
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

HNT Reminder and stuff

Don't forget!  The great HNT experiment is next Thursday (April 4th).  If you've missed what it's all about--we won't do HNT on our own sites, but send everything in to the OHNT site.  Email your pics to no later than next Wednesday afternoon.  We'll see if there's any interest in keeping HNT going every three months...

I know that not all of you follow me on FB, but I put my 2¢ there about the same-sex marriage debate and the blossoming of the red/pink equality image that everyone adopted as their profile pic.  I tried to write something profound, but ran into mental blocks. So I kept it short and sweet:
SCOTUS--Find that same-sex marriages are legal. They don't really hurt anyone/anything. But keep your nose out of decreeing that churches must allow them (that whole separation of church/state thing).
CHURCHES--If your denomination accepts such things, go marry a bunch of same-sex couples. If it doesn't, then don't. But keep your nose out of the others that do.
GOVERNMENT--Fix the government. Same-sex marriage should be low on anyone's radar. It should be a non-issue.
FB--I'll be happy when I don't have to be bombarded daily with gay-positive posts. It should be a non-issue.
PERSONAL--I'm not going to change my profile pic to the red equal sign. And I'm not ever going to join Twitter.

Easter is almost here!!! In spite of my delicate condition, I might have snuck in a Cadbury's egg or two over the past couple of weeks...

Speaking of Easter, it's a weird family situation this year. Normally, it's one of those "meet at Mom's for dinner" things that almost the entire family gathers for. This year though, no one's in town. S3 and her family are in San Diego (I think) for spring break, and I'm not even sure if N3 is with them. She might still have classes in Missoula. S2 will be here, but N1 has to work in Billings, and N2 is in Philly for some sort of training. S1 and her hubby are in Portland. So it's just me, Mom, and S2. We're going to go out for dinner. But it's so weird with just the three of us!

In case I don't make it back here (which is entirely probable), I hope you all have a Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

She'd have been 35 today...

Ya know...she sort of faded away from us for a spell.  And she was sort of forgotten.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let that happen anymore...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It always happens this way...

I had a routine doctor's appointment this morning.  The results of which were a bit on the disappointing side (I blame winter and a change in meds). 

Knowing that I needed to fast and hydrate so they could take blood easily, I didn't eat anything after dinner last night, and only drank water until bedtime.  When I woke up, I opted out of the first thing I do when I get out of bed (peeing, for those who have a different routine), since I knew I'd be asked for a urine sample.  I even sucked down two more glasses of water before heading to the appointment.

The results of my fasting/hydrating?  They still had to bring in three different people in an attempt to find a cooperative vein to draw blood from.  That finally worked.  Then when the pressure came to pee in a cup, it took me about ten minutes to piddle out maybe half a cup.  That's half a pee cup.  Not four ounces.  I was pathetic.

Of course, I've had to pee three times since getting to work...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

HNT n' Stuff

To start out...a reminder about HNT!  After hearing from some of you, I'm going to experiment with doing HNT once every three months.  BUT, rather than bothering with your individual blogs (many of which no longer exist), you'll send them in to me and I'll post them all on the OHNT site.  That seemed to work pretty well in Dec.  We'll see how that works.  SO...plan on April 4th as being the next time we try.  And spread the word!!  That gives you a couple of weeks to come up with something!

Lots of change happening--Pope Francis made his first appearance this afternoon.  I had the 'Chimney Cam' open on the side of my window at work, and happened to catch the first wisps of white smoke come out, so I was hooked to watch the coverage for the next 90 minutes.  We'll see what the future brings for the Church...

I am SO jacked about the daylight staying later!  The mornings aren't too dark, and there's plenty of light after dinner.  Add to the mix that the temps have been in the mid-60s this week (what?? in Montana in March?)  What's not to like?  Bring on Spring and Easter!!!

Symphony stuff is plodding along.  We have two more concerts left in the season.  It hardly seems like any work at all compared to the last couple of years.  Which isn't to say that the concerts won't be spectacular!  Just that I'm much less stressed about the production end of things.  Then I jump in with both feet working on the summer concert in July.  The feet have gotten wet already, but the real work starts towards the end of April.

Apparently, Facebook is in the midst of ramping up a new format that no one has requested.  And Google is getting rid of its Reader.  Why do these internet companies keep messing with things that aren't broken???

Where have all the people gone??