
Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Moose asked me to relay her thanks to all of you who stopped by and offered their kind words and prayers during the past few weeks. She knows that many of you don't make her a regular stop in your surfing, but she wanted everyone to know that your comments were all a source of great comfort.

You guys rock!

Another bulleted list

Someone mentioned last week that they liked bulleted lists. Concise and to the point. So here's this week's:
  • Symphony concert went quite well. I'll have to go back and listen to a recording of this piece in a month or two. It could make it into one of my top 5 symphonies.
  • I screwed up my (bad) leg again. I now have a nice hematoma growing in my shin, and I have that same "ripping" feeling as I had before.
  • The equipment truck ran out of gas Monday morning during 8AM traffic. The gauge was low, but nowhere near "E". Making a mental note of that now. Had to call S2 to come pick me up and take me to a gas station...
  • Expected 4 homeless guys to help unload the last of the truck, but only two showed up. Which meant more work for me. On my bum leg.
  • Watched my niece play soccer on Sunday morning. They will host the NW regional NAIA tournament this weekend, and if they win (they're the highest ranked team in the region), they will go to Daytona for Nationals.
  • I was so mentally and physically exhausted from the weekend that I called work and told them I wouldn't be coming in. I took a 2-3 hour nap. It wasn't enough.
  • I was away from my computer and cell phone for the better part of the past 4-5 days. I am SO far behind.
  • I took my HNT pics. Don't forget the Halloween theme!! Hopefully, mine will shock you!
  • My football teams all won again (sorry, Tara!). Carroll College's defense has yet to allow a TD all season (though the special teams let one slide by). And the Griz continue to win, though not in a particularly spectacular manner. Not sure if I should be concerned about that or not...
  • Bought 2 tickets to see Blue Man Group in Bozeman at the end of January. Row 6, fairly centered. I've got two tickets--anyone interested in the second one?
Looking forward to seeing all the Halloween half-nekkidness!

Friday, October 26, 2007

A couple of things...

Don't forget to take your Halloween HNT pics this weekend, especially if you've got a party or two you're going to! Me? I'll be in rehearsals and the concert--no partying for me...
I have an on-going track record of some sort of injury whenever I set up the stage or its related work. Sometimes it's serious (like this summer), and other times it's just a scratch or something that might draw blood. The streak continues. I somehow drew blood (other leg) without ripping the jeans! I wonder if God is punishing me in this bizarre way...?
I've been trying to taper my intake of Diet Coke w/Lime recently. As I was in Albertson's last night to buy some Aleve, I passed the display in the soft drink aisle. Buy 4 12-packs of Coke products for $12, and get a fifth one for FREE! That works out to 20¢/can. Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in.
Have a great weekend! Hope you don't get a rock if you do some early trick or treating!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mahler HNT

First things first--send some good thoughts and prayers to the people of southern California. I bitched about the forest fires around here all summer, but they don't compare to the up close and personal way that some of our blogger friends have been having to deal with. Those who are down there describe things as "Katrina-esque". Seems like apples and oranges, but they're both fruits. If you happen to know of fellow HNTers or other bloggers who are in the midst of this, and have heard from them, please feel free to post about them!
It's symphony week this week. That means alot of time working up to the concert. And little time online. Some of you have already made mention of that... Last year at this time I had this site all tricked out in Halloween stuff. Haven't had a chance to even do that!

On the positive side, I haven't cut, broken, strained, twisted, or bloodied anything. But it's still early. I HAVE had to deal with the lack of cooperation among certain individuals (ready for this? not even musicians!). But this too, shall pass.

The music--the third symphony of Gustav Mahler. I'm 50 years old, and I still don't know his music that well. Which is a shame, because he's written some of the best music of the past 150 years. And he certainly knew how to write for the brass. His symphonies often require huge numbers of musicians. His eighth symphony is often referred to as "Symphony of a Thousand" (and yes, we have plans to perform it within the next 3 years...with 1000 musicians!).

