University of Illinois! Happy HNT, I'm up.

Lovely guest, by the way...

Anonymous said...

what a fun post! I have never even imagined you with hair how funny is that?
MG? totally a beautiful shot.
Thanks for posting about picture confessions..
Hope all is well with you luv
I am up here:

Anonymous said...

I'm up.

Gabby + Andrew said...

My first HNT! Popping my cherry with a sweet derriere picture. Enjoy!

viemoira said...

I have a real soft spot for band (or any type of) geeks! Many hugs too you!

Molls said...

Better late than never!

Anonymous said...

I'm a little flaky these days. I'm really up, and I've unlocked my blog, so you can actually visit it! (Thanks, Os, for the heads up!).