
Thursday, September 20, 2012

So neglected...

This poor blog has seen better days. Days when hundreds of people would stop by to read whatever drivel I had to spew. Not so much anymore. I don't really have a reason for its decline. Life was awfully hectic before that last symphony concert in early May, and then jumping right into the summer concert plans, then road tripping and getting sick in August. I'll use those as my excuses, in spite of the fact that they're pretty lame, excuse-wise. If you'll notice, my football teams are back up on the sidebar, so I'll at least be back once a week!

Speaking of football, you most likely missed last week's score updates.  For the first time in at least a decade, ALL THREE TEAMS LOST!!  The Griz lost to Appalachian State, which is tolerable.  They are two of the most successful programs in the FCS since 2000, so it was bound to be a good game.  And they only lost by a late touchdown.  But Carroll was BLOWN OUT by Montana Tech, their undisputed most hated opponent, by almost three touchdowns!  Hope that was just a one-time thing, since they had played quite well against Portland State in a losing effort the week before.  Portland State, who plays 2-3 divisions higher than Carroll (Carroll had a realistic chance of winning, too!).  Finally, Capital lost by one in triple overtime, failing to convert a two point conversion to win it all.  (I'll be paying a little more attention to this team for the next two years, as my only nephew is playing varsity now.  Sort of does everything!)  All in all, it was a weird weekend for my teams...

Autumn is scheduled to arrive this weekend. It's going to come in awfully quietly, as the current heat wave here is expected to stick around for at least another couple of weeks. With no precipitation. Bad news for a state that's extremely dry and suffering from a blanket of smoke from fires in Idaho. But honestly, I'll enjoy every 80°+ degree day we have!

I'm working on a political post (EEK!) for sometime soon.  My observations, for what they're worth.  I've already mentioned on FB about the nastiness that's hit there.  Friends unfriending friends, name-calling, etc.  And the graphs/gifs/memes/stories from supporters of both parties putting down the other (notice none of them really build themselves up, but knock the others down?).  It's going to be a long October at this rate.  Be sure to check back!


  1. I'm convinced no one bothers to do research about candidates any longer - they just hop on Facebook and share what sounds good to them and get nasty when presented with anything that doesn't support their views.

    More than anything it just shows that as quickly as we can get factual information these days, people would rather spend under 10 seconds spewing their inaccurate filth.

    Sad ...

  2. It will be interesting to hear your political thoughts. I'm not huge on politics, but the U.S. politics is about the only thing I'll follow mildly (very very mildly) apart from the Italian politics I'm forced to submit to. And even then I follow even less mildly than the US politics.

  3. You may have lost followers because of the lack of nudie stuff. But what you are left with are the genuine article. People who follow you because of who you are.
    Politics? Until each candidate is allowed and equal amount of money for their campaign and the debates are such that they state what they believe in and EXPLAIN HOW THEY HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH their isn't even a fair "fight."

  4. I like a political tussle as much as the next girl (well, probably disproportionally more than the next girl) as long as it's informed, which ultimately needs time and, like Dana rightly said, research.

    Let the games begin...

  5. I know that you are Mac user but, for some reason, your sidebar isn't formatting properly in Internet Explorer 9 although I doubt that's the reason you have fewer visitors. Blogging just doesn't seem to be a popular as I was in the old days.

    Regarding the upcoming election, you actually have it pretty "good". We live in a "swing state" so we're drowning in political advertisements. I don't know why people pass all that stuff around on FB. It never changes anyone's mind. I know what's going on (or not going on in Washington) want to know what's happening with THEM.