Saturday's concert is actually one of his most popular symphonies, and also his longest. It's bound to be a great concert. Here's just an excerpt from the 3rd trombone part. Hope you appreciate it!

Once again, for whatever reason, we have another teacher up as this week's Mystery Guest (break out the Van Halen!). This particular teacher is a very friendly sort. During the summer, you could sneak a peak over her back fence and find herself enjoying the morning air. With the spiders. If you were lucky, you might see her running around nekkid at night, too! She's got a thing for little people, which you might expect from a teacher. She's a little naughtier than you might imagine, but always can be seen with a huge smile. And stunning eyes! She won't be revealing herself here, but I'm sure she'd let you know it was her if you asked!
I'm not sure why, but the participation in "...the Other HNT" was pretty low this week. In fact, just one three entries.... Send in something now while you're thinking about it!
Don't forget that next week we'll celebrate the Halloween HNT!! Works well in case you're at a costume party this weekend, or if you're posting on Halloween night! Personally, I think I'm going to shock the hell out you! If I have the guts to go through with it... Those who are posting later on Thursday, you can be scary too! Have a great Halloween HNT!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Community Blogger Award

Tish of The Kat House has presented me with the Community Blogger Award. This award recognizes those bloggers who “reach out and make the blogger community a better one.” These are the bloggers who do more than just blog. They actively participate in the community aspect of blogging. So thanks for the award, Tish!

By now, you all realize that I generally don't tag people, or pass these things on, but this one's special enough that I had to. So...
Evening is my first recipient. She has shared her experience this summer of her breast surgery due to cancer. She's been brave, and open, and has brought together a community of support like none that I've seen before. Sure, her site is still private, but all you have to do is email her for an invite!

Vixen is known by just about everybody. Lord knows she comments all over the place. But she also has quite a few people who are big fans of her site. But how could you NOT be?

Figleaf has been a fixture around here for quite awhile. Many people's first exposure (so to speak) to HNT has been through his site. He's done more research on various aspects of sex than any one man should. And he's done it without lots of nasty pictures or sensationalism. But he's not afraid to show off his own hoohaw from time to time!

Spinning Girl is my secret blog crush. She has hosted some wild online blog parties, is constantly on the lookout for the aberration known as Teddy Bears Dressed as Other Animals, and is also a lovely singer. She's got fans from all over the place, and has built up quite a community of her own. If I'm not mistaken, I've got my own spot in her bed, too!
Sure, there's probably a couple of others that I could award this to, but these ones all have a great sense of community. Go check them out if you haven't had the chance!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Short and Sweet

VERY busy these days.
  • My primary HS and college football teams won.
  • Did you see the Helena teams on last night's NFL halftime report? No, no one you'd know was shown...
  • Go Rockies!
  • Symphony concert coming up on Saturday (Mahler's 3rd). Taking up any and all free time until then.
  • Halloween HNT next week (NOT this week)!!
  • Beers with Kamey Saturday night. Nowhere near as many as she forced me to have 3 weeks ago! ;-)
  • Was sent a picture by No One In Particular of her and Shumpy at his Halloween party on Saturday night. Thanks guys! Looks like it was fun!
  • Thanks to those that missed me over the weekend. It's nice to be missed!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday Night Lights

First things first--stop by my favorite Eskimo's site to wish her a Happy Birthday!! Love ya, babe!
I got the call at work this afternoon. It's S3.
"I don't think I let you know yet, but your nephew's playing for the championship tonight. You should come. It's a family thing." Rachel knows more about my family's activities than I do.
"OK. I can probably be there."
Tonight was the Small Fry city championships. Junior and senior divisions. Or whatever they're called. The 5th/6th graders at 6:00, and the 7th/8th graders at 8:00.

