
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just a bunch of stuff...

Hmmm...what to write...

Symphony concert went well on Saturday night. A bit more busy work than I had anticipated doing, but it's all part of the game. October, on the other hand, I anticipate will have all sorts of busy work to do!

My football teams seem to be on a roll. The Griz defeated the defending national champion of the FCS (who are now's tough to be on top!). Cats are winning too, though they haven't beaten anyone of note. Looks like Gucci and I will be having another bet this fall! Trust'll want to be rooting for the Griz!

The weather here has been great for the most part. In fact, we'll be hitting the mid-80s by the end of the week. For as cold and rainy as the summer started, it's certainly making up for it now!

Had a bday dinner thing Sunday night. No kids!!! Not by design, but by circumstances. Two away at college, one flying back from a trip to Alaska, and one with basketball practice. It's the way these family dinners are going to be in the future now...

The family dinners are always a great way of hearing stories from our past that not everyone knew about. This time around it was the story of how my sisters broke the news to my parents that I was in the hospital, but wasn't in a near diabetic coma anymore. The fun and hilarity ensued as they tried to convince me that this all happened on a Thursday night, when I knew it was on a Friday night. They were all so certain of this I started to wonder if I was as bad off as it sounded. A quick check of my paperwork (and FB and blog) verified that I was correct. Even though I was the one that was in lala land!

Theme Alert! - Don't forget that we've got a theme coming up! It's going to be "Post-it®" HNT on October 6th. See last week's HNT to see more details!


  1. I won last year; I'll win this year. I have no fear.

  2. Your family dinners sound like fun.

    The theme has me wondering if you're being sponsored by 3M? ;P

  3. Interested to hear more about this bet... And who wins what?
