Thursday, January 21, 2010

Warhol-ian HNT

I'm still trying to dump this cold I caught in Nashville (I don't blame the Nashville gang. I think it happened on the flight down. But as usual, I digress...). As a result, my motivation for blogging in general has been lacking. And when motivation is lacking, one reverts to old tricks for HNT!

Actually, I've been continuing the photo manipulations I did last week. Playing with things like the white and black balances, the gamma (what is that exactly?), and all the other things available. Not pre-set buttons, but actually making minute changes and seeing the results. And the results are often surprising. I mean, change things by one pixel when playing with the black balance, and the full picture can make a radical change (almost like inverting colors in the span of one pixel, but different).

Some of the results are below. Sort of took me back to the mid-60s (oh, sorry--that's like ancient history to some of you). I specifically remember this technique in junior high art classes, without the computer technology. Including the over-saturated, conflicting colors. And without the drugs...

Yeah. This space is still empty...

"...the Other HNT" is full of wonderful people, as usual! Be sure to check them out--they are, after all, your fellow HNTers! And of course, they're NSFW!
In case you missed the post yesterday, this blog turned 5 years old last night! Thanks to everyone who had such nice things to say in the comments! Wish I could say that there was a wild 5th Blogoversary party last night, but I ended up chatting with a couple of people, working on the pictures above, and keeping WWE Smackdown on in the background. Yeah, you're envious. I can tell. But it was a necessary mind-drain. I've got a concert coming up in about 10 days, and that's going to pretty much wipe me out for the next week or so...
In case you didn't hear about it, Taco Bell founder Glen W. Bell Jr. died on Saturday. This comes less than 6 months after the death of Gidget, the Taco Bell Chihuahua. Since fast foods are pretty much off my diet list these days, I would ask that all of you have a 5-layer burrito for me this weekend. Preferably after a night of beer drinking, and at some time after midnight...


Another Suburban Mom said...

I am up and enjoying the pleasures of my bed.

Hubman said...

It's a race.....

Dammit, ASM beat me to being first! LOL...

I'm up, or rather, laying down this week.

Nice effects Os! Happy HNT!

Osbasso said...

Elle is up at Kink Unleashed!

She's Got An Alter Ego said...

Mine is up.

Happy HNT :)


Osbasso said...

Jobthingy is showing off her nighty (it's cute!).

Ms Scarlett said...

I'm up, and hoping to extend our nice weather!

Congrats again on 5 years! Looking good Os!

XO ~ Scarlett

Vixen said...

Love the Warhol effect :)

Sorry, I can help you out with a bean enchirito from Taco Bell but that would be about my extent..... ;)

I'm up before heading out for VEGAS!!! hehe


13messages said...

I'll make a stop at Taco Bell tomorrow night in your honor. I'll change the order to a Mexican Pizza though. Oh, how I love those.

I'm up for HNT.

BTExpress said...

I'm up too, a group picture from November. Small, but friendly group.

Anonymous said...

Well I'll be on the road for the next 2 weeks and beer and Taco Hell is always on the menu! and hey peddle ja-lap-e-nos there too so thats a bonus.
I'm still willing to help out with the MG thing just let me know.

Mines up with Strokin.

Emmy said...

I'm up!
Love the Warhol look :)

Lady Tragic said...

Happy HNT y'all! I'm up and quite cozy too! xo!

Sexie Sadie~ said...

Cool effects, O! Very Warholesque!

I am up


Chapter Two said...

I am up. If you wanna wonder by my place.

p.s. - taco bell = my favorite naughty pleasure in food.

Diana said...

Been off for a few weeks, but I'm back with click-through. Many thanks to my love for the wonderful shots.

Julie said...

I had a 5 layer burrito tonight!! Sorry you are under the weather. Hope you get better soon.

I'm up!!

Phynixbelle said...

Hey Os its me Jan Davies, I am back on Blogger! just thought I would let 'cha know... nothing to exciting yet, but I have some work to do!

Hugs ole' blogging bud!

figleaf said...

Five years ago today, a Thursday no less, I made my first anonymous post on my new blog.

So I've posted a video of myself talking about the last five years and why I'm tired of being anonymous.

Since it's a Warholian theme this week I wonder if making a video about my face will make me famous for 15 minutes. :-)

Happy HNT, Osbasso,


Margaret said...

Cool pics, Os!

I am up.


Anonymous said...

Oh Os.... loved the Warhol era and you have done a fine job here!!

I am up and sweatering.... xx

Anonymous said...

os, i'm glad i've found a kindred spirit when it comes to the Taco Bell Man, i did a blog post on him and my eternal sadness over the loss. fast-food-junkie shut-ins (like me) the world over are in mourning...

i'm up

Sugarmag said...

Hey now happy HNT! I hope you get over your cold quickly.

My post is up.

Phynixbelle said...

I am up! LOL... my return to HNT!!!

Loverboy said...

Half-Nekkid Thursday
Pls join me up!

Dee said...

Congrats on five years!

I'm up, and on a railway platform: Mind the Gap HNT.

xx Dee

boo said...

Blah. I'm up.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm in Nashville now and feeling great!

Want to see what I'm up to in my hotel?

I'm up!

impy said...

Mines color free this week but rather artyand perhaps a wee bit mind boggling. Enjoy :)

Patience Ann said...

If I was within 3000 miles of a freakin' Taco Bell, I would TOTALLY hit that for you. :/ Aside from my family, it's one of my most missed things about the States.
Anywho. Up!