Rewind back to the late 60s. As a student at Bishop Gilmore Elementary School, I didn't have the opportunity to play organized football. Not really high on the nun's list of activities. My only consolation--there was no organized football in the public schools either. And there wasn't a Small Fry organization at the time. So my official football initiation was with all the other 7th grade boys.

Fast forward to the early to mid 90s. If I'd had my shit together, I could have possibly been the father of a hotshot QB who could take care of his old man well into his twilight years. But alas, that didn't happen.

Fast forward again to this evening. My nephew's team (sponsored by Capital Ford--oddly, no team mascot!) vs. the team sponsored by Universal Athletics (also no mascot). UA has had a long history of playing for the Small Fry Championship (both divisions). Their coaches came out in matching windbreakers, and their teams look just a little bit bigger, with a bit more swagger. But Capital's coaches came out with their team looking hungry for an upset. Their head coach happened to be BIL3, so when S3 said it was a family affair, she wasn't kidding. Other than the family members who were out of town, everyone was there.

This post isn't so much about the game on the field, but the non-football action going on, and the sorts of things I missed by not being a football dad.
  • They played on a full sized field, and under the lights. Complete with P.A. announcer and full scoreboard! I don't think they were prepared for that.
  • Probably 500 people there to watch the first game. And the same number for the second one. And a noisy bunch, too!
  • The five girls (little sisters, probably) who acted as unofficial cheerleaders for the Capital side. Obvious that they've been watching their high school counterparts. The fun part--the crowd actually followed them!
  • The 6 or 7 boys on the team that spent more time leading cheers from the sidelines, oblivious to the fact that there was a football game going on. To their credit, they did spend alot of time flirting with the cheerleaders. Their dads must have been proud.
  • The football dad in the stands who was just a little bit too much into it. Seemed obvious that he was probably a second stringer for most of his life.
  • The Capital running back who broke out for a 45-yd touchdown run, and was promptly flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct for doing a somersault over the goal line. Gotta nip that shit in the bud at an early age. Cost the team 15 yards on the extra point (which they didn't convert). He had no desire to head to the sidelines for the rest of the game...
  • The yelling from a normally quiet grandmother when a UA player got hurt, not realizing he was hurt. And from a nurse, at that!
  • After the game was pretty much decided, both teams put the second stringers in (mostly 5th graders) for the last two minutes. Including the cheerleading football players. Once they found their helmets. I had visions of "Bad News Bears". I swear I heard the "Toreador Song" from Carmen in the background...
For the record, Capital beat UA, 25-6. The nephew alternated between QB and wide receiver, and played outside linebacker on defense. Caught a long pass, could have caught another one (should have stretched out for it...), and made two open field solo tackles. All in all, a great way to spend a Thursday night!

Greenish HNT

All of a sudden, I find myself busy again. Next week's symphony concert sort of took me by surprise, and I'm finding that things are piling up. Add to that the inconveniences that happen when the business owners are whooping it up attending a convention in Vegas, and I've been running around like crazy. I even had to work on drafting this post at work (I'll let you try to figure out the total sense that comment makes...). It's nice to know that people have missed me this week, though!

What I'm getting to, in my standard roundabout way, is that I didn't get to really plan much of a HNT this week. That's why it's always good to have a cache of pictures somewhere, just in case. This was taken with the wimpy little flash on my cheapo cell phone at some time in the middle of the night. I don't know what's up with the green. I honestly don't think I look like that in the middle of the night, but there's only one person in a long, long time who could verify that for me.

And now, in that wonderful way I have of tying everything together with a nice little bow, I had considered using this picture for the upcoming Halloween (Hallowe'en, for you non-Americans) HNT in two weeks. Now I guess I'll have to come up with something else! (still hoping that one or more of you try that pumpkin guts thing...)

We have a returning guest as this week's Mystery Guest! Interestingly, she didn't reveal herself the last time, but is excited to do so this week! Actually, she started a new blog at the same time and has since regaled us with tales of living on her own, the single life and relationships, contracts, parking spots on campus, and tattoos. She's always willing to share, as you can see in this picture! Will that be one scoop or two? (can you imagine what could be done with some chocolate and strawberry syrup??)
This week's ice cream girl is the NY Diva! Be sure to stop by and say hi!

