Not the least of which was a late start to Saturday morning's rehearsal (one of two three-hour rehearsals in a stuffy, unventilated room in the summer sun...). A couple of players from out of town were late because traffic was held up due to a one-car rollover a few miles east of town. Turns out that the driver was also one of "us", our newly appointed principal string bass. She had swerved to avoid a car that had stopped on the 2-lane highway waiting to make a left hand turn. She missed the car, but at 70 MPH, rolled her car a number of times in the ditch. Her seat belt broke, but she wasn't ejected. In fact, she was coherent enough to crawl of the car, fearing it might explode. The first highway patrolman on the scene told her that his heart sank when he drove up, as he figured he had to find a body bag or two. Miraculously, she didn't suffer any broken bones, but spent the rest of the weekend in the hospital for observation. And she's going to be sore for awhile after being beaten up while rolling. Her bass also came away with only minor damage, which should be easily repaired. On the other hand, her car was totaled. She had me stop by the towing company's lot to retrieve anything that still might be in there. As she posted on FB--if this can happen sober/without distraction why would you even think of drinking and driving?
Click 'em to big 'em!

A new name came up last week inviting me to play. My mom. She's apparently taken to the iPad we got her for Mother's Day. Now I have to pay attention to whom I'm playing at any given time. Can't be using dirty words against Mom!!!
Click on the pic to see the most amazing score for a single word. I suspect it's been manipulated, as I can't see it possibly happening naturally...
Oh my, it's amazing and wonderful that she's okay. What a horrible wreck of a car! The left turning car should get a ticket at the least...
The sight of her car turns my stomach. I'm so glad she's all right and well enough to tell the tale.
I couldn't agree more on the drink driving. It boggles the mind...
You kick butt at WWF.
That is a scary wreck for a small vehicle especially. Glad she is ok...
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