
Thursday, March 14, 2013

It always happens this way...

I had a routine doctor's appointment this morning.  The results of which were a bit on the disappointing side (I blame winter and a change in meds). 

Knowing that I needed to fast and hydrate so they could take blood easily, I didn't eat anything after dinner last night, and only drank water until bedtime.  When I woke up, I opted out of the first thing I do when I get out of bed (peeing, for those who have a different routine), since I knew I'd be asked for a urine sample.  I even sucked down two more glasses of water before heading to the appointment.

The results of my fasting/hydrating?  They still had to bring in three different people in an attempt to find a cooperative vein to draw blood from.  That finally worked.  Then when the pressure came to pee in a cup, it took me about ten minutes to piddle out maybe half a cup.  That's half a pee cup.  Not four ounces.  I was pathetic.

Of course, I've had to pee three times since getting to work...


  1. I remember having to drink a litre and a half of liquid before an ultrasound looking for kidney stones. When I finally got in to see the doctor, I wasn't nearly as full as I was supposed to be and he sent me out and called the next patient in. I ended up almost peeing myself cause I had to wait 2 hours before getting the ultrasound. :(

  2. I'll gladly give you some of my horribly prominent veins. Each time I get my bloods done, the nurses ooh and ah over my veinage! A little creepy actually...

  3. They can never find my veins either. they poke and poke. It just great.
    Too bad you have a shy bladder. I can only image the pressure.

  4. I've got large prominent veins that should be easy; so I often get the less experienced people. That's usually still OK; but occasionally, they do something wrong, freak out, and go running for help while I'm sitting there bleeding.