"...the Other HNT" has a slew of new participants this week, and it's a bit more "raw" than in recent weeks. Definitely NSFW. But please leave a comment or two!
For lack of anything more enlightening to write, I direct you to my post from one year ago. Funny--still applies a year later!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Omnipotence, Holidays, Football, HNT Theme and Music

You know what's tough to accept? When you're an omnipotent know-it-all (such as myself), and you find out that you really don't know anything...
It's beginning to feel like the holiday season is on us. No obvious Christmas things yet (though there have been some "Christmas-suggestive" commercials on TV), but Halloween is certainly coming up quickly. I've already polished off two bags of mini-Milky Ways, and bought my first carton of egg nog!
My football teams keep winning. The #1 Griz will retain their FCS ranking, and Carroll won big, 42-0. In fact, the Saints haven't allowed a TD in 7 games! They've outscored their opponents 201-9. Not too bad! Oh, my former HS team has outscored their opponents 182-2 in the past 3 games.
Speaking of college football, do you realize the championship game in the Sugar Bowl (is it the Sugar Bowl this year?) could very well be between Boston College and South Florida?? Who???
A programming note--we have a theme for Halloween. It will be for the HNT of Halloween week (31st, for those of you who post on Wed. night). I would LOVE to see some of you do something half-nekkid with pumpkin guts....
A couple of CDs that have caught my eye... Any of you who have read my blog for any length of time know that I'm a sucker for Christmas music. I've got more Christmas CDs than any normal person should. Shaddup...

The newest Mannheim Steamroller Christmas album came out this past Tuesday, title "Christmas Song". I don't know if I've gotten spoiled by prior releases, or if I had higher expectations, but this one just didn't grab me on the first listen. It could be that the songs that make up the track listing for this one are songs, as opposed to carols. All secular. I'm sure I'll listen to it alot, and my opinion will change some, but my initial reaction should be considered lukewarm, at best.

On the other hand, you might have seen this advertised on the iTunes store. Robert Plant (of Led Zeppelin fame) and Alison Krauss (I touched her butt once!) have teamed up for an album that comes out on October 23rd. While it seems like an odd combination at first, if you think about some of the old Zeppelin stuff, it seems like it could work. While you can't hear any clips from iTunes, you can find them on Amazon. It's an interesting sound. A little subdued. Almost dead, at times, but it's a winning combination. It's nice to hear her outside of her normal bluegrass sound--she does alot of guest vocals on rock albums that you wouldn't be aware of--and even though he's looking every bit his age, Plant still has that distinctive voice. This is definitely a keeper! Once it comes out...

Friday, October 12, 2007


Moose's mother passed away this afternoon. Go to her site and leave your comments.

And a prayer or two would be appreciated, I'm sure.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old, Burned and Misshapen HNT

It's hell getting old... Well, we all knew that, and I'm not really complaining here, but my poor leg is taking a beating. That's been well-documented here and here. The good news is that things seem to have finally healed to some degree. But not completely....

See what I mean? Note the very weird ridge built up below my knee. That's where I really had problems in late August. In fact, you can see a little dip at the base of the ridge where there's still a full-blown dent in whatever is under the skin there. But at least it doesn't hurt anymore. Now look at the area above the side of the knee. The red area is what got sunburned about three or four weeks ago watching soccer. Didn't think anything of it. HOWEVER...that's the same area that I rest my powerbook on when I'm surfing the net in my recliner. The red patch is no longer a sunburn--it's an official first degree burn caused by the heat generated from my computer. Any/all hair there is burned away--it's as smooth as a baby's butt!

And that's about all I've got for HNT this week.

