
Thursday, October 18, 2012

"The Return of HNT"

Sounds like a b-movie horror flick, doesn't it?  Appropriate, I suppose, for the season.

Yes, there's going to be a return of HNT!!  Don't get insanely excited though.  It'll just be a one-time appearance, marking the first anniversary of its retirement.

It'll be just like it always was, complete with the "I'm ups", the blog-hopping, and insightful comments. 

"But Os," I can hear some of you saying.  "I don't have a blog anymore!" or "I haven't blogged in so long I don't remember my password!" or "I've become a respectable mommy-blogger.  I don't do that anymore!".  Not to fear.  I'll post over on OHNT too, for this one-time return.  And you can do it anonymously over there like the old days, or you can have your name posted so that we know you joined in but can't do it on your own for whatever reason.  And if you want (need) to do both, I'm certainly not going to talk you out of it!

So circle the date--Thursday, December 27th.  This gives you two months to remember how to do all this again.  And be sure to make mention of it on your own sites (for those of you who still blog), as there's quite a few who don't stop by here anymore to get the word.  And because many of my friends on FB allowed me to be friends over there because "HNT" would never be mentioned, I can't make a general announcement there.  So spread the news! 


  1. I may just have to join the fun.. :)

  2. hahahha, my (in)appropriate!

  3. I'm pretty sure I'll be participating ;)

  4. Yay!'s really almost been a year?

  5. You sure know how to make a girl smile. I'm warming up my camera... ;-)

  6. Naughty-I here:) So my blog is no longer running and hasn't been for a while now but I'm interested in celebrating the one year anniversary of the retirement of HNT.

  7. :) :) :) :) :) :) Miss you xoxo

  8. i will be flying back from maine that day, but i'll see what i can do. :~)

    i'm finally back to posting- two musical ones in a row. not sure i can keep that streak going, though....

  9. I'll come out of retirement for it. Woo hoo! Very excited. :))

  10. Ahem, may I also point out that your HNT can be fun and silly and PG and still be an HNT so play!!!!!!

  11. Great idea! I'm going to have to get permission since I'm engaged to be married and all.

  12. Very fun idea. I'll have to think of something creative!

  13. I'm glad I stumbled upon this announcement. I'll have to start planning something juicy. :) Well, you know what I mean. ;)

  14. Good morning Osbasso,

    Now I really have a reason to be disappointed if the world ends on the 21st.