Petal said...

Very cool effect!

I'm up...

Joanna Cake said...

Belated Bloggiversary Greetings! xx
Now we'll never be able to forget each other's Bloggiversaries since Im now up at my new domain. HHNT x

Joanna Cake said...

I am, however, going to have to get used to changing my blogging addie when I comment... Or switch gmail off when Im doing the rounds...

kate said...

Greetings from Africa.

Just gathered to start my own blog and post my first HNT photo

Amy said...

My parents bought/made me a picture like that for my 16th birthday, I've still got it but it doesn't look like me anymore. And you don't look very happy in that picture Os!

I'm up, showing two sides of me this week!


Emerald Yomi said...

My first HNT for this year and in a while too. Looking forward to checking out everyone else's too!

Hopelessly In Love said...

Mark's turn this time.

Fooled Around and Fell in Love is up!

Anonymous said...

We're up at Married in Ohio.

Happy HNT everyone.

P.S. Congratulations on reaching five years. We'll be celebrating our five year anniversary next month.

Maggie said...

Playing with photos is so much fun!

I'm up. :)

MinorityReport said...

I'm up. Congrats on 5 years! HHNT.

Kallie Grace said...

Five years wow that's great!!

My HNT for the week:

HyperSexualGirl said...

Love the Warhol-esque image. And happy blog-birthday. I'm up, too.

Scintillectual said...

I haven't posted much this week as I'm enjoying DPR's company too much, but she managed to take some pretty amazing shots that will carry me through until we see each other again. So...I'm up!

And, happy blogoversary!!! Don't know where we'd be without you, Os! :)

Bilinda Ní Siodacaín said...

Happy Blogoverary!
I'm up and pictures are well fiddled with just trying something new...

IveyLane said...

I'm up. In more ways than one.

viemoira said...

Very groovy pics! I like the scroll over effect on the first one. I'm up and I hope you feel better soon. P.S. I think I will splurge and have that burrito for you- I mean I can cheat if it is to help someone else out. :)

Daniel said...

Morning, all!

Cool pic, Os, and congrats on the blogoversary!

We're up (or frances is anyway). Happy HNT!


Violet Vamp said...

I like the Warhol look. Hope you feel better, soon.

I'm up :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up. Well, sort of...

Anonymous said...

Great effects on you pics the first is my fav.

And yes I will be enjoying a mid-night Taco Hell run in memory Glen W. Bell.

Hope you get to feeling well soon.

And I've got my HNT up.


Saucy Wildcat said...

I <3 Taco Bell! Yum!
Cool pics hun. I really hope you feel better. I played this week. I remembered! Yay!

Westcoast Weirdo said...

I'm up again too!

nitebyrd said...

The effects are cool but you look tired.

Happy HNT!

Pepper said...

We're up.

Matt said...

I'm up too! In fact, way up :)

Amber said...

Some funks last longer than others, and that's ok cause we aren't giving you a time limit.
Rest up, take care of yourself, cause otherwise work is going to be pretty tough. Drink plenty of fluids, and don't sniffle!
I'm up for this week.

Essin' Em said...

I'm up up and away! HHNT to y'all!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.....finally!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.....finally!

Jade said...

I'm late as usual, but up!

His Long Distance Pet said...


I'm up!

Kyle said...

From my recent visit with Roxy

Genevieve said...

I'm up and wearing opals!

Faile said...

We're up.

Oasis said...

Congrats on the 5th Anniversary Os!

Winter hit the desert this week - no snow, but lots and lots of rain.

Westopher said...

This makeover revealed!

Jobthingy said...

mid 60's? i wasnt even a glimmer in my parents eye LOL

great messin with the pics.

and sorry i wont enjoy taco hell for you.. that stuff is just nasty. but if i drive by the one i know of around here ill think of you. deal?

feel better!

Coy Pink said...

Happy belated blogoversary!

My HNT is up:

PandaDementia said...

I'm up with "My Box," dedicated to a certain special someone.

Ava said...

We're back :) or at least SImon is!

Aurore said...

I love the Warhol effect - very cool.

I'm up.

Autumn said...

i *did* manage to get a pic posted for hnt (a little late, but it's there) and also did a toy reviw. woot woot!

hope to see some fresh MG's soon. I'm sure you'll get some lovely pics soon. Hope that cold is finally gone...hey! did you give it to me? *stamps foot*

Anonymous said...

Hi Os

I love your Warhol-istic pics!

I'm up:

xoxo ~Andromeda~

Trixie Fontaine said...

Congrats on your five year anniversary!

My HNT is not Warholian, but here it is:

Kimberly said...

Happy blog birthday! I am up but telling you too late as usual..

Love the colour effects!

Ava said...

First HNT in WEEKS! Not too exciting, but kinda steamy ;)

Chickie said...

Another round of neat effects!

Happy Blogoversary and Happy HNT.

I'm up.

Vicky said...

I'm up. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm up, although late.
and Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately my blogging has been very lacking too. I couldn't quite believe it when I realised I hadn't posted a HNT since October (does that deserve punishment, I do hope so lol)

Anyway my HNT video is up.

A belated HHNT to you and your followers
and wishing you a Funfilled Weekend


James said...

I'm up, forgot to announce it yesterday.

Sam said...

I like the Warhol-inspired image, but I think the non-mouseover view of the first pic is awesome.

It's flat out really cool, and almost intimidating.


rage said...

Love the Warhol-type picture O!

Congrats on the 5 year anniversary on your blog!