We venture north of the border again for this week's Mystery Guest. She was more than happy to help out when my originally scheduled MG for the week had to bow out at the last minute. She has graced HNT with dozens of pictures in the past, then she took some time away. Then she came back, but in a fit of panic one day, accidentally deleted the whole shebang! She's back, and will be posting somewhat regularly again. I hope. She is definitely a fanflippintastic person!! With some dumb stories. Just ask her!

We'll reveal her Thursday afternoon, but she'd probably 'fess up if you asked her if it was her!

EDIT: She beat me to telling you, but this is the lovely Canadian Cowgirl! Go check her out in the hot tub over at her place!

Time to do a little pimpin' here in the back row. As you might have found, Mom the Minx, the very avid HNTer/blogger, had to go private. She's not happy about it in the least. She's tried to invite all her friends back, but has inevitably missed a few of you. If you need an invite, feel free to email her:

This picture is from her HNT post for tonight--lots of stockings to be seen! Be sure you stop by, or ask for an invite if you need one!
"...the Other HNT" is a little low on quantity, but high on quality! Be sure you stop by and check them out and leave a comment! As usual, NSFW.
A Binsk-like pondering--if you were suddenly asked "what's the opposite of dog?", most of you would answer "cat". Why "cat"? Both a dog and a cat have four legs, a tail and are furry. Hardly seems like they're opposite. And if you were asked "what's the opposite of cat?", many of you would answer "mouse". Why? The same argument applies. Doesn't that mean that a dog and a mouse are the same thing? Wouldn't a more correct answer be "snake"? Or even better, "fish"? Just something that I was thinking about last night. I miss Binsk.
Don't forget that we've got a theme coming up! Halloween night (Wed/Thur). Be half-nekkid in your costume. Or be scary in your half-nekkidness. Some of us already have a head start in that area!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Two Tags

We all know how I love to do these things. But they certainly come in handy when you've got nothing better to offer!

This one's from Tish:

    What music are you currently grooving to?
    As symphony concerts come up, I tend to listen to recordings of what we'll be playing. So right now, it's Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 3. Recorded by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Bernard Haltink. Since you were wondering...

    What, if push comes to shove, is your all-time favorite album?
    Jesus Christ Superstar - the original soundtrack from the early 70s (the brown one). I could listen to that for hours on end (and have). After all, I was King Herod about 10 years ago! Edit: Thought about this one last night. I would also put "Thriller", by Mr. Jackson, up as a possibility. There's a reason this is the #1 album of all time worldwide. It's a great album! The production value is superb, the songs are diverse, and this was MJ in his prime--before the plastic surgery, attraction to little boys, and when he was still black.

    What was the first record you ever bought? And where did you buy it?
    Well, I used to steal 45s for awhile from Woolworth's. But like Tish, I believe my first album must have been one of the Monkees' albums. Maybe the Cowsills. Oooh, no! It was Snoopy vs. the Red Baron by the Royal Guardsmen!

    Which musician have you ever wanted to be?
    I've wanted to be one of the back-up musicians for Jimmy Buffett for a long time.

    What do you sing in the shower?
    Also like Tish, I don't sing in the shower. Partly because I live in an apartment, and no one would appreciate it. Partly because I used to get paid to sing (and play trombone, etc.)--I don't need to do the shower thing. I often wake up with a song in my head that was somehow in my dreams... But nothing specific.

    What is your favorite Saturday night record?
    In Without Knocking, Mission Mountain Wood Band - There's not 4 of you who read this who have ever heard this album, but it's great to sing along with or to dance to. I have worn out 2 copies of this album, and currently have 2 copies (one unopened). Of course, I also have the CD of it too!

    And your Sunday morning record?
    Sort of depends if I've been drinking on Saturday night. If I have, then I can listen to anything by Diana Krall. If not, then I'll listen to some big orchestral piece - Russian or eastern European composers, preferably...

The second tag came from Kate. This time it's a "7 Things" one. They don't even have to be weird, from what I see!
  1. My name was on a "list" at my niece's soccer game over the weekend. I didn't have to pay. No one knows why it was on there. No one else in the family was on the list, including her mother, and my niece didn't know I was going to be there. Quite mysterious.
  2. I've been checking out YouTube for old cartoons, and found one of my earliest memories of one--"Beanie and Cecil". Anyone remember that one? Now I need to find "Fireball XL-5"!
  3. There's a pizza place in town that we used to go to in high school to eat the pizza buffet and drink pitchers of beer (drinking age was 18). I went back over 25 years later, and the first bite of pizza tasted exactly like it did in high school. Amazing how we can remember senses like that.
  4. The girl that I dated at the end of my senior year of high school is the oldest sister of the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons.
  5. I have been involved with 4 different stage productions of "Grease", and seen two others. The movie by the same name is an absolute travesty.
  6. I was smitten by a girl in the 4th grade (she gave me her picture!). Then her family moved to Denver. Then back here. She was Miss Montana '76, and will most likely run for Attorney General here next year.
  7. If pressed, I'd say that my favorite Looney Tunes cartoon would be a toss-up between "Robin Hood Daffy" ("Ho, Haha, Guard, Turn, Parry, Dodge, Spin, Ha, Thrust!") and "One Froggy Evening" ("Hello, My Baby!").
As is my practice, I'm not tagging anyone!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Still time to contribute and/or donate!

So both of the state universities have home games less than 90 minutes away, and the local college has its big rivalry only an hour away. What sort of crowd can you expect for the nationally ranked soccer team? Not much. Add to that a sunny, but windy cold day, and you get fewer. See the snow up there in the header? While some of you are basking in the balminess, it's colder than a witch's refrigerator here. (click 'em to big 'em!)

Here's S3 and S2 scarfing down some lunch with Mom and Dad in front. To my parent's credit, they stuck around for the whole game! (truth is, it really wasn't THAT cold...)

Oh, yeah--there was soccer on the field, too!

That's my niece on the left, in the breeze and the cold. I quit taking pictures when I realized I brought the wrong camera to get any decent shots from the stand. BTW--they beat the University of Lethbridge, 3-0. Go Saints!
Once again, all the local football teams I root for won. My old HS team has outscored its last two opponents 120-0. Not too bad. My Griz (#1 in the FCS) won, the Bobcats (#13) won in the snow and mud (not really a team I root for, but I DID get a degree from there once), and Carroll College (NAIA #4, but will move to at least #3 this week) beat MT Tech. Damn, I love small college football!
Speaking of my old HS, look for them during the Toyota Halftime Report tonight and next Sunday during the Sunday night NFL game! You won't see me, but you should look for it anyway!
Some sadness around. Seems to be alot of severe health related issues in the bloggie world. To bloggers, or parents of bloggers. Of course, almost all of it is somehow connected to cancer. Rather than list them all, just send some general prayers and good vibes to anyone out here who needs it. On a personal specific note, especially for Moose.
Once again, Tish tagged me, as did Kate. I'll get to them soon!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Blurry HNT

First off--feel free to click on the logo up above to get over to the Boobie-Thon site. There's an ample collection to be ogled (including a good supply of your fellow HNTers!), but only if you contribute $50 or more for the privilege! All the details can be found on the site. If you're to cheap to do that, there's still some great covered boobies to look at too!
You know, sometimes you can look at the hand that life has dealt you, and know exactly how things will look in the future. At other times, the hand leaves you with a fairly blurry view. Seems to be happening alot with my friends lately (and surprisingly, not so much with me right now!). That "next step" ahead isn't as defined or as obvious as they'd like. In one instance, it could be the step that allows them to start their life over from scratch. In another, it could ruin their life as they currently know it. And in yet a couple of others, a step is necessary, but other circumstances will dictate whether the future is blurry or not. That could be the worst sort of blurriness.

As for myself--I didn't intend this to be my HNT this week. I was going for a shower shot from behind the shower head. This was the result. No Photoshop. No image manipulation. And I don't recall that the shower was particularly steamy this night. I couldn't replicate this shot to save my soul. But the blurriness certainly seems to work for the day. Sometimes the blurriness hides a wonderful surprise!
This week's Mystery Guest is one of my favorite redheads of HNT (oh, who am I kidding? I love ALL the redheads!). This young lady works in the education field (seriously, this isn't a MG trend), and is a fan of metal music, with a touch of punk, too! But then again, she likes the MTV "reality" shows. Go figure! She loves her hockey, as do all of her countrymen (a hint??), and also splits her love between two guys in real life. One at home, one a continent away. She's fun, she's hot, and she has a great bunch of friends. Does it sound like I'm rambling on here??

If you think you know her, feel free to ask her. I'll be revealing her identity Thursday afternoon.
This week we were treated to the loveliness of the Maple Leaf's biggest fan, Hella! Stop by and let her know of your appreciation!

"...the Other HNT" still is a bit boobie heavy, thanks to those who sent a couple of shots last week. But there's definitely some non-boobies, too! Be sure to stop by and leave some comments! As usual--NSFW!

Some of you like having a "theme" for HNT. I can't say I disagree much with that thought. I usually do 4-5 themes during the year, and try to get the word out so that everyone knows. Inevitably, there's a few that don't know about it. Usually those who only show up here once a week (WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???). The reason that I don't do more is because it sort of takes away the individual HNT process. Coming up with something that is being revealed (remember--it's not all just T & A. Or P) is still crucial to HNT. To come up with a picture just to match a theme takes away from that. So I don't think I'll be changing that.

That being said... Plan on a Halloween theme for Thursday, Nov. 1st. That allows for pictures taken at parties on the weekend, or even as late as Wednesday night! Look for details later!
One last reminder! Click the button!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

It's October!

One of the things I've found after almost 30 months of HNT is that I can sense the fluidity of participation probably better than anyone else. And the fluidity of those who comment, and those who simply lurk. Of the participants, I would say that we are currently in what I would classify as "third generation". The third new wave of people who have found out about HNT and have joined the group. I'm happy to say that I've gotten to know a few of them through chats an emails. It's a good group!

Of the commenters and lurkers--many have followed this third wave. Just from some of the comments on my HNTs, other's HNTs, or even the anonymous site, I can tell that many of them are new to all of this as well. And with that, comes a little confusion or misunderstanding. So some clarifications:
  • Thursday's HNT had very little to do with me, and everything to do with Evening. While I received some comments about what a great post I did, it was all her, and she deserves all the praise for the week. She's a courageous woman--I'm glad to call her a friend.
  • There wasn't an official theme last week. I contacted some people who have done the anonymous site before to ask for boobies, but it wasn't an official theme.
  • While the boobies on the anon site, or on Evening's boobie site were wonderful, they are not BoobieThon! BoobieThon is a highly organized, well conceived concept, run by people who have already spent numerous hours and days to put it together!
  • While the boobies we posted were appreciated, they are just a sample of what you'll find on the BoobieThon site. You should go there now.
Many bloggers submitted pre-launch pictures so that you could have something to look at in the early days of BoobieThon. I perused the participant list, and found no less than 10 HNT regulars who have submitted already! I had thought about doing another anon week with a boobie emphasis, but I think all the attention should go to the official site, so things will be "normal" around here this week!
I went out last night to drink beers with Just.A.Girl. We had a nice time. But I awoke to a helluva hangover. I haven't had a beer hangover in ages, so this caught me by surprise.
I had hoped to get out to take some pictures of the foliage in the mountains, but we had snow and rain on Friday night, and it was gray and wet on Sunday. And I was hungover. I think I might have lost my window of opportunity...
All of my football teams won again this weekend. Sorta makes me wish I had some money on all of them!

It's my mom's birthday today! Happy Birthday Mom!